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Signed Up July 21, 2012
Last Posted May 8, 2024 at 4:31 AM
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#2 OZF 15 Premier Recap in News

just a small correction but jasmine won gran and ego won process

posted about 8 years ago
#33 OZF 15 Grand Final: ego vs. Jasmine Tea in Events

he is fueled by the loss of his comrade brutalix and is now getting his revenge

posted about 8 years ago
#32 OZF 15 Grand Final: ego vs. Jasmine Tea in Events

geoh playing out of his mind

posted about 8 years ago
#3 weird people on youtube in Off Topic

that was really difficult to watch omg

posted about 8 years ago
#17 OZF 15 IM Grand Final: UNI-cycle vs. The Resurrected Six in Events
DreamboatI saw some people in chat argue over laan picking up an australium scattergun on viaduct while Johnny grabbed the controversial paintrain on granary. While both are illegal there's a key difference, the outcome of the round and map.

Laan picked up a different scattergun skin, lost the round and lost the map.
Johnny swapped his bottle for a paintrain (+2 capping) and capped points to win the round to force golden cap.

Laan's doesn't matter because the team that did not break a rule won the round and map. No reason to change the results because it either would change nothing, or benefit the team that cheated. Rewarding the round or map to tr6 because laan picked it up is moot because tr6 already won both. Forcing a replay benefits uni since it gives them a chance to get back into the map.

Johnny is different because the weapon swap had an impact on the round, which his team won. Overturning the map gives uni the win forcing map 5, over turning the round means that the map would have ended 1-0 uni forcing a map 5, or forcing a replay at 1-0 uni are the options.

Basically, tr6 won viaduct despite laan breaking the rules. Uni lost the round and subsequently the map potentially because of the impact Johnny made by breaking the rule.

On a side note, curious on people's thoughts as to whether picking up skins of the same weapon (ie picking up a corsair scattergun when holding a regular one) should be illegal. I feel it can be allowed as it doesn't change the build up of a team, simply a mild asthetic.

if you're being pedantic an argument could be made that the picked up gun could have more ammo even if its a reskin

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Talent, skill, and coordination in Q/A Help
SideshowI don't think you can make that argument at all, and it's wishful thinking to believe it.

There are real genetic differences between people's reaction times, intelligence, logical thinking, etc. Even if you discard all of the genetic differences, your entire wealth of personal experience before you picked up TF2 already mapped out how you'll mentally approach the game and how you approach the process of learning and improving.

There is obviously innate talent in people that defines a skill ceiling - look, for example, at the people who DO train as hard in sports, or practise madly in esports, and still fail. They might even train and play better, analyse the game better, but still lose. The same can be applied to sports, where athletes train all their lives in identical conditions and can lose out to training partners or w/e who have better natural ability.

Work and the refinement you achieve hones your natural ability and brings it close to your personal ceiling, but you don't have the ability to be the next Usain Bolt if you just try hard enough. And to genuinely tell people they do is disingenuous and very hard to believe.

In terms of TF2, most people I think should be able to achieve an Invite level or w/e reasonable level you want to set. There's a small playerbase and it's not that hard even if you have little natural talent.

Also your final point is largely bull too; loads of players have not improved since 2014, or are just as good as they were, or have gotten worse, even if some are better. Also, just because some people improve over time (duh) doesn't mean everybody can improve infinitely until they're the best.

I should have made my point about tf2 players improving clearer. I meant teams at the highest levels of play in general not specific players(top play at i49 compared to i55 for example). Otherwise of course some players stay at their level or decline over time.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Talent, skill, and coordination in Q/A Help

I respectfully disagree with clockwork. I think any genetic advantage someone might posses for something like tf2 is negligible even at the highest level of play. I don't think there is any innate talent involved that defines a skill celling for you so to speak. The people who are the very best at something are just the very best are refining their skills and finding the best ways to improve (whether they know it or not).

I think anyone (as long as they're healthy and not somehow handicapped by something out of their control) can become as good as the best tf2 player there is (and better even seeing as there shouldn't be a limit of how good you can be at something).

I could be wrong but I don't believe that in humanity's history there has been any case where we reached some sort of an upper limit in a field. People always constantly improve. The same can be observed for tf2, if you watch players from not too long ago, from 2014 for example, you'll see that they suck compared to now.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Evolve's TF2 FPS Config in Customization

so much fucking hostility the fuck is your issue idiots
if his config is crap just don't use it christ

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Brutalix leaves core Jasmine Tea roster in News

+dave/sole (who are both just gods at medic) and this team should have no problem winning idk no big deal

posted about 8 years ago
#7 OZF 15 UPP: Jasmine Tea vs. ego in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#7 Decent Mumble to hang around in? in Off Topic
ShdSteelfatswimdudehow much are you willing to payNo offense, but I'd much rather pay for the presence of a decent looking escort than pay for over the internet chat with more likely than not underage children or early 20's adults.
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But even then I rather not do that as that involves sharing my booze.

what the fuck does that mean

posted about 8 years ago
#6 ranga in for eL cLaSsIcO in News
Chriz_Tah_FahTFW you realize that the last letter of each sentence spells "memes" as well as the fact that wretch DEFINITELY did it on purpose.

how the fuck did you notice that LOL

posted about 8 years ago
#10 TF2 stuck on fast forward for local servers in Q/A Help
SmytherI hope you weren't thinking I literally have a dedicated server instance running on my machine to connect to and knew I was hitting "create server" in the main menu. But regardless, I threw that command in my cfg in the hopes of preventing that again.

yes ofc I knew that. restarting the game (quitting tf2 and relaunching) is different than restarting the server (changing the map or simply changing to the same map again). I have no idea if having the command in your cfg would work however entering it manually does.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 TF2 stuck on fast forward for local servers in Q/A Help

It's not that specific map (although it could be a map issue still). Also restarting the game is different than restarting the server. Even though the console will tell you that host_timescale's value is set 1 I assure you that entering the command would fix it.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 TF2 stuck on fast forward for local servers in Q/A Help

easy to fix
enter these commands in console upon starting the server:
sv_cheats 1
host_timecale 1

EDIT: I responded after your post by 23 seconds but the reason it got fixed is because you restarted the server, not because of the bot command.

posted about 8 years ago
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