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Signed Up July 24, 2012
Last Posted June 4, 2013 at 5:03 PM
Posts 17 (0 per day)
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1 2
#65 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion

If I had to venture a guess. I'd say this league wasn't really built to handle high-level play. Its been a transition that everyone (league admins and players) has made to accommodate the wanted level of gameplay. Now I'm not saying to drop the issue, but beating someones head into the ground over the forums isn't going to make him come out and do what you want. IMHO, The issue now is how will the league deal with cheaters in the future.

posted about 12 years ago
#17 ugc highlander rule in TF2 General Discussion

Going on the hypothetical that the rule would be removed. The esea and ugc seasons are overlapping. Would the league even see an amazing all invite team? Wouldn't invite players be doing invite things and too busy for this highlander nonsense. IMHO, it would be/is pretty boring (not to mention annoying) as a spectator to have a team full of invite players ffl matches or ride bench until playoffs, after they meet the qualifying criteria.

Altogether, The top level of highlander is amazing to watch, and will continue to be regardless of the invite rule. Though, I personally think that invite players should not overcommit themselves to 2 leagues if they can't play the full season.

posted about 12 years ago
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