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Last Posted December 16, 2013 at 11:01 PM
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#125 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
OblivionagesmoboFirst, way to -frag Lange for trying to guide this community toward something almost respectable. Shame on him.
I don't think it's necessarily because no one agrees with his intention but the average guy is going to read what steve had to say and feel some anger towards Elena. Lange is definitely right. But for the average person on this forum, not a lot of people know how Elena is or the background of the conflict so we just go off of the OP.

Also, you saw how Elena made fun of Steve for being asian and 'small' so you can't fucking tell me that we can't insult her back. That's the problem with society. Everyone is a pussy. In real life if someone calls you a chink or something else racist, you're not going to go "Sorry but let's try to be civilized here and talk this through." You're going to sock the motherfucker.

On the topic of your first paragraph, I don't think anyone should base any opinion off of one source. As you said: The average person is basing their opinion off of one person (the OP), instead of going into that IRC themselves and getting a first hand account. Or asking someone they know outside of this forum. When they have just one source, they are looking at only a single facet of the argument. This is mostly generalized information, it applies to most of anything.

On your second paragraph, it might actually be the inverse of that. Personally, if I was Asian or a race which has had derogatory terms or stereotypes attributed to it, I would first try to leave instead of causing more conflict. I do not know where you live, but in most places, it's very hard to get someone to punch you without being physically aggressive towards them ("getting in their face", hitting them first, or something along those lines, but most of the time they will just leave, even when doing that). On the internet this is not the case, there's countless examples of conflicts on the internet, and in nearly every case, both parties are at fault.

Edit: I read this over a few times, and I think I appeared a little aggressive. I would like to say I didn't reply out of disagreement, but out of interest.

posted about 11 years ago
#103 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
SoapKanecothat's pretty pretty ridiculous

I understand banning people for repeatedly and purposely stacking teams to troll around and offclass, but for a one or even two time occurrence with no intention its pretty dumb.

Usually its because its a player that she doesn't like, or because its a person she thinks might offend again, so she will just ban them completely in order to not deal with it.

Be that as it may, they're still her servers/channel. I know almost every post that has not joined in on the fuck Elena circlejerk has been downfragged to oblivion, but oh well.

The fact of the matter is, this thread will change nothing. She still owns those servers, regardless of if she treats the players on them well or not. You COULD get a band of people to go on strike or whatever you want to call it, but I doubt that it will change much. You could ask her to be more kind, but she already stated that she didn't care. I think that the best option for people who are unhappy with her to take is to find another place to play (which was already stated), or -if they're banned- change to an alias and play without getting too involved.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Gatsby/Ellie LFT CEVO S4 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Excellent pocket, knows how to medic as well (haven't been on a team with him as medic, however).

10/10 would pocket again.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 xlr8 lft pocket/roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

He's fairly good, never played with him as pocket, but I can confirm he's good at scout and roamer.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Roamer/ Demo LFT Low-Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Good demo and roamer, needs to find a team. Both classes are open level.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 LFT Plat Medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

Very polite person, he's really active in the community and has very, very good needles. Ridiculously good needles. You don't even know.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 LF Demo Mentor (Yes, another one) in Mentoring

Moy's a great player, he's so polite at times it actually hurts.

I'm sure XLR8 will find this thread and -frag it like he did mine, though. That's right XLR8, I know.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Miro - Silver Medic - LF Mentor in Mentoring

Hi! I'm looking for a Medic mentor.

I've played on tf2mix quite a bit, I've played some games in pug.na, but I've hit this... Wall, so to speak, with getting better. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong, I used to make steady progress, but now it's slowed to a halt. If you'd like to mentor me, I'd appreciate it!



posted about 11 years ago
#20 ultiduo_complex in Map Discussion
Kakiyou could add a resup cabinet close to the spawn door to deny spawncamping.

agree that the lower roller door seems pretty useless, but better than nothing.

i think you should leave the grate the way it is, since it makes being on the low ground less bad

Well, the problem with this is that you're leaving a bug as a feature. Even though it might help the map, it's still a bug, it's still not something you really 'want' to see in the map, and most importantly, it's still something an update to TF2 could change without prior notice.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 What Makes a Competitive Map? in Map Discussion
Foxsymmetrical and fair for each team/class to push into/out of any location

it's a lot harder than you think

I would just like to put a little more emphasis on this.

It takes a tremendous amount of testing and thinking to make a map suitable for competitive game play. Every little detail (especially on mid) can be exploited to gain an advantage (For example: A lamp being clipped (you can stand on it) on one side, but not the other)

After you build the basic structure of the map, you have to incorporate every change you make to the other side. Everything. No questions.

That's not even the hard part, either. You have to then texture it, make it look good, add props. It gets messy because some aesthetic things aren't physical, but you can hide stickies in them, giving one side an advantage.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 ultiduo_complex in Map Discussion
PeteTehHitmanPlayed it a couple times with some friends, and overall it was pretty fun, but there were a couple things that I felt needed to be addressed. For one, I felt like the respawn timer lasted just a bit too long, not sure if that's just my own personal gripe or really an issue.

But the big thing I wanted to point out was this bug (/feature?):


Not sure if this was intentional or what, just figured i'd bring it up because I don't think anyone else has.

I never noticed that, thanks for pointing it out.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 ultiduo_complex in Map Discussion
wareyaI like it
we played ultitrio on it and it's the best map for it so far

Awesome! If you have any feedback on it I could give ultitrio_complex a shot, adjust cap/spawn times and whatnot.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 ultiduo_complex in Map Discussion
drakIs the cap including the yellow circle?

Yes, inside the circle and on top of the point.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ultiduo_complex in Map Discussion

Hey, if you have any bugs/suggestions for updates, I'm all ears, just put it here or add me.

posted about 11 years ago
#12 a ham sandvich LFT 6s med in Recruitment (looking for team)

There isn't much more to add to this, he's a great medic! I'm just another testimony.

He's also helped me so much improve on my class. He knows it well enough to explain to new people very easily.

...There isn't much else to it, he's a fantastic medic and he helped me exponentially improve in the class as well!

posted about 11 years ago
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