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Signed Up September 23, 2015
Last Posted December 10, 2017 at 3:31 PM
Posts 12 (0 per day)
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Monitor 144hz Monitor
#11 Hlae smoothing Script in Customization
liasSorry for necro, can I get a working link to the mirv scripts? Thank you :D

hey sorry i haven't been online here in a while i accidentaly removed it!

here is a new working link!

posted about 7 years ago
#95 Source Recording Tool in Customization
pyxelizeis SRT dead?


posted about 8 years ago
#9 Hlae smoothing Script in Customization
Weatherspoonincredibly useful script, been waiting a lifetime for something similar to the easy csgo smoothing. This doesn't require Cinema4d or any 3d program for anyone wondering.

quick video of my first results:

Good job! Hope you enjoy it!

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Hlae smoothing Script in Customization
emkayThis looks pretty nifty, although I have a few questions.

Does it replace the use of Cinema 4D altogether, or simply make it easier? How is this different than smoothing with the in-game tool? Can you use STVs and POVs? Can you export your smooth as a separate demo?

I look forward to checking it out!


Yes you will do all the smoothibg in game now.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Hlae smoothing Script in Customization
ritayou really don't need to post twice. If it was to change the font size and add more stuff you could've edited your original post

I posted in the wrong forum at first.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Hlae smoothing Script in Customization

Hello I am Riapah!
I've made a pretty simple script for Hlae within Lawena or just launching teamfortress 2 with Hlae.

2019 update: Yo It's been a while since I posted this and apparently the dl link doesn't work anymore so here is a new one! Happy Hacking!

EDIT: Here is a full tutorial on how to use it in lawena recording tool!

Here is a download for the script:

please read the following to understand the script:

If you are smoothing a pov demo you will need to use the following binds before using the others (all binds will be in the script or here in the thread)

Quick Tutorial

Start by pressing Z or + (plus only works in lawena) to get into thirdperson mode and then press X to input a "free" camera like in stv. After you have done that you want to press C to add keyframes. If you feel that the smooth is bad before doing the B binding you can clear all the keyframes by pressing V. But if you feel done press B and then stop the demo and then go to the tick that you smoothed and now you should have a good looking smooth.

To smooth Stv Demos you only need the C,V and B bindings.

All Bindings
C = campath add
V = campath clear
B = Making the Campath a smooth
z or + = Thirdperson
x = mirv_input camera

If you need any help just comment here and I'l help you if you.
If I don't awnser you can find me on twitter and steam.

If you don't already have hlae you can find it here:

NOTE: If you don't already know how to use hlae within Lawena recording tool or Just hlae check out on of the following videos.

NORMAL HLAE Please note that in the second video you do not need to follow the steps after getting into tf2, my script will do the rest for you.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Soldier advanced mentoring needed! in Mentoring

Hello there! I am riapah and I do know how to soldier I airshot, rocket jump, market gardener, do good roulouts etc
But I want to get even better!
Please add me if you belive that you can help me get better!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Making A Frag movie! in Videos

okay Blah blah blah Making a sniper Movie
Add me , only demos Blah blah Blag Zippyshare or email me blah blah and rename to a sertain tick please I would like POV demos mostly Thank you all!

posted about 9 years ago
#3 I need some Frags Only comp /Soldier and Demoman) in Videos
aieraWait, but that isn't your youtube...

Old one :O

posted about 9 years ago
#1 I need some Frags Only comp /Soldier and Demoman) in Videos

Hello Guys Doing a montage that is for soldier and demoan You can find me on steam here
This is The channel i will post on

Add me on steam if you get any good frags and Zippyshare them to me :D

posted about 9 years ago