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Last Posted August 7, 2018 at 12:54 AM
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#385 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

I'm surprised that this has reached a head. I had a hard recoil from being involved in financially supporting the tf2 community after the i55 situation. I never publicly told what happened, but it seems like the timing is appropriate.

An invite player would stream tf2 with me as his only viewer. One evening, he was pugging and was in mumble with others. While waiting for a game, Showstopper plays a racist video of Obama. Showstopper then proceeds to comment on the video and repeatedly call Obama a nigger. At some point, Ash chimes in with "I love how racist you are! I fucking hate niggers too!" This went on for a time, but that assertion stuck with me.

At the announcement of i55, I donated ~$600 to Ascent and ~$1,300 to my then favorite team Froyotech. My plan was to foot the entire bill to send Froyo to LAN as a surprise. Before realizing this, Froyotech decided to pick up Ash to plug a hole in their roster. There was no way I was going to pay for a self proclaimed racist to go on vacation on my dime to play video games. After I asked for a refund of my donation, Ash was encouraged to write an apology letter to change my mind. While in the process of writing the letter, he, showstopper, and others were in mumble resentfully referring to me as a nigger.

In 2 years I donated over $20K to streamers and the tf2 community. That all came to a screeching halt and so did my enjoyment of spectating competitive tf2 as an esport. The fallout strained and in some cases ended the relationships I had with members of the community. Here's to hoping the community removes the cancerous elements for the sake of its own health.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Six-figure Froyotech in TF2 General Discussion

Over how many years divided by how many players? #lamestat

posted about 6 years ago
#166 froyotech disbands in News


posted about 9 years ago
#51 ash leaves froyotech in News

was only a matter of time.

posted about 9 years ago
#141 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
saamMedRedWouldn't it make more sense for me to fuck him with the truth now than wait until after it won't affect him?no because nothing you say is going to affect him at any time

you're right, peace out.

posted about 9 years ago
#128 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
dummyMedReddummybowswer5What exactly are people trying to accomplish by trying to doubt or question MedRed's reasoning for refunding the money? It's a lot of money he didn't have to give to the community and if he no longer wants to donate to a team with a new addition he doesn't like then a refund is completely understandable. Backlash on the people who want refunds just because the community cares more about Froyo playing at i55 than the fundraiser donors isn't going to bring that money back and it certainly won't encourage people to donate for these events.
It's not that simple. The execution of everything is more about his position in the community and attention. Look at how he recites his gaming resume (which only consists of how much money he donated) then even points out how he doesn't have mod in those streams? He places such importance in his "position" that somehow not having mod was relevant i guess?

A normal human being would have rescinded the donation, explained to froyo, and that would be the end of it.

That's exactly what I did.

you made a huge deal out of his apology, which resulted this disgusting putrid mess of a thread, proceeded to recite your gaming resume (which is quite impressive i might add!), then stated you would out ash about more shit after i55, because now that you no longer have money to rescind you still need the upperhand in some other way. Did I miss anything?

Wouldn't it make more sense for me to fuck him with the truth now than wait until after it won't affect him?

posted about 9 years ago
#114 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
dummybowswer5What exactly are people trying to accomplish by trying to doubt or question MedRed's reasoning for refunding the money? It's a lot of money he didn't have to give to the community and if he no longer wants to donate to a team with a new addition he doesn't like then a refund is completely understandable. Backlash on the people who want refunds just because the community cares more about Froyo playing at i55 than the fundraiser donors isn't going to bring that money back and it certainly won't encourage people to donate for these events.
It's not that simple. The execution of everything is more about his position in the community and attention. Look at how he recites his gaming resume (which only consists of how much money he donated) then even points out how he doesn't have mod in those streams? He places such importance in his "position" that somehow not having mod was relevant i guess?

A normal human being would have rescinded the donation, explained to froyo, and that would be the end of it.

That's exactly what I did.

posted about 9 years ago
#111 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
ObiMedRedB4nny refused, and even then I refrained from using my donations ($1,100 to b4nny and $1,337 to his team) to force them not to pick up Carter. Maybe I should have, but I am not Froyo's sponsor and feel I should have no say so in how b4nny runs his team.
so you didnt use money to force b4nny to remove ash. then you take away money to make ash look like a villain and change the roster. MOTIVES QUESTIONED.

I tried my hardest to keep it under wraps. I didn't post a word and only talked to members of froyo, dashnerr, and eXtine. I never would have said Ash's name. Of course, gossip ensued. I've had many people recount their "through the grapevine" stories to me over the past couple of days. Many absurd, but none as egregious as reality. My intention was to keep it quiet.

posted about 9 years ago
#107 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
TwilitlordNobody CARES how much you've donated to streamers dude

have you done anything in this community that doesnt involve piles of cash

You mean like playing the game since November 2007? Hosting the west coast players every night for two years on the Xbox 360 so they had a place to play with a good connection? Shoutcasting with eXtine in the TWL days? Sponsoring an early team without once asking them to do something because I was the sponsor? I guess it's not much, but it's something.

posted about 9 years ago
#94 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
alec_this kid feels like he's god because he's the only person with a lot of money who cares about this game
your money is literally the only reason anyone gives a fuck about what you think
xothis is so dumb. You leave this much power to one guy, he's bound to abuse it and throw it around. Though, this was really in any one's power whom donated a ton of money to the fundraiser, but they chose not to do this. I don't agree with anyone's decision. The decision with the least amount of fuckery/drama would have been to just get over ash's racist remarks.

It's very interesting to watch people weigh in on the situation without the facts. You realize I've donated in excess of $7k to streamers since January right? I am mod on ZERO of their streams. At one point, Duwatna and I had a falling out and I never would have dreamed of hanging anything I've donated over his head. The only things I have ever asked for from any of the streamers in return for donations is that they do their best to win scrims/matches and for Duwatna to bake me a batch of cookies. The only time I ever asked for special treatment based on money I donated was in asking b4nny to divulge to me their soldier resolution after hearing rumors that they were going to pick up Ash. B4nny refused, and even then I refrained from using my donations ($1,100 to b4nny and $1,337 to his team) to force them not to pick up Carter. Maybe I should have, but I am not Froyo's sponsor and feel I should have no say so in how b4nny runs his team.

posted about 9 years ago
#82 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
CorsaMedRedWhen i55 is over, I will post the series of events that lead up to now. You will see it is FAR more than Ash and showstopper using nigger. It is far more than getting "offended by anything anyone says on the internet." I'll leave it at that. Back to your regularly scheduled program.
Banny was nice enough to give you a refund. The least you could do is actually explain why you fee this way.

b4nny did the right thing because I was doing the right thing.

posted about 9 years ago
#80 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
lighthousePeople take what ash says seriously?

I mean do what you want with your money, but seriously you are screwing over five other fine gentlemen who just want to go to Europe, just because you take offense to something someone says? Lighten up dude. Now because of this the $1300 dollars has to come from people who maybe don't have that kind of money available but just really want to watch some great video games.

You don't see Froyo saying I was not justified in my decision, do you? It's unfortunate, but in this world there are consequences for actions. These aren't donations to starving kids in Africa. Carter is going on a paid vacation to Europe to play video games on the community's dime.

posted about 9 years ago
#70 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion

When i55 is over, I will post the series of events that lead up to now. You will see it is FAR more than Ash and showstopper using nigger. It is far more than getting "offended by anything anyone says on the internet." I'll leave it at that. Back to your regularly scheduled program.

posted about 9 years ago
#58 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
dummyIm not telling you to accept the apology, im wondering why you are publicly declining it as if it was addressed to you specifically

I am publicly cock blocking his bullshit.

posted about 9 years ago
#55 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion
dashnerMedRedashSo the last few days have been a wake up call for me. I've been using insulting words freely without realizing how badly it affects my team and our scene. It's immature and unprofessional especially when representing one of the top teams in the game, as well as disrespectful. The damage is kind of done but I still wanted to just apologize to anyone I might have offended. I'm really looking forward to i55 and I know this wouldn't be possible without the community and their donations. I don't want this event to be stained as a result of my behavior and I sincerely apologize about this and will be trying to conduct myself professionally going forward.
I don't know if b4nny encouraged you to post something, but I was really hoping you would keep quiet. I'd love to believe this, but I'm fully aware that I personally became a "retard" and a "nigg er" after rescinding my contribution in addition to the events that led up to the retraction in the first place. Let's just call this what this really is...damage control. I do not accept your apology as I know nothing has actually changed. Your behavior and that of others like showstopper is cancerous.

He didn't have to make this post at all. He could have just ignored it entirely.

I believe you taking offense and asking for a refund is 100% justified but come on man. Are we supposed to punish someone for showing remorse now? Froyo could have just refunded your money, moved on, and gone to i55 regardless and ignored this entire situation after b4nny made his post.

Please see below. I'd be shocked if Ash wasn't encouraged to say something.

dummyowldummyman you're vindictive

what do you want him to do?

He said what he wanted him to do: just shut up

I'm not really one to get offended by words but I kind of doubt that this actually changes anything for ash. Maybe he turns over a new leaf and stops saying dumb shit constantly but probably he continues to be a beacon of class for other retards who love his wacky antics

Ash doesnt say anything -> everyone flips their shit that he's not even apologetic. Feel free to debate the sincerity, but trying to publicly decline his apology seems like an attention grab to me. It's more of an apology to the community anyway, If it was for medred he would contact him privately. Should we have every single person debate, accept/decline his apology on this thread now? I just find it confusing to respond to an apology with such hostility, If I found it insincere I wouldn't fuel the fire by arguing about it on the forums, but okay, I guess ash should have just hid away and never acknowledged the situation.

Remember, I wasn't the one making tftv posts after what was witnessed or adding a video guaranteed to have a fat number of views to my youtube channel. That would have been an attention grab. I don't care for Ash's apology because it's not real. He's sorry he's put his new team in a bind financially. He's sorry that he looks bad. He's not sorry for his actions. He told me it was my problem I was offended after he delivered a crowd sourced apology letter all while mf'ing me before, during, and after delivery. He went out of his way to call me the very thing that started situation AFTER I was not going to accept is apology and seek the refund. It's sad that simply saying "i'm sorry" is enough satisfy you. I'm sorry I'm not a sucker... Do you see how that works?

posted about 9 years ago
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