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Signed Up November 5, 2014
Last Posted November 6, 2014 at 3:43 PM
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#27 eggHUD in Customization
Yeah the font used for the HP/ammo is also used for quite alot of stuff on the HUD so it may change way too much. You could just make a new "font" label for just the ammo and HP, you're welcome to add me and chat about it, but yeah don't have alot of free time right now with work and study.

I added you on steam accept me when you have the time :)

posted about 10 years ago
#24 eggHUD in Customization

Hello! I have a question

I don't like how the ammo text and the health text/numbers look I think its too narrow and thin
how do I make it so it is like the normal one I still want the awesome color on the text/numbers

I think it's called the Font

Btw I love the hud it's Amazing!

posted about 10 years ago