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Signed Up January 8, 2014
Last Posted February 19, 2014 at 3:36 PM
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#42 Rtalin/adderall in officials/lans/scrim in TF2 General Discussion

I don't get why people are so open to what medications or substances their using to play better. Doesn't it follow along the lines of hacking a little? Well the idea of getting an advantage over other players. Or maybe being high is a preference like choosing a custom hud. I need some answers here...

posted about 11 years ago
#1 tight schedules in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah I’m a nobody and a noob. Sorry….
Ever since I started to play tf2 I've always been interested in the competitive side of the community. However it’s always impossible for me to be involved. Not to talk much about myself. This is all you need to know Working full-time with night classes is busy. Back in high school I had college courses, clubs, and sports that kept me… busy.
busy. busy. BUSY.
No time for sleep. No time for video games. No time to be dedicated in esports. Or is there?
All I am asking is how do you comp players balance your schedules so you can play this game on a competitive level?

posted about 11 years ago