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SteamID64 76561198115594594
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Country France
Signed Up February 20, 2019
Last Posted March 6, 2023 at 1:10 PM
Posts 15 (0 per day)
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#1 An observation. in The Dumpster

posted about a year ago
#64 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#79 TF2 player vocabulary in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#29 Fight Event? in The Dumpster

in tf2 only 2 weight categories : under 100 pounds and over 250 (edit for my eurohomies : thats 40 ish kilos and 110 ish kilos)

cant wait to see the beef fights between a 5'3 femboy and a gigantic overweight furry

posted about 2 years ago
#15 pornhub purge in Off Topic

How am I supposed to beat my meat to the admins moms now fuck

posted about 4 years ago
#15 Quitting + my story in TF2 General Discussion

Ça fait 3 heures et tu me manques déjà :(

posted about 4 years ago
#66 RGL Bans in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 4 years ago
#22 Do you regret all the hours you've spent on tf2 in Off Topic

definitely not.
Picked up the game when I was 15, now I'm 22, I went from a teen to a young adult all while playing this game, during the good and the bad times tf2 was here whenever I felt like booting it up and I (almost) always had a great time with it.
I love both the serious and competitive aspect of the game as much as the super goofy casual / community side of it (although now with the bot crisis and all I dont play pubs as much as I used to). the difference of feeling from the stress and intensity of a grand finals to some laid back custom gamemode server full of people from all over the world sums up very well the way I feel about this game.
I met awesome friends through tf2, travelled (and will travel again, poland 2020 hype) across europe thanks to it, learnt how to manage a team of people, and in general improved both as player and a person through it.
And yea, some people in the community are just walking trash cans but who gives a fuck, I'd rather enjoy my time with the awesome people instead which is still a very vast majority of the community. We always tend to remember the bad over the good and thats why all the drama sticks to us and makes us think the community is rotten to the core when its really not.

So yea, thanks tf2, and thank to all of you from the community, I'll keep playing this game for as long as I can :D

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Christmas story in Off Topic

Al Hamdulillah brother

posted about 5 years ago
#63 You guys were right. in Off Topic

I was the medic in that clip from Troy, allow me to explain what happened for a bit of context:

-Stalemate, even ubers, both teams holding choke. Me Offside and Wolfy (pocket) are around the choke, flank scout and roamer in big door, pocket scout coming back I think
-All of a sudden offside commits into the choke and dies. Then Wolfy follows up a few seconds after. Neither of them called that the enemy used their uber, and so being left alone and vulnerable I decide to get back a bit on the top of the point to be able to run if noone is here to protect me, and I call it just so that the flank knows.
-Offside starts barking at me that I should not be getting back, and rather using my uber onto wolfy who was already dead. I try to explain to him calmly and rationnaly that I did not hear a call for a trade, and so I decided to back out.
-Offside pauses the game, kicks me from discord and urges me to leave the game, which I chose to do for the sake of the scrim, not without a good laugh tho
-In the meantime on steam offside insults me further on my origins, and overall makes a monkey of himself as usual. I tried again to explain to him that not only did I not hear a call for a sacwave, but also that soloing our soldier when we had no demo and the enemy team had one would only result in their demo stickying ground for free, preventing us from pushing further after uber and allowing them to repush into us, especially without a pocket scout on our side.
-Bwaaah Bwaaah you're disrupting the calls with your bullshit I'm maincaller I dont care about your explanations Bwaaah
-I went forward and added wolfy to ask him if he actually heard a call for sacwave, which he confirmed, so I apologised to Offside on that matter, and requested an apology on his end for being openly rude and racist towards me, to even things out and bring a positive closure to the incident. He never did. His teammate however did apologise to me on his behalf, kinda like how a mom would apologise about their toddler throwing a tantrum in a supermarket over v-bucks, because he's a very special young boy.

But hey, at least with this autism I got to meet Wolfy who turned out to be super chill and a talented soldier ^^
10/10 would get called a french retard again

EDIT: After re-watching the clip I see that Wolfy was not actually dead at the time I died, but he was deep in already, and not having heard the call for a sac I chose to run away.

posted about 5 years ago
#19 You guys were right. in Off Topic
jorskicrab emoji doesnt work,

Here, let me help you

>,o,< OFFSIDE IS >,o,<
>,o,< GONE >,o,<

posted about 5 years ago
#3 You guys were right. in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
#67 ETF2L player falsely banned for supposedly aimbot in TF2 General Discussion
ryry (...) The Demoman went left on every former rollout & would always beat me there because, well, I’m useless at jumping. I probably should have practiced it, haha. I decided to (...)

Useless at jumping but god tier DM?
hol up

posted about 5 years ago
#61 ETF2L player falsely banned for supposedly aimbot in TF2 General Discussion

Btw yall dont you find that strange that he is speaking through his FMC leader rather than defending himself in here?
To me its a big red flag, it feels like something a petty attention seeker would do, the ban, the giant rant, and then proceeds to go radio silence in the thread

posted about 5 years ago
#18 big chungus waddles into Premier in News

Are they playing on the PS4 tho

posted about 5 years ago