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Signed Up November 6, 2015
Last Posted January 11, 2019 at 8:37 PM
Posts 207 (0.1 per day)
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#7975 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#7972 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#7968 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#7953 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#72 Daily dog images in Off Topic

Sally says Hi :)

posted about 6 years ago
#7917 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#15 LFT S28 in Recruitment (looking for team)
faust_hayesthe more concerning problem is why you think you are capable of playing top 3 IM on BOTH roamer and pocket. top 8 demo is a large stretchMilanConsider yourself lucky you happen to get on a team that was dedicated and functioned like normal humans to make the top 4.
did i hate milan in the past? -yes
do i still hate milan? -no
did milan just claim a team with georgi and amulet on it can't function like normal human beings? -yes
do i think milan has one of the biggest egos in im? -yes

it's 2018 stop replying to comments on your lft

Stop making assumptions, only bit that applied to this past team was the lack of dedication from a couple players and at times the mumble atmosphere would become slightly toxic due to a certain individual . I was referring to the likes of n3, perfection and Neo when I said i'd prefer having normal humans for team mates.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 LFT S28 in Recruitment (looking for team)
hayesthe more concerning problem is why you think you are capable of playing top 3 IM on BOTH roamer and pocket. top 8 demo is a large stretch as well. imo his skill range is closer to a bubble playoff team, and I can't imagine a serious argument about why you are capable of playing any higher.

You come in here questioning why I think I'm capable of playing on a top IM team and then give your opinion of my skill level without any reasoning behind how you came to that conclusion either. I have easily had one of the worst lucks when it has come to finding a stable team in this community due to the reputation I have, I'd get one tryout a season and it would be for a team no one else wanted to play with. This past season was the first time I got the chance to play with mostly non-toxic team mates and yet the season still ended with the team not scrimming 2 weeks before playoffs and playing without our pocket/leader. People may consider me egotistical but I'm just blatantly honest, i don't claim to be an amazing scout because I'm well aware how bad I am at the class but I'm more than confident in my projectile capabilities. Consider yourself lucky you happen to get on a team that was dedicated and functioned like normal humans to make the top 4.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 LFT S28 in Recruitment (looking for team)


Looking to play roamer/pocket on a top 3 IM team, I'd also be interested in playing demo for a top 8 team. Willing to lead the team if needed given the individuals aren't toxic/immature. Sometimes I'm not free to scrim till 10pm. I'd like a chance to play on a serious team for a change.


posted about 6 years ago
#2 Georgi LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Georgi has a solid attitude and is pretty dedicated to improving. He's a good pickup for any playoff IM team looking for a demo.

posted about 6 years ago
#2805 PC Build Thread in Hardware
KhakiI had a few questions about a new prospective build

first, i was told some time ago(more likely about 4-5 years ago, my long term memory is is basically nonexistent) that the max amount of RAM you'd really need to run any PC game is 8gb, it seems that that's changed as of recently, as far as I've seen most new AAA pc games seem to have a minimum requirement of 8gb RAM. So I was curious, what would be the optimal amount of RAM for a new build, assuming money's not a big issue? I'm fine with paying more for the best amount of ram, but I'm fairly certain the 128gb maximum RAM most mobo's these days have would be overkill

Also, Seems like the best CPU at this point in time would be the i7 8700k as far as gaming goes, but from what I've seen the i9 7000x series adds a decent amount of performance for a lot of PC titles. Again, assuming money is no issue, Would an i9 be a good choice for a new build, or does is it's performance not have much of a difference from the 8700k?

16gb is the way to go currently concerning ram if you're only gaming/browsing the web since you won't run into any issues with 99% of the games if any at all. Concerning the cpu, since games care alot more about clock speed rather than core count the 8700k keeps up really well with the 7000x, the difference is too minimal between the two to even consider the i9 for the price you're paying(even if price isn't an issue price/performance matters). It's gonna be a long time till games are able to use that many cores effectively to see a bigger performance difference between the two. I'd recommend going for either the 8600k/8700k if this is a gaming build.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 TF2 Pro League announced in News
SlicerogueI do understand that elo ranking seems to be a nice way to make people try, but otherwise it also makes people very toxic in losing situations. There was a reason pugchamp removed its elo system. OTherwise it seems like a great thing to have.

Are you saying people don't care about losing pugs currently? People who become toxic to their team solely due to not winning will behave this way, with or without elo. Not saying elo doesn't have an effect n people's behavior but it's not big enough to be considered worth removing.

posted about 6 years ago
#23 LFT S27 (Roamer,Demo,Pocket,Med) in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump :D

posted about 7 years ago
#2 How much power is needed for TF2 at 120hz? in Hardware

i used to play on a laptop with i7 6700hq + 960m on at 120hz so you should be good with those specs. Believe i got about 170 fps in 6's and 130 in pubs (it dipped to 90 at times) also i'd recommend going for the one with the gtx 1060 given the prices of the 3 options.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 which 144hz? in Hardware

I personally have an LG 144hz monitor and it's been reliable for the past 2 years (note: i got it second hand too)

posted about 7 years ago
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