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Last Posted December 26, 2013 at 9:46 AM
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#5 Tf2 Demo Smoothing in Q/A Help
Almie- Play the demo using the playdemo command in console.
- Just discovered that the demo smoother doesnt like subfolders. Try putting your demo in the tf folder, not tf\demos or tf\frags or tf\shit\ton\of\subfolders, might help ya

I can play demos and all, but, my smoothing just doesn't want to play it just plays the frames with nothing moving

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Tf2 Demo Smoothing in Q/A Help
NinjaDCTry playing the demo through console/demoui instead.

I do and it still doesn't work :<

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Tf2 Demo Smoothing in Q/A Help

Hey peeps,
It's been a constant issue of mine. When ever I go to save the smooth, It just doesn't *poof* it disappears. I do all the steps right and it just goes, plus when I try to watch my smooth it does not move, nothing moves. Getting tired of it now, halp.

posted about 11 years ago