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Last Posted February 27, 2014 at 3:57 PM
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#222 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
kuzaNevdawgkuzaWhat's ironic is I include you and shocka in the d-bag department. :/
Well I guess anyone who has an opinion that doesn't follow your own views and isn't a super-serious brick is a d-bag, so I'll take it :D

and to your previous comment:

Depending on how close you are with a person and depending on the situation, it can be safe humor. You don't have to stay in your serious shell all the time with everyone you know :)

I actually agree with you on the second point, sarcasm can be used in some situations without harm, it's just rare. But during a pug? Probbaly not the right situation.

On the first comment, I include you with shocka because you defended him against spaceghost saying he only felt the way he did because he couldn't recognize sarcasm. Which is really you being a dick to spacesghost.

Up until today I've never really had an issue with you, so maybe I'm being a bit harsh and I apologize if I am. I have however had an argument with shocka before where he was being a douche, so in that case I stand firm.

Same here, we are all just expressing our own opinions and sometimes it comes out as harsh, I don't have a problem with you either and I apologize as well if it seemed that way.

I just felt something needed to be said because spaceghost's comment seemed a bit hateful and out of line towards him, maybe it was just not the right something.

posted about 10 years ago
#218 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
kuzaWhat's ironic is I include you and shocka in the d-bag department. :/

Well I guess anyone who has an opinion that doesn't follow your own views and isn't a super-serious brick is a d-bag, so I'll take it :D

and to your previous comment:

Depending on how close you are with a person and depending on the situation, it can be safe humor. You don't have to stay in your serious shell all the time with everyone you know :)

posted about 10 years ago
#213 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
enigma, may I ask why you give me a warning but then allow this type of nonsense?

Listen mate, just do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up.
Nobody gives a fuck about your whining! Nobody cares if Enigma told you off for being Billy Big Nuts although everyone else is sledging.

Some people are giving out money; some people are arguing about stuff. Nobody wants to hear you whinging about how rude (lol) an internet forum might be.

Shut the fuck up!

And people wonder why the TF2 community is dying, the ratio of d-bags to non d-bags is too damn high compared to the CS community.

posted about 10 years ago
#206 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_Owlsarcasm is just a way to say dickish things without committing to being a dick

like if you're gonna be mean at least commit to it


posted about 10 years ago
#205 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
kuzaWell then continue to use sarcasm in your life and see how far you get in the real world. People might tell you it's cool to your face but when you leave they are saying the same thing ghost is. "what a dick".

But what do I know, it's not like I have much worldly experience, right? /s

hmm and I don't? interesting...well I guess however I have been using it, it's been working pretty well, thanks for the advice :D

posted about 10 years ago
#201 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
kuzaNevdawgspaceghostpurrpI like how shocka is trying to be all high and mighty now. I've pugged with this guy plenty of times and he's a massive douchebag.
I am guessing you're not too fast at picking up on sarcasm <3

sarcasm is for people who want to be able to throw around insults and try to get away with it. If you use sarcasm to be funny you're doing it wrong.

Sarcasm: "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt."

posted about 10 years ago
#192 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion
spaceghostpurrpI like how shocka is trying to be all high and mighty now. I've pugged with this guy plenty of times and he's a massive douchebag.

I am guessing you're not too fast at picking up on sarcasm <3

posted about 10 years ago
#109 ESEA open in TF2 General Discussion

+1, spread that truth like butta on bread

"but the fact that they act so entitled to think they deserve to be casted over invite games is beyond me" -harbleu (talking about open teams) circa Nov 2013.

shocka1PlatinumI'll give an extra $120 to a top 2 finisher that has no sandbagging ex-invite nerds on their team this season. Let's play video games.
that investment with ulterior motives. you remind me of the people who donate to churches and then use it as a tax write-off. yeah, very genuine...
harbleui'll do some team mentoring for teams that get 6 players paid up, not sure how many i'll be able to do but toss me an invite and we can discuss things.
remember the thread about ESEA and CEVO where harbleu essentially stated that lower level matches are not interesting to watch due to the lack of skill involved, therefore ONLY invite matches should be casted throughout the season. And if need be, when playoffs come around, the lower level players can be casted. You can view that here (read page 12 as well):

It's very convenient that the arrogance of "invite" has suddenly turned into generosity and consideration for the "lower level" players. You continuously bash on them daily, rebuttals consisting of "I don't know you, therefore what you say is not important." - But now that your precious toy might be taken from you, it's "NOW" time to actually "recognize" these players as, hmmmm, important? Disingenuous, manipulative, disgusting...
posted about 10 years ago
#9 oh ok... I get it in Off Topic
shocka1eXtineI'm clicking the retweet button but its not doing anything :/
maybe your connection is constipa-.... fuck it, nevermind

what a shitty post...

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Fac LFT Roamer CEVO/ESEA in Recruitment (looking for team)

We were on a team together once and we did a lot of scrimming. And I can definitely say he was one of the top roamers I've played with. He has great DM and great game sense, and he is a chill dude. <3

posted about 11 years ago
#47 nod32 $5 in Off Topic
kuzaI don't quite follow you. You mention in 15 years they have come up with better ways to attack you, but then you say you no longer use anti-virus. But it's good to know those programs have also come a long way in the last 15 years, and aren't as much of a hassle they used to be.

I am saying that I am sure that IT practices have changed a lot in the last 15 years so it's hard to compare things people do now with what they did back then.

And yea attackers will always find quicker and better ways to attack users, and by the time a definition update comes out that handles this new threat, many thousands are already infected, and these are mostly the people who don't have too much common sense when it comes to the internet.

posted about 11 years ago
#44 nod32 $5 in Off Topic

Hasn't a lot changed since 15 years ago? And I'm pretty sure that hackers and malware jerks can always come up with better ways to attack a person, considering that it always happens and then the AV companies issue a definition update after they figure out what they are doing a week later. But it keeps happening, they will always figure out a way around it, so you can never be safe unless you don't connect to the internet. BAN THE INTERNET!

I had nod32 running constantly for a couple of years a while ago and then Symantec AV running for several years, and the several times it warned me about something was when I stupidly clicked on some BS download link that was obviously not what it really was. Of course now I know what is legit and what is not which is why I haven't had a problem in many years without using an AV, but back then, I didn't have much common sense when it came to using the internet. It's nice to not deal with an anti-virus that slows down startup, and a lot of the time comes back with false positives when you know what you are downloading, visiting websites that are actually legit, and downloading torrents without having the AV block them or some of the files in them. It's annoying when you are trying to install a program and it wants you to disable your anti-virus or it will block it.

But what the crap do I know, I am just a turkey vulture.

posted about 11 years ago
#290 insom in TF2 General Discussion

For the people saying he could've been hacking at LAN too, my seat was right next to him at the Intel Lanfest this past October where his team won and he was wrecking kids as sniper and scout. He wasn't sneakily toggling or whatever bullshit people think. He was playing legit and was carrying the team. I was watching his screen more than I was watching my own...probably why we lost...

posted about 11 years ago
#129 A little Steam game giveaway. in TF2 General Discussion

I want in! thanks!

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Reincarnation - What's your choice? in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
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