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Signed Up January 7, 2020
Last Posted October 11, 2024 at 1:04 PM
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#1 Name Change Request in Requests

From Ryuk to Maven (famous)

Just "Maven" is fine if little bobby tables is an issue but all of my other social media has the (famous) at the end so it would be a little left out.


posted 2 months ago
#9819 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

I got 2 for you guys

posted 2 months ago
#2 Fragvid recording 2024 in Videos

I would highly recommend the program Méliès for generating the VDM files and scanning demos along with something like SVR or SparklyFX for actually rendering the footage itself.

I'm admittedly a little bit biased because I made the program but Méliès is an extremely powerful tool for automating clip recording. You can use bookmarks from the auto-recording demo system that valve has built into TF2 but you can also scan demos themselves and pick out events from the demo.

As for the encoder, SVR and SparklyFx are both amazing.

SVR can actually record FASTER than real time (significantly so at times) so adding that to automation means the recording process itself is extremely quick and takes little effort on your end.

SparklyFX is also really fast but more importantly, it has the ability to record streams and mess around with the visuals of the game. This allowed me to create the effect in the LAN opener video as well as everything in the LAN frag video. While technically I could've done 80% of it by just re-recording the same thing over and over, having multiple streams record at once saved me HOURS!

If you just want a fairly basic replacement for what you're used to I would recommend this tutorial by Shears TF as a great starting point. Otherwise if you want to be able to use the whole thing to its fullest extent, you can join the Discord and we'll be happy to get you started and learning anything you could ever want to know.

posted 2 months ago
#10 RGL Guess The Div in Videos
lootis there a list of all the players whose clips have been used?

Just made a Gidhub repo for that.

Everything here is obviously a spoiler

posted 7 months ago
#12477 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#11 Ryukbot Recording Tool in Projects

It's been a long time since I've updated my post here, but a LOT has changed.

Ryukbot is fully prec supported now, everything works cross platform between the two and it will just auto-detect whichever you're using without caring at all. For the rest of the post, I will be using ds commands instead for consistency.

Ryukbot now has a modding system where you can use different binds to tell Ryukbot HOW to record each clip when it gets to it within tf2. It's simple to pick up and is designed to be readable. Here is an example:

"run 'thirdperson' on 'bookmark' value 'thirdperson'"

This changes the recording of the clip to third person without you having to do anything more than hitting "ds_mark thirdperson" instead of just "ds_mark".

Using that same modding system, you can also record any STV by just telling it when to record each player.

Lawena and HLAE are also fully supported (they never weren't technically but it's official now) through the recording method "lawena".

SVR is also fully supported, and all settings will change over automatically to be compatible just by changing the recording method to "svr".

There's also a lot of smaller improvements that make it a great automation tool if you're sick of having to scrub through your demos after every match to find the perfect clip.


posted about 2 years ago
#4 Ryukbot Recording Tool in Projects

It's been awhile since I've updated this post so here's some things.

Ryukbot has been updated to now have its own easy to input section to film whatever you want from whatever demo you want easily.

The biggest feature to it however has to be LogFrog. LogFrog takes links and converts them into something Ryukbot can use. It then records all of your streaks and med picks from the whole game extremely easily.

Now recording is as easy as Ryukbot and a link.


posted about 4 years ago
#3 Ryukbot Recording Tool in Projects

its like lawena if it was used like shadowplay. Instead of ever having to actually find the clip it does everything for you. it finds the clip records it and jumped to the next one. then it automatically goes to the one after it as well. The whole project is in the name of automation.

also it doesn't require virtualdub tho if that's the method you prefer it can be enabled to record in tga by simply editing the settings.

I developed it cuz I bored and too lazy to find clips while watching my own demos and now I'll never need to find my clips every again because they simply record for me.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Ryukbot Recording Tool in Projects

I've seen a lot of different ways to record tf2 over the years I've been playing this game, the most famous being OBS, Lawena and shadowplay. All of these options are good but none of them really fit what I needed so I made my own!

Ryukbot is a recording tool directly from .dem to .mp4 in clips a lot like people would use for frag videos (the original purpose of the tool). It takes the tick the event happened, which can be given either manually or by using the demo marking features of PREC and Valves internal version of PREC, then records short (by default 18 second) clips around the area of the tick given.

Once everything is set up if you get a kill hit a button run ryukbot and play the demo. It will record everything for you without any effort on your end!

I've used it for years to record all of the footage on my youtube channel if you need examples of what it can do otherwise here is the TRAILER

To download join my discord where I take feedback and keep everything updated:

I wont be posting or reading much here so please join or message me on discord if you have feedback or ideas: Maven#1999


posted about 4 years ago