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Signed Up January 4, 2016
Last Posted January 6, 2016 at 10:04 PM
Posts 8 (0 per day)
#29 I need some relationship advice in The Dumpster
KevinIsPwnMclane_TwilightVomitBut even if it did last I don't know how I could live knowing my other half carries around a bag of poo everywhere she's called a colon dude, we all have one.

yes but i dont carry mine in a bag

posted about 9 years ago
#27 I need some relationship advice in The Dumpster
Conkyowlhis name is Mclane_TwilightVomit boys

please stop responding

Look at his profile for gems like this
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div 6 platnim engi and soldiar
my hobby is converting jews to christ

im gonna own every soldier hat

so you're making fun of my profile now??

posted about 9 years ago
#23 I need some relationship advice in The Dumpster

why can you people stay civil? im here seeking advice

i feel like my head is all over the place right now, just some friendly help would do me a lot of good now


posted about 9 years ago
#19 I need some relationship advice in The Dumpster
owlhis name is Mclane_TwilightVomit boys

please stop responding

what is your problem?

posted about 9 years ago
#13 I need some relationship advice in The Dumpster
fuzionhow have you never heard of that

how old are you what the fuck

well im not an expert on what doctors do and stuff

bl4nkSounds like you're still a virgin

mind your own beeswax

vetiaI think you need more than relationship advice.

i guess i maybe over reacted a little, but it is pretty disgusting tbh

posted about 9 years ago
#1 I need some relationship advice in The Dumpster

I was in a relationship with this girl for 6 months and I had known her since primary school. We were considering have sex for a while but we wanted to wait until the right moment (we're both virgins). When the moment came we undressed to our underwear. Then I looked down at her tummy and saw a little bag, I asked her what it was and she said it was her "colostomy bag". I saw that it was attached to her so I looked closer and saw there was a tube going into her belly. The bag had a see-through window and i saw what looked like bag of shit being fed into her body. I freaked and shouted "ew ew ew ew ew ew", i then told her to "get the fuck out of my sight". she started crying but i was too freaked out and in that moment my feelings towards her changed. we got dressed again and she left the house.
She tried to text my for 2 days but i didn't respond, then she got one of her friends to contact me and she explained what it was. Apparently it's a real medical thing called a "colostomy bag" and she has one because she had her bowl removed when she was a kid and so the shit couldn't leave the butthole anymore.
It's been 5 days since that happened and I'm too scared to talk to her. How do I make her understand that I was weirded out by the fucking bag of shit she carries on her tummy!? How the hell was I supposed to know she had her bowl removed? Although I does explain why she had thin hair between the age of 7 and 12.

Should I try and make up with her? And if so then how should I do it? I ditched my previous girlfriend of 2 months for her so I was hoping the relationship with her would last. But even if it did last I don't know how I could live knowing my other half carries around a bag of poo everywhere she goes.


posted about 9 years ago
#685 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster
SmesiOld but worth posting.

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hi im the creator of that artwork

posted about 9 years ago
#9 How do I deal with toxic players on my team? in The Dumpster

find a team of trolls, not tryhards

posted about 9 years ago