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Last Posted February 22, 2018 at 6:07 PM
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#25 Map Callouts Origins. in TF2 General Discussion

So on the original Gullywash underneath last point (Where the small health pack is) was filled with water though I think Arnold removed this fairly on in development though so very few people probably actually played that version.

Hildreth was right about Infused (Former Twisted Play) creating the term River. IIRC it was because the song Riverside was big at the time and they needed a name for that place of the map so they started calling it Riverside as a bit of a meme and because they were one of the teams who played it the most—as it was only just coming out and wasn't in the regular map pool yet—the term just got adopted by others through pugs and mixes. Obviously, it was shortened to river for convenience.

I'm less sure about cheese on Snakewater but I always believed it was because you would check that area for a 'cheese' play aka a soldier or scout hiding there. So you'd check for any cheese plays while capping mid to ensure your medic would be kept safe and that was the most common area for people to hide when the map was first popularised.

Other than that most call outs are named about something specific in the room or area that made it unique. I'm pretty sure shithouse came about because it was either a shit version of actual house or more likely because it looked like an outhouse aka a shithouse.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Tip of the Hats 2016: Day 3 in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#59 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

As promised here are my top 5 players and final thoughts:

Going forward I'm probably going to write a more in-depth piece about coaching in TF2 and at i58, maybe some unlock stuff too

posted about 8 years ago
#56 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion
LeyrSo CX's allstar team would be

Stark (Crowns)
Haffi (Crowns)
Mike (FT)
Sil (FT)
Paulsen (JT)
Raymon (Crowns)

I can't disagree with that. Only difference for me would be maybe Astt instead of haffi, but that is more off of my own parameters of pocket scout rankings instead of one player out performing another.

Just wrote something along the same lines with a few thoughts about my rankings and a bit of a summary

(Will release my top 5 player rankings later on today)

posted about 8 years ago
#53 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

The final instalment of the individual player rankings at i58, the demomen:

Tomorrow I will do a release a top 5 players overall with some other surrounding thoughts and summaries of the players at i58

posted about 8 years ago
#44 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

I promise never to say Haffi is good again. I apologise i'm only european

Every pocket soldier rocked it at LAN, here is how i ranked them:

posted about 8 years ago
#18 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

Pocket scoot, pocket scoot

posted about 8 years ago
#16 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylPhoenix21bearodactylits not hard to play medic when u literally have a 7th guy sitting in mumble doing the main calling for you and all u have to do is the'd know right?not sure what youre trying to say but i was at the event and sat behind kaidus to see his perspective for a few minutes, though it wasn't as if he was only speccing raymon and microing him (iirc it was more that he watched spudd as demoman is the class he knows the most about), he did do quite a bit of calling for the team which took a huge load off his back
id say probably 50% of medic is comms (pushes, uber advantages/disadvantages, etc.) and without as much emphasis on that (having other players who are very vocal on the team helps from my exp, can only imagine another person would do the same) all you have to concentrate on is dodging & positioning which is ezmode
edit: thats not to say that he didn't do well and that kos did better, but it should be taken with a grain of salt especially given how close the finals ended up being and how many silly mistakes were made by both medics (i wanted to cry when raymon walked in far right and got dropped by thalash on sniper when there was <90 seconds left to push process last)

Think after these rankings are done I might write a bit about the coaching situation, too big a topic to cover during these

posted about 8 years ago
#13 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

New post for the flank scouts this time, enjoy!

posted about 8 years ago
#6 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

New post out, contrary to my twitter this time the roamers are judged.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 CommanderX's Blog - i58 Player Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys,

I have started a blog, it can be found here:

Going to start it off by doing some rankings for each class at i58 from players from the top4 teams (Did not see enough of anyone else to comment on their performance fairly)

Going to be releasing a different class each day and then a top 5 overall on the seventh day.

My writing isn't really very good but hopefully there are some decent opinions in there somewhere... no promises.

A snippet as suggested:

I thought Phorofor was going to be the best medic this LAN, I think he has been the best medic in America since Shade stopped playing full time. With a wealth of experience around him in-game in the form of TLR and b4nny this would supersede any first big LAN nerves.

What we got instead was a mixed bag, while there were no outstandingly bad plays that may have cost his team crucial maps, as with Dave, the entire LAN performance from him seemed underwhelming. He had his moments where he survived situations he should not have, but he never seemed settled. Much of this will be down to the hectic nature of Froyotech’s comms that always make a medic’s life more difficult. However, saying this Phorofor’s best feature has always been his positioning rather than his mechanical skill, perhaps his positioning was off, perhaps all the damage classes were just playing off the chain. Most likely a bit of both, either way Froyotech was probably not the right team for Phorofor at this event but there was not a step up in the way we saw from other players and more importantly for this ranking other medics.


Post so far:

i58 Player Rankings - The Medics
i58 Player Rankings - Roamers
i58 Player Rankings - Flank Scouts
i58 Player Rankings - Pocket Scouts
i58 Player Rankings - Pocket Soldiers
i58 Player Rankings - Demoman
i58 Player Rankings - Reflections
i58 Player Rankings - Top 5 Players Overall

posted about 8 years ago
#42 thalash in crowns? in TF2 General Discussion

I think AMS is playing scout for them?

posted about 8 years ago
#13 i58 vlogs in TF2 General Discussion

Follow me on twitter, will post a bunch of stuff or just follow the #i58TF2 hashtag

posted about 8 years ago
#49 i58 Showmatch: Crowns eSports Club vs. Full Tilt in Matches
cirloSince when the server time limit pauses at the end of a round? Was this nice change made in an update or is it a plugin?

I noticed that too, presume it's an update

posted about 8 years ago
#479 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowMarterthantheaveragebearHoneybadger is the best medic in eu who is still active
idk if you're trolling or what but he's not even playing medic this season, so by the same metric you could put raymon in that pool

and he's definitely not better than raymon, even if you did put him above kos/perm/condom/ondkaja

I'd rate that as a highly unpopular tf2 opinion

I meant an active as in stillz plays the game full time aka hasnt quit.

Raymon might be better but hasnt played med in 3-4 seasons?

posted about 8 years ago
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