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Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted July 24, 2023 at 11:03 AM
Posts 148 (0 per day)
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#14 Ideas for a Competive FPS Game in Off Topic

Crumpet I don't like the source engine at all, the Unreal Engine is a bit better (Just my own opinion have no facts). Making the character models looking like a bloated turd is just the character modeling part. Also, Unreal Engine 4 is coming out sometime. I don't when, haven't really looked into it a whole lot but I know it is coming. I saw somewhere where it look godly great.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Ideas for a Competive FPS Game in Off Topic

Unreal Script, basically stand alone for as much as I can tell. I have the engine files and what not least I do think so. All I think I would have to do is edit the files/ make a new file for the main game loop and compile and ship it out.

I will add ya so we can talk a bit more to see if you are interested in trying.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Ideas for a Competive FPS Game in Off Topic

Getting more and more into the whole actually making a game with Unreal 3 Engine, it is simple, but time consuming and very tedious on all sorts of levels.

Wouldn't mind someone that is willing to learn/ help or wants a job reference in the future.

In a bribing way; having a game/ mod is a good way to get into a nice game development job.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Ideas for a Competive FPS Game in Off Topic

Alright thanks for the few replies.

I like teamwork and strategy to be very important, so that would mean some kind of class system should definitely be in place (even if it's as simple as light, medium, heavy with lots of customization options for each).

This is a lot like Tribes Ascend. I like Tribes, even though Developers failed the E-Sports community a lot. I hope you don't mind but I will talk to you a bit about this in Steam.

No crutch that a shit player can use to overcome skill gaps.

I would like to elaborate a bit more on this. Mind if we talk in Steam?

And don't worry, I was thinking like in Quake Live adding a plasma jump technique and everything so you only take a bit of damage. Having a high skill cap is a must. It won't be like COD where you die in 3 shots. Having a rocket to the face though will hurt a bit (IE: remove the power up armor or something)

Thanks a lot for the link, I will read this for sure!
"Great read, didn't think that a portion so large is going to be so bad at any game. 98% is bad.... Might be hard to bring that out but I got a few ideas already."

killing floor zed time

Haha, how about a special in game option that can be turned on for dedicated servers?

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Ideas for a Competive FPS Game in Off Topic

Hey, I am looking for some ideas on what you would like to see in a very fast pace FPS shooter. I know the idea is not very unique but I honestly don't want to see another TF2 with a different skin/ class names.

So basic idea for this game, think Quake Live/ Unreal Tournament (99, 2K4)

What type of maps, weapons, characters, themes, ETC.. Would you like to see?

Add me if you want to talk about specific details/ get in on project.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Victory Bluntz looking for some subs. in Recruitment (looking for team)

SaltySally is mad since he was Demo for our team... Kinda went off on him, he left/ we kicked him what ever he says is correct.

I know a lot don't scrim, Pyyour stated that a lot of low teams do play early, but a lot of high open/ low IM play later. A spot has been taken still looking to find a few more.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Victory Bluntz looking for some subs. in Recruitment (looking for team)

The main 6 get on 2 hours 3 hours after that. So you will get a few scrims in to stay with the whole team/ be apart of it.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Victory Bluntz looking for some subs. in Recruitment (looking for team)

Like 6pm CST 7pm EST 4pm PST Give or take a hour if everyone is online at correct time.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Victory Bluntz looking for some subs. in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey, Victory Bluntz is going into UGC this season looking for some subs that are available to practice mid afternoon alternating days every day sorta of thing. We will be going into ESEA next season after we build some experience/ team chemistry.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 Music on streams in Off Topic

A bit surprise no one said Spotify, download it, install it, search for your bands/ song favorite them/ add to play list, listen to radio that is kinda like Pandora but has way less commercials and will allow you to skip everything(Least I can tell) A lot better than Pandora, doesn't take much bandwidth.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Script that changes senstivity while zoomed? in TF2 General Discussion

What file is that found in? Or is it just a console command?

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Script that changes senstivity while zoomed? in TF2 General Discussion

Is their a script that I can use that when I zoom in as a Sniper it changes sensitivity so I can have the same 180 while un-zoomed. Or would this some how be a form of cheating in ESEA or something stupid.

posted about 12 years ago
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