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SteamID64 76561198258747476
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:149240874
Country Thailand
Signed Up December 12, 2017
Last Posted October 21, 2018 at 3:31 PM
Posts 8 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 4
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Mouse RAZER DeathAdder Elite
Keyboard RAZER Blackwidow X Chroma
Mousepad Corsair MM200 Extended
Headphones RAZER Kraken 7.1 V2
Monitor OMEN Z4D33AA#ABU
#4 community frags 6 in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#87 witch hunts within the community in The Dumpster

honestly, this stuff makes me wanna shid and cammed in my pants.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 ETF2L Unfair Bans in The Dumpster

To be honest I think the ban is unfair.
And what got me banned was this video

Lets go back to when this all started, on Nik's recpost Friday 10th Aug
it started off with Nik commenting on bluebunny with no ill intentions saying "not suitable for mid yet, will do good in a keen low team though", and bluebunny having that TOXIC mindset she thinks this is an insult to her skill, so she decided to fire back on the Greekolomara himself with the same comment and that is when hell broke loose. Couple of days later, Nik told me about the rec-post and that I have to read it and yeah I did read it and I found it pretty funny, so I decided to make a video out of it recapping of what happened in the comments of nik's rec-post and what I was trying to show in the video was that It was like Bluebunny was like the doomguy slaying all the demons, there was literally no new insults towards her. Hours later after waiting for my sh*t internet to upload the video, it was finally uploaded yay, and nothing happened that day but two days later an Admin Sodium messaged me about the video seeing it as some kind of harassment stating I should stop and yeah I agreed with him I didn't have any intentions to talk or argue with bluebunny anyways, but bluebunny asked for the video to be put down and I disagreed of course that's how I got my ban because I did not see any ill intentions towards bluebunny at all it was just a video of what happened.

Skipping 2 months later to when the ETF2L’s Sponsorship and Policy Update, Bans, Tip of the Hats was posted, I got announced that I was banned, I was really confused why I was but you know things happen, I contact the admin wanting to know my reason for banning and surprisingly it was for that video the admin I got in contact with was DCS and you can read it all here and please ignore the bottom bit Acidpeter made this :D

He says at the time they did not have guidelines which means if they did make a guideline idk like 2 weeks ago they should enforce it to me if the case was still going to take down the video instead of blanking me and then banning me
I think it's just really shitty to do that.

if you look at the 4th comment from the bottom as he gave Me and Messy warnings in order to keep us shut it did, we shut up we didn't associate ourselves with bluebunny since I don't know since Nik's recpost so why would they use that as a point?? and finally their last point is ME NOT HAVING A REGRET ABOUT THAT VIDEO what do I have to regret about, literally no ill intentions towards bluebunny and you're treating me like I've got no spine.

And that's it that's the whole story Arc of Nati0nal, he just wanted a big funny alright.

posted about 6 years ago
#77 froyotech benched from playing as a team in RGL in TF2 General Discussion

I'm going to fortain battle royale anyone need anything ?

posted about 6 years ago
#22 MasterNoob :thinking: in The Dumpster

Okay, this is epic.

posted about 6 years ago
#20 Should I be worried about my teammates? in Off Topic

Well, you should be a little concern about it but don't be too concern as for myself I got a 16 year old pony loving medic main who goes around drawing and having sexual intercourse with them, but I merely worry about it and I almost forgot that he has Asperger Syndrome but other 4 players in my team hasn't got a big deal for it so let it just fly over your head.


posted about 7 years ago
#50 iM NOT RACIST in The Dumpster

yeah u are you fucking laughed at my two black brothers for being skinny and calling them names wtf

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Every time so often in Off Topic

We've recently lost Miggy, we don't want to lose more precious members of this community so please dont.

posted about 7 years ago