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SteamID64 76561197961272955
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Country United States
Signed Up June 27, 2013
Last Posted June 19, 2023 at 7:56 PM
Posts 731 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
#16 Why my hitsond don't work in Customization

Do you have this in your Autoexec?

tf_dingaling_wav_override hitsound.wav

My hitsound didn't used to work and I had to add that in, not sure if it will work for you but worth a shot

posted about 9 years ago
#14 /r/tf2 determines ugc mts yosh is hacking in The Dumpster
yoshi would be more concerned that i wallbanged a guy

So you actually did shoot through the barrier thing?

When we saw that happen in a mumble everyone could have sworn that had gotten fixed in a previous version. Or the STV not matching up with what the Sniper actually sees in Scope

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Tip of the Hats event donation incentives in TF2 General Discussion

Since Pass Time came out maybe you could set up a 6v6 pug with donators, Invite players, etc

I enjoy playing Pass Time and I'm sure it could be really interesting to watch without 3 engies per team

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Demo lft Mid/High Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bumping, am free this whole week

Add me if you still need a Demo

posted about 9 years ago
#4 neeko lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Played with him at the SoCal LAN

Good player and is a strong pick up, easily high open

posted about 9 years ago
#44 Team Leading Incentives (If You're LFT READ THIS) in TF2 General Discussion

Turns out I will be able to play this season thought I wouldn't be able to because of school stuff

Lft Demo, add me if you need one

posted about 9 years ago
#162 ESL Cologne in CS2 General Discussion

Virtus Plow

posted about 9 years ago
#51 Is in-game shit talk a good or a bad thing? in Off Topic

I don't mind shit talking but when it turns to racial slurs, bigotry, etc is where it crosses the line for me

posted about 9 years ago
#143 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but in the config it says you don't have to remove dxlevel from your launch options.

You don't have to remove it but if you keep it in there it causes alt tabbing to take a long time, usually 30+ seconds. It's best to remove it once you've put it in there to put your game to dx 8 or 9.

It's best to have it in your launch options, launch the game, close the game, then remove it

posted about 9 years ago
#177 match stats in Projects
smoboFingers crossed for "real" dpm not counting overkill damage (looking at you, spies). And hopefully older logs can be viewed with whatever new features are being added!

I actually like logs better because of that

If a Scout has 10 health and a pipe him, I did 100 damage to him even if it only required 10 to kill him.

I do agree about the Spies backstab damage.

Also is there a possibility for stv integration like there is with sizzlingstats where you can go to the logs and have access to the stv if it was set up?

posted about 9 years ago
#35 we need to talk in TF2 General Discussion

Does anyone know how CS:GO goes about preventing DDosing at the majors?

Qualifiers for Cologne happened a couple weeks ago and there was no DDosing despite much more being on the line there not just in skins and betting but in qualifying for a Valve funded major

posted about 9 years ago
#63 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion

I personally believe it should be banned, adn I'm a Demo main

Double Donks in competitive play, both 6's and HL, are mostly luck from what I have seen and when I have gotten them. You have to get the direct hit to even think about getting the double donk and outside of spamming chokes getting direct hits against players who have good movement is extremely difficult even for really good demos such as Kaidus, Duwatna, Bdonski, etc.

So let's say you do get the direct hit now you have to get the direct hit within half of a second of the cannonball exploding. The timing changes at every range, having to charge it for almost the full time at close range or just tap shooting it at longer ranges.

Thirdly the charge timer is affected by your ping. As someone who mains Demo and regularly plays with 80-90 ping it explodes anywhere from 1/3 to 1/4 of the meter left on my screen. This makes double donks for me a mostly luck based mechanic. While I'm sure it explodes much closer to the 0 meter left if you have lower pings such as 5-20 not every one has low ping. Because of this I only run the loose cannon on maps where I know I can tap shoot and get double donks while being at a safe raneg

There is also the problem of knowing where to stand on certain maps to just tap fire the Loose Cannon and get double donks such as on Viaduct under your cliff to the enemy cliff, Gullywash from left spawn to shutter, or Badlands upper right to the main choke. I'm not 100% sure if the knockback scales with range but if you are getting directs when they are coming through a choke point which isn't hard seeing as it's a chokepoint they will get knockbacked while the demo is in relative safety. With Pyro you risk getting killed because you have to be up close to actually knock the uber back. As far as I have seen no NA demos do this, but a lot of the EU demos will switch to the loose cannon on last holds to knockback players.

The damage as well isn't always the same, it can do 30, 60, 90 or 141 damage and you never know how much it will do it until you hit someone with it or someone gets hit with it. With pipes you know you will be doing 100 damage on a direct pipe and 30-40 damage on a roller.

I don't think Medics should have to pop even earlier because when they are coming through a choke they don't know if they'll take 9 chip damage and get double donked and die or take 60 damage and get hit by a sticky. With the grenade launcher they know if they are going to have to pop or be able to milk. With the Loose Cannon there is no telling

posted about 9 years ago
#129 Funny tf2 misconceptions thread in Off Topic
MrFahr3nheitMaxillawsMy dad watches my play sometimes and asks about 6's and HL. When he sees that people actually protect the Medic he asks me why people don't do that in pubs. A separate time I explained why Scout was the best class in 6's now, which a big part was the Demo nerf. He asked why Demo got nerfed and I said because people in pubs complained. His follow up question was "Why don't Heavies, Soldiers and Pyros get nerfed as well?"

He asks when I have scrims and the such and always wants me to come play against bots with him

I also spent 3 hours teaching him how to rocket jump the other day which was pretty fun.
Your dad sounds like a pretty cool friendo

He is, he used to play CS and TFC back before steam was created in the late 90's. Got me introduced into games just after steam came out. He stopped playing for a while and I got him back into them a year or so ago.

He was watching the SoCal LAN stream and messaging me about what they were talking about while I was playing which was cool

posted about 9 years ago
#123 Funny tf2 misconceptions thread in Off Topic

My dad watches my play sometimes and asks about 6's and HL. When he sees that people actually protect the Medic he asks me why people don't do that in pubs. A separate time I explained why Scout was the best class in 6's now, which a big part was the Demo nerf. He asked why Demo got nerfed and I said because people in pubs complained. His follow up question was "Why don't Heavies, Soldiers and Pyros get nerfed as well?"

He asks when I have scrims and the such and always wants me to come play against bots with him

I also spent 3 hours teaching him how to rocket jump the other day which was pretty fun.

posted about 9 years ago
#116 goodbye~ in The Dumpster

I'm just wondering where he got all of these names from because I've never heard of him in my life outside of this thread

posted about 9 years ago
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