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SteamID64 76561197991815195
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Country Switzerland
Signed Up December 31, 2014
Last Posted July 28, 2015 at 11:15 AM
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#8 random jitters, help please :( in Q/A Help

tried disabling multithreaded rendering, still get the jitters :(

posted about 9 years ago
#5 random jitters, help please :( in Q/A Help

dual booting ? what is that ? As for the temperature the max it has reached on pubs is 68 (°C) for the cpu and 54 for the gpu so all good there. however, and I'm not sure, but it seems that "Attemped to precache unknown particle system "grenade_smoke_cycle"!" appeared in my console when I got a jitter. I also get "Model '(null)' doesn't have attachment 'backblast' to attach particle system 'rocketbackblast' to." a lot to but doesn't seem to cause any jitter. Anybody got any idea what I should do ? And yes I checked, my processor is enabled to run at 100%

posted about 9 years ago
#3 random jitters, help please :( in Q/A Help

this happens with default config and with performance config. I verified the game cache, it got 36 files back, but in the end it changed nothing. Still jitters, even though it seems that now there's no pattern anymore, headshots work fine, but when I have jitters it seems completely random.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 random jitters, help please :( in Q/A Help

Ever since I got my new pc, my game runs better BUT I've experienced random jitters, it's hard to find a pattern in this, but it happens most of the time right when I kill someone, sniper headshots seem to always cause one (a quarter of a second or so of being stuck on the same picture), but there are other occurences. Does anybody have a clue as to what may cause that ?
I really need help :(

posted about 9 years ago
#98 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion

As much as I would like valve to support comp tf2, they just don't make sens at all :

TF2 : Valve releases a ton of stupid unbalanced crap and tells us they want us to play with it in competitive formats.
DOTA 2 : Whenever there's a big change to the way a hero works, they remove it temporarily from the competitive format to see if it's broken or not first based on feedback and stats and stuff.

Please valve, start making sens, this alone makes you look pathetic to me

posted about 10 years ago