Hello everyone,
My name is Maros. I’m a psychology student from Slovakia. I used to play TF2 competitively—some of you may remember me from the past. I’m conducting an academic study on the experiences of prolonged social isolation (hikikomori), focusing on loneliness, anxiety and depression—and how they are interconnected. I'm looking for participants who are willing to talk about their experience anonymously.
This topic is personal to me as I’ve experienced a hikikomori-like lifestyle myself. That period of my life was one of the reasons I chose to study psychology. My goal is to shed light on the realities of hikikomori and contribute to a better understanding of this phenomenon.
Who is a Hikikomori?
A hikikomori is someone who experiences prolonged social isolation and spends most of their time at home. They may leave their house, but only when necessary (such as buying groceries), and even then, no more than three times per week. To qualify as hikikomori, this pattern of isolation must have lasted for at least six months.
Why participate?
Your voice matters – Your story can help improve understanding of hikikomori and bring awareness to this phenomenon.
Completely anonymous & no pressure – You decide how much you want to share, and you can leave at any time.
A chance to reflect – Talking about your experiences may help you process your thoughts and emotions.
Helping future support efforts – This research aims to contribute to better resources and understanding for hikikomori individuals.
TF2 mentoring/coaching – I haven’t played TF2 for some years, but I competed in prem for a while. As a small reward for participating, I’d be happy to provide mentoring/coaching for lower div players/teams (my knowledge is outdated, but I can still help with fundamentals).
The research consists of:
- A short online questionnaire (5-10 minutes)
- An online interview (audio-only, no camera)
To participate, you need to:
- Be a hikikomori (prolonged social isolation, 6 months or more)
- Be at least 18 years old
How to contact me:
Discord: maros_tf2
Email: maros.terefenko1@gmail.com
Please don’t contact me on steam, it has been hacked recently. Although I have changed my password, still it would be preferable to contact me on discord (just to be safe and to avoid scam attempts).
If you’re interested or have any questions—whether about the research or about me—feel free to ask.