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Signed Up September 16, 2012
Last Posted October 16, 2015 at 5:10 PM
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#14 SteelSeries Rival 100 in Hardware

Received mine today. Here's a size comparison of the Rival 100, Zowie FK, and Razer Deathadder 2014.

It has a downloadable configuration tool called Engine (screenshot), similar to Razer Synapse, however it does not require you to make an account. The LEDs can be changed to just about any color you want, other effect option are Breathe (slowly fade in and out) and ColorShift, which scrolls through one of four preset color palettes.
Engine includes a program called GameSense (screenshot), which allows you to change the LED based on certain conditions like low health or kills and whatnot. Downside is, it's currently only active for CS:GO, DOTA, and Minecraft.

ViperAlways wondered about SteelSeries mice, looks like this one is a really quality one to tryout.
Also, it says the mouse tops out at 4000 dpi. over 8 steps. Anyone know the increments then? My guess would be 500, 1000, 1500, etc.

250, 500, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 2000, 4000

Neat customization features aside, this thing has a fat ass. The Deathadder is ergonomic, but it's hourglass shaped. This one feels like they wanted to do something similar, but gave up halfway. I'm kind of disappointed that although they have a nice configuration tool, they don't have a whole lot of options for DPI below 1000, plus coming from the Zowie with 1150 DPI it's kind of awkward having to jump +/- 100 dpi, but that's just a personal thing.

TL;DR: Mouse has good customization options, is pretty cheap ($35.99 + free QcK mousepad), got booty, but awkward sensitivity stages.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Favorite albums? in Music, Movies, TV

I compiled a list of every album listed in the last thread, organized by vote.
My b about the Album - Artist format, I got lazy and didn't realize it till about halfway through.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Military experience? in Off Topic

A little rant about Montgomery GI Bill below, it's been three years since I've talked to anyone about it so forgive some inconsistencies.

Show Content
In the Air Force, you provide $100 per month for the first year of service, stay enlisted for at least 3 years and you receive around $1,700 per month for 3 years as a full time student. (It works out to about $61,000 total for 3 years. I know the numbers are off, I'm just going off what I have on hand and it's outdated.) Seriously though, for up to date numbers talk to a recruiter or do some research. There's also something called tuition assistance that pays for a pretty good chunk of things like books and whatnot while active duty.

If I can provide a couple pieces of advice: don't trust recruiters. A lot of them are nice guys, but it's their job to get you to sign up. They can't make you do anything until you sign the final paper before you get on you bus to basic.You can actually walk away up until that point and they can't stop you.

I know it's the nerdy brother of the military, but if you're after education, the Air Force is your best bet. All my tech training classes counted for college credit and all my bosses really push going to college outside work.
If anyone has questions about the Air Force, I can probably answer a couple in this thread.

posted about 9 years ago
#172 My FPS config in Customization
sevennnim sorry but sometimes i forget to turn it on but can u make rawinput on by default in the writing?

Dude, just change m_rawinput from a 0 to a 1 in your config. If you're too lazy to find it, just add m_rawinput 1 at the end to overwrite it.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Volunteer for the new and improved Battle Royale! in TF2 General Discussion

I don't necessarily fit into any of the categories listed above, but I used to do a lot of odd jobs for eXtv including TF2 server maintenance, community interaction, organizing casts (which was like wrangling cats), and occasional graphic design work. Though I don't have as much free time as I used to, but I can learn whatever needs doing.

If you need a sort of jack of all trades, even if that means twitch chat moderation, feel free to contact me.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Froyotech = Death of tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

b4nny should host a TF2 tournament on his private island (purchased through his immense tourney winnings) to find the King of Games. It sounds crazy, I know, but we could give each team two "Star_ chips" that they bet with and when they run out they get booted off. Eventually there will be some kind of egyptian pharoh thing with lasers and we play TF2 on motorcycles or something, the kids will love it.

posted about 9 years ago
#838 It begins! in Off Topic

Imgur link again because.
Anime girl thing got antlers yo

posted about 10 years ago
#825 It begins! in Off Topic

Imgur gallery because I don't want to link each one.
edit: redid anime one because her hair is retarded.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Selling to steam? in TF2 General Discussion

This is adorable. Go to your steam inventory, click on any TF2 item. Anything with the tags: "Marketable" is marketable.
Anything with the tags: "Not Marketable" is not marketable.
TL;DR: It will look like this if you can sell it.

posted about 10 years ago
#777 rayshud in Customization
StaCkyHI, how do i can put into tf2 your crosshair ?

Stacky, I'm going to refer you to the post I just made yesterday. :]

posted about 10 years ago
#772 rayshud in Customization
BloodPulseCan you add me someone and help me install the cross hair
+ with a circle around it (note ive tried the quake mod one but its not as good)
plsssssssss i need help

If you haven't tried the rayshud installer yet, give that a shot. It's stupidly easy, there's even a section for installing crosshairs. If that doesn't work, navigate to (Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\rayshud\scripts), find a file called hudlayout.res, look for a section called "XHairCircle" and change the numbers on "visible" and "enabled" to "1". It should look like this. Do the same thing for the section called "BasicCross". If you had your game open while you made these changes, enter hud_reloadscheme in console to refresh your hud. If you don't like how XHairCircle and BasicCross look, give the other circles and other crosses in the same section a shot.

OliverIt doesnt work i literaly tried every thing can someone please help me i downloaded both of the files and placed them in my custom folder it still doesnt work HELP

I seriously doubt you've literally tried everything, unless that includes making virgin sacrifices to rays during the blood moon. Follow the helpful guide from, if that doesn't work try the rayshud installer.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Programming Requests in Off Topic
Chrom3w0lfNot_MatlockChrom3w0lfClose TF2 then open it again at the press of a button (for hud purposes)Can't you do that with autohotkey?I have no clue how to even if it's possible

This is a super caveman way of doing it, but this is the best I could come up with.

@echo off
taskkill /F /IM hl2.exe
cd "C:\Users\<Username>\Desktop"
Start Fortress.url

Save the code as a .bat file, create a TF2 shortcut on your desktop called Fortress and change <Username> to whatever your account on your computer is called.
I'll take a look at autohotkey and try to find an easier way.

Okay, the super easy autohotkey method (currently assigned to Windows Key + t):
After you have created the new auothotkey script on your desktop (call it anything, doesn't matter) enter this in your code.

	Process, Close, hl2.exe

	Run steam://rungameid/440
posted about 10 years ago
#4 Command for disabling grass and bushes in Q/A Help

In chris' high quality, cl_detailfade is set to 2048.

Use the following cvars to remove it.
cl_detailfade 0 // def. "400" # Distance across which detail props fade in
cl_detaildist 0 // def. "1200" # Distance at which detail props are no longer visible
r_drawdetailprops 0 // def. "1" # 0=Off, 1=Normal,

Just add these three settings to the last line in your graphics config.

Before -
After -

(This will only work on grass that is added as a detail as part of the ground texture. Things like the bushes and grass on badlands mid are objects, and will still be there.)

posted about 12 years ago
#10 Good movies? in Off Topic

Four Lions
World's Greatest Dad

posted about 12 years ago
#15 Charity Event - What Charity? in TF2 General Discussion

As much as I appreciate what Child's Play does, pretty much everyone with over 100 Twitch followers holds a fundraiser for them at some point in the year. They're sitting at over $5 million in donations from 2012, but if you really want to help them out, consider donating toys directly to your local hospital using their Hospital Map.

(A box of 24 crayola crayons costs $2, but will make a huge difference.)

I'm pushing for One Step Camp.

posted about 12 years ago
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