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Signed Up August 9, 2024
Last Posted August 22, 2024 at 9:30 PM
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#1 I fail to understand admin's reasoning behind this in TF2 General Discussion

It took me a long time to think about whether I should post this or not, because I didn't want to spark hatred or anything. I wanna clarify I harbor zero ill intentions or hatred towards anyone. It's only after some people urging me that I should post this did I do it. Please do not send hate towards anyone as those are not my intentions. I am simply trying to raise awareness.

I was rostered in an AM HL team for season 18. I only played one single official and basically never scrimmed. As a result, I was allowed to compete in newbie cup and the NC HL admins also allowed me to compete in NC HL the following season given my apparent lack of experience.

However, the same somehow did not apply for 6s? I have even less experience in 6s. I was denied to compete in the following season 16 for NC 6s, because I played one singular match of AM HL, as engineer... Not even as an actual 6s class. I was told by admins that it is based on experience, but I fail to see how ONE match of AM HL is more experience than an entire season of NC 6s even if you place dead last. I really don't. The majority of these NC repeaters and NC players have triple or quadruple the amount of logs I have. How the hell do I have more experience? And how in the world does AM HL even help me in 6s?

They say it is to stop sandbagging, but isn't this what causes sandbagging? Me, clearly an NC skill level player, is forcibly put into AM. How am I supposed to keep up at all? I thought NC was supposed to foster growth for new players in 6s. Like it would make more sense for me to be denied in NC HL than NC 6s? This only worsens the sandbagging problem, because now I'm gonna get sandbagged in the AM div. I've talked to several people about this and they all think this ruling is ridiculous. At first I argued my skills are subpar, but they say it's based on experience not skill. I don't even know how to play on any maps except the basic three process, bagel, and snakewater. I spent like two days trying to convince them to let me play in NC, but they just refused and cited the rules, but the rules said players are examined on an individual basis. Okay, maybe if I played the entire AM HL season, it would make more sense, but I played only on the 2nd official match and nothing more.

At this point I just kinda accepted it. I spent too much time fighting it already, and it is what it is, I'm not gonna go and hold a personal grudge because of this. It really sucked, because of me, my entire team would have to play in AM and we clearly stand no chance. Good thing they all said they're fine but I just find the reasoning to be pure nonsense. Beacause somehow a player who played a whole season or two of NC 6s is less experienced in 6s than me who played one single match of AM HL. A player who has 300 logs is somehow less experienced than me who has less than 50 logs on 6s. Make that make sense please. I've literally seen people's rgl where they've played in AM 6s the saeson before and compete in NC 6s the next. Well, clearly, some excpetions were made, and why were they allowed? I didn't even play AM 6s, I played AM HL for only ONE match.

Well, that's really it. I don't hate the admins at all and ultimately, it is their decision, not mine. I already accepted that we're in AM, and let my players who wanted to stay in NC leave the team. Tell me your thoughts. Peace out.

posted 6 months ago
#35 Trying to prove to RGL that I'm not an alt account in TF2 General Discussion
Seinfeldyeah 100% that guy is just a trader who bought his backpack after he got found out

I've got in contact with loz. loz is NOT behind this. loz said that he found this user through and bought the majority of his items. That's what happened. So don't go send loz hate, he is not part of this.

posted 6 months ago
#32 Trying to prove to RGL that I'm not an alt account in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnychungusburgereatingOk, I've decided to check out who this guy really is, and I think I've found it out?
Here's every account listed (proof being same namescheme of steam ids ie; thisaccountneverexisted and similar whilst also having these URLs changed at around the same time (8/14/2024-8/15/2024)

He also sent his 250$ backpack on his newtf2player account to This user;
Proof being his scattergun (60 keys) being sent to id/fox on 8/10/24 around when he got banned from RGL
Another curious thing; under his account one of his
aliases were "Anthunnie".

Under this alias, if you look it up on youtube, you get videos from 5 years ago with his voice in them, which me and a couple people who have pugged with him can attest that he sounds strikingly similar to "newtf2player"

And under this comment section, the pinned comments youtube profile has the banner of one of his old steam profile pictures; proof being the past profile pictures of this account;

this is the most schizo shit i have ever seen in my life and im very confused im not sure if there is more to this but this is all i have right now

Update; this is his main rgl;
connected to this account;
he also has 2287 hours shared between these two tf2center accounts;
these are only logged as soon as you play a pug and i dont think he has in the last like 4 years based on his logs
this is such weird behavior im baffled

Also he played against mechawreck on vanillatf2org i just find that funny heres the log

I know people suspect loz but I doubt it. loz is a highly reputable trader in the community. He has no interest in RGL as he barely has any interest in the actual tf2 game as well. People say he has 4k kills on his strange beggars but this man has like 15k hours in the game. That’s absurdly low strange count for someone with that many hours. That being said, loz and many other traders are always advertising on buying whole backpacks. There’s a site called cash that basically lets you sell your backpack to a buyer. I think he just happened to sell all his things to loz cuz loz was one of those buyers. It could’ve been Anarkey or GoPlayPC or any other trader really.

posted 6 months ago
#30 Trying to prove to RGL that I'm not an alt account in TF2 General Discussion

Some of these players never pugged with you before, I've pugged with you and I'm gonna give you my two cents. No judging or anything. I've already said this before but I will make it more complete.

First off, your username is just too suspicious. It's such an easy name for an alt to use. Your steam account is also too new. It's so new that anyone would immediately suspect you as an alt. Not to mention that you almost immediately pivot into RGL, the competitive community of tf2 after being so new to the game. It's not something a lot of new players aim for.

Some people think you are loz alt, but I highly doubt it. loz is quite respected in the trading community, but the majority of your items were indeed sold to his trading bots. Plus the traders could care less about RGL.

All these activities make you look sus, but there's more. You sunk a lot of money into it when you barely played the game at all which just seems a bit suspicious. Not to mention you're a bit too good at the game. I'm ngl, I saw your market garden clips. They're good, but even I myself with 800 hours cannot hit a speedshot of that margin. Most players at this level simply cannot rocket jump or sticky jump at your level but you only started at June or July? It's just a bit sus. You're easily outperforming people with 1k hours in the game, and even if you did have OW background, that's just a bit crazy.

I will not witch hunt or partake in anything, but all these things def make it seem like it's an alt. Who knows if RGL has a way to track ip or something and reveals something secret, I genuienly don't know, but your accoount was just too suspicious. Privating your profile only made it worse ngl. Not to mention that after all this, you just completely gave up on this account. If it was me, I would just go on playing casual.

Your reluctance to reveal your old discord account is just very suspicious as well. You can block DMs, and prevent the witch hunting from happening.

This all being said, when I pugged with you, you did seem chill. If you are indeed not an alt, then I can only say sorry, but if you are truly an alt, then shame on you. Peace out :)

posted 6 months ago
#20 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion
LastandFirstGuyTF2LastandFirstcrawdbka freshman in high school sits at home being weird to strangers on the internet for fun instead of making friendsdont quote me on this but its summer rn school has been out for 2 monthsLMAO you think that creature is gonna stop being butthurt when school starts? He longs to be like us, playing pugs, having fun, not being banned. Couldn't be me.I've never met someone so geared on hating on me, lol. also, if i wanna pug, i will just get scrims bro?? i got accounts w/ 100+ logs on them from scrims alone hahaha.I've never met someone so geared on playing a game with people that think you are disgusting. It's crazy that you don't see the hypocrisy here. You are the one forcing your way in, we aren't trying to play with you and then saying you suck. You think you have haters, but you actually just have a bad personality.

"Why would I hate someone that's weaker than me? I only pity them."

posted 6 months ago
#18 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys? I just wanna raise awareness, but some of you are kinda feeding into their ragebait, just leave them be. Like I said before, their need for validation is extremely strong just like a drug addict for meth. I didn't even wanna make this post, just a friend that suggested. Let's just leave it be. I understand y'all have the best intentions but it is what it is. Peace out and have a good day :)

posted 6 months ago
#11 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion

It would appear I have made a mistake and that greg club is not associated with felon. I was misinformed. So I apologize for that. Peace out.

posted 6 months ago
#3 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion

Unfortunately, I was more concerned with saving my own server but I managed to find one.

On a pug server that he was infested in (he has since left), he dropped this so I 'm 100% sure this is his alt

Unless he's attempting to frame someone, but this profile appears to have never played a single game.

posted 6 months ago
#1 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion

I'm new to all this so please forgive me if I'm just stating the obvious but wanted to spread some awareness to newer players like me.

I was naive and wanted to do some pugscrims, but ended up making the invite link public and let in some random people. By then it was too late when my mentors inform me so I swung the ban hammer only to open the pandora box. I had to nuke the entire thing, but I managed to save it in the end.

felon's alts are infested in almost all major pug servers I'm aware of along with his group cheeto, pops, elk, greg club etc, and he tried to flood my server but I was able to prevent that from happening. Afaik, they're still running some incredibly in house pugs using serveme and other services which just seems like such an oversight. I don't have screenshots because I was more concerned about saving my server than gathering evidence. It was a friend that told me I should make a post.

All I can say is that I am 100% sure this is a felon alt that's not banned:

I can't believe that just a day ago I was thinking perhaps people can change and despite all that I was once again proven wrong. This kid is mentally unstable and insane. He's literally yandere for the RGL community. Like that one creepy girlfriend that stalks you just because you didn't respond to that one text from him. Forget racial slurs, forget toxicity, forget bigotry, he has an unhealthy obsession for harassing people or something. I personally don't give a damn about slurs but this kid is on another level. There's no hope for him unless he gets therapy or smth. He needs his internet privileges taken away. He's not even tryna be edgy like kids his age, he's just straight up psychotic. His need for validation is so strong that he wants to prey on anything that he sees. He's goes crazy at the slightest chance of harassment just like a desert catfish in Brazil searching for water. Like jesus it's just a game, but he craves attention so much. Even if he never used slurs, his behavior is frankly quite frightening and alarming, and his parents should really keep a leash on him because whoever he is, he's not normal. Neither are his edgy friends and idk why they stay with him or even latch onto him because some of them weren't even his original teammates.

Well thanks for coming to my ted talk. Just wanted to rant.

Edit: greg club is not affiliated. I made a mistake there.

posted 6 months ago