Hi everyone, I have a really noobish question... so here goes,
I was wonder if anyone (probably Setsul lol) could help with making a decision on whether or not I should utilize my free upgrade to Windows 10.
I'm currently running:
Windows 7 64-Bit
i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40 GHz
8.0 GB of RAM"
AMD Radeon 7870
I'm just wondering if upgrading to the newer windows will make any difference (increase or decrease) in FPS. I doubt it will but I don't know so hence the question. I play FPS Games, Mobas and Open World/Free Roam games like GTA Online and Shadow of Mordor (which for some reason runs on Ultra with my card quite nicely).
If I need to supply more info let me know.
P.S. In the coming of months I plan on getting a new GPU (if the newer games I plan on getting have shitty FPS with my card, for example SWBF3 and Blops 3 which I had somewhat okay FPS in, so long as I scaled down the screen res which I'm fine with. That, and they are betas so max optimization isn't really a sure thing for a beta). I have around $300-ish AUD to spend on getting a new card and from what I've seen, the 380X would be a good pick up. Is this true/can you provide other cards I should look out for?
Thanks in advance, Neo :)