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SteamID64 76561198209063351
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:124398811
Country United States
Signed Up January 26, 2017
Last Posted April 4, 2019 at 11:08 PM
Posts 11 (0 per day)
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#1 LFP Open s31 (soldiers and demo) in Recruitment (looking for players)

looking for pocket soldier, roaming soldier, and demo
looking to be a mid-open team

message me on discord if interested: nano#1311

scout: Juse
scout: Rampage
pocket: ???
roamer: ???
demo: ???
med: Nano

posted about 5 years ago
#3 LFP Pocket and Flank Scout for Open S29 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Edited post, we're looking for a pocket soldier (don't have to maincall) and a flank scout still. :)

posted about 6 years ago
#1 LFP Pocket and Flank Scout for Open S29 in Recruitment (looking for players)

Pocket Soldier - Main
Flank Scout - Main
Demo - Sub

* Don't be a mute, use your mic frequently
* Brain > DM
* Have a desire to improve, scrim regularly, and attend team reviews
* Take criticism well
* Be able to commit to a frequent scrim schedule as well as matches
* Have Discord installed
* Don't be toxic :)

If you're interested in a tryout, you can message me on Discord at Nano ✿#7327

Current Roster:

Medic: Nano
Demo: Phoxx
Pocket: ???
Pocket Scout: Juse
Flank Scout: ???
Roamer: Lenn

posted about 6 years ago
#1 LF Mentor (6's Medic) in Mentoring

Looking for someone to help me learn how to play medic better.
I have one open season of experience, I'm playing Silver right now.

Add me if interested:

posted about 6 years ago
#1 LFP Open 6's (Subs) in Recruitment (looking for players)

We're a Newbie Mix team looking for dedicated players who want to get better at the game.
Specifically looking for people willing to sub for our main roster.

Division: ESEA-Open (low)
Classes: Med, Roamer, Demo, Scout
Discord and Mumble required

If interested, add me and message me:

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Name Change in Requests

This is my old alias, I'd like my name changed to Nano or NanoTF2 if it's not available.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 LFPs Scout and Demo Open 6's in Recruitment (looking for players)

We're a Newbie Mix team looking for dedicated people who want to get better at the game.

Division: Open (low)
Classes: Demo and Scout
Discord and Mumble required

If interested, add me and message me:

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Exuberant LFT Medic Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Shameless self-bump.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Exuberant LFT Medic Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
niteExuberantOh, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Haha, yeah, I know. Gotta start somewhere.

no problem dude, also for what its worth i think just about everyone here including myself would suggest you play 6's over highlander, which you can still do in ugc, especially as a new med main.

Pretty much the only reason I was looking into a Highlander team was because I was told it's a good transition from 'pubs' to comp. I think HL is supposed to be a bit more casual, I just don't want to join a 6s team and have people mad at me for not doing well.
I'll look into it, though. Thanks for the advice.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Exuberant LFT Medic Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
nitehey bud,

this forum is generally geared towards esea 6's and nothing else. if you're looking for a highlander team, try posting on the ugc highlander forums. if you're really interested in getting on an open team, know that you'll be scrimming and playing more often than if you were to play in ugc 6's, and that you aren't likely to get many tryouts with no competitive experience at all. good luck finding a team dude!

Oh, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
Haha, yeah, I know. Gotta start somewhere.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Exuberant LFT Medic Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking to get into competitive Team Fortress 2. I'll take any opportunities I can get, and I'd appreciate any constructive criticism! Thank you.

* My main is Medic
* I'm not way too serious or always messing around
* Not new to my main, I can do well. Especially if teamwork and communication is involved.
* Pacific Time Zone (California)
* I'll join pretty much any 6s or Highlander team
* Very competent and passionate about getting better at the game
* I have lots of free time, so I'm down to practice and scrim a lot

Steam profile:
Message me if you have questions or anything.

posted about 8 years ago