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Last Posted March 10, 2015 at 1:53 AM
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#14 S14 ESEA-O Scout LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

asks me to MGE him when im in the middle of a pug in the pug mumble talking over everyone and kept asking.. messages me on IRC asking me to MGE him and give him MGE tips and adds me then posts "come on" on my profile and removes me. can't say anything other than that about this guy as i don't really remember much about this guy. just that he spams me about MGE. probably not very good.

posted about 11 years ago
#258 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


shittin' on dflame

posted about 11 years ago
#11 gen's hot sister looking for back-ups in Recruitment (looking for team)

come on devon???

posted about 11 years ago
ghos7ayamaMikeikeikeikeikeikeSaberwhy would you wear that shirt in public
the girl who gave me that shirt in the same day was there. plus it makes me look like a douche so any time anyone is mad at me, i link them to this pic and laugh really hard.

ur a faget


posted about 11 years ago
Saberwhy would you wear that shirt in public

the girl who gave me that shirt in the same day was there. plus it makes me look like a douche so any time anyone is mad at me, i link them to this pic and laugh really hard.

posted about 11 years ago


This one is to all you h8rs.

posted about 11 years ago


serious pic this time.

posted about 11 years ago
#64 Improving #tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyI think if anything, this thread let you know exactly why/who needs to not be allowed to play. But all that has past, and I'm done with it since I made my point. Continue this thread please.

How about the guy trying to get someone banned who didn't do anything to break the rules because he's upset about a 4-5 loss.

posted about 11 years ago
#53 Improving #tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion
neromikes bad... i carry harder than he does and im awful http://stats.atf2.org/log/dallas_1357524540_badlands/

thanks man.

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Improving #tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion
miwoMikeikeikeikeikeikehttp://stats.atf2.org/log/dallas_1357547700_badlands/We won in this game 4/5 last caps because we went through bottom/flank and capped the point because it was wide open, not being covered by scouts.

You could have fragged 5 people as sniper from main and we still would have won because nobody was covering that exit.

Nice stats, though.

the whole point im making is, it wasn't my fault we lost. as think clearly stated in our discussion. and kirby clearly wants to get me banned for.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Improving #tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion
eulogy_kirbyfrag count doesn't matter in a game like TF2. .
so true

http://stats.atf2.org/log/dallas_1356690300_gullywash/ (i wanna be like mike and show off stats too)

saddest day of my life... first loss in tf2mix =[

my fault too

im using them to reinforce my argument and recount events that happened, you're not.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Improving #tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion
lucrativestop banning people for off classing when they are not trolling/legitimately winning with their respective class. so many times ive seen "Admins" in this channel just abuse their right to ban an opposing player for offclassing clearly because they were mad, not because the said off classer was trolling. Off classing is a common thing in comp tf2, invite players do it, IM players do it, there is no reason for there to be a rule saying players are not allowed to offclass if they are not trolling or they are winning with that strategy.

Also don't get admins that will pull the "you are offclassing too much" shit whenever they get upset they just lost to a heavy or sniper and ban them.

You are literally describing think. I've seen this think guy ban someone over spilled milk. Plenty of times, and then the guy will try to argue that think is in the wrong even in a polite manner, which later turns sour because they realize how stupid think is and then think increases the ban length.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 Improving #tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion
kirby#38 Because I would say plenty of people agreeing would suffice for proof.

#37 He was trying to explain why running an offclass, especially sniper, for an entire game is almost completely useless to the team. He also ended up having to try and explain to you that frag count doesn't matter in a game like TF2. You were continuously trying to "troll" Think by disagreeing with everything he said and tried your hardest to keep coming up with examples as to why he's wrong.

No. Here is where your logic is flawed and you come undone. I had the most scattergun kills, how is that possible for someone who went sniper the entire time? Think was the smart guy who decided to assume I do this every pug. http://stats.atf2.org/log/dallas_1357478400_badlands/
A pug from the day before, where I was nothing but scout. Everyone else offclassed but me. Think stated earlier in the argument he bets I do this every pug and I should be banned for it.
But no, you're not trying to blame the whole loss on me because you know you can't. But I'm the only one you're trying to get banned for this, so that leads me to believe what you just said earlier is a lie. Think was upset at me for off-classing and wanted to blame the loss on that, so I said I'm the only one getting kills and he said kills aren't what matter and I said he's retarded. That was the convo since you don't remember. You should be banned from speaking until you get a brain.I'm going to insult you because you're a fake person.

posted about 11 years ago
#36 Improving #tf2mix in TF2 General Discussion

This was my last TF2mix I was in where my teammate Think was saying I was useless to my team... because I wasn't carrying hard enough or something? idk... He got off-topic and tried to explain to me how to play TF2. So I called him retarded and he said he was going to ban me from TF2mix, so I left mumble when the match was over and didn't continue the argument. Sorry guys if this situation bothered anyone but think.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 LFT esea-o backup / cevo in Recruitment (looking for team)

just another classic thread of the tf2 community being nice to new players.
decent DM, looking to improve. 120hzmonitorftw

posted about 11 years ago
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