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Signed Up March 28, 2022
Last Posted November 16, 2022 at 7:48 PM
Posts 7 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity .75
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Headphones SteelSeries Arctis 7 Bluetooth
Monitor Acer Nitro XV272U
#11 Is it possible to disable damage particles? in Customization

ily thank you for mod :) my explosion scripts would still have that super ugly spark particle spawn at the explosion and i hated it. so glad someone made a fix

posted about 2 years ago
#116 TF2 player vocabulary in TF2 General Discussion

if we ban the word retard can we also should ban the word "fat" for when someone does big damage? as someone incredibly obese and not left my bed in about 6 months i find this use of my lifestyle offensive and derogatory

posted about 2 years ago
#7 Possible RGL legal overheal particles? in Customization
SquidamatronI brought up changing some particle colors for color blindness reasons and was denied. The particles weren't oversized, but they decided that it wasn't allowed.
[...] starting to fall under the particle effect changes that we don't allow since the changes only impact certain things and not the entire game as a whole, like color blindness settings in other games

Ah thanks that makes sense. They should probably update the rule list to include that. I don't plan on participating in RGL anytime soon, but hey maybe someday ig. Glad to know exactly what I will need to remove from my custom folder should I ever decide to play xd

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Possible RGL legal overheal particles? in Customization

I wonder why they specify oversized particles being not allowed. You can't really bypass pure without injecting cheats and lying to the game about your files being the default files. Since pure 2 blocks particle changes. Even with pre-loading my client will crash if I use conflicting mods on either sv 1 or 2. Oh well thanks anyway

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Possible RGL legal overheal particles? in Customization

This is continued from another thread. I figured a new one would be better than bumping that super old one.

Similar to what Koi-pond says the rules for RGL only discourages oversized heal particles. I decided to take thenoid's overheal particles and shrink it down to the default particle size. While I did appreciate Koi's efforts, I really wanted the particle to be centered over the player's head.

So today I went to work and edited thenoid's overheal so that it is the same default size for particles, but its still over players' heads. For me at least this is the best of both worlds, because its the cleanest way to display the more visible particles, and technically it doesn't violate RGL rules. They may update their rules on overheal particles, but as of now this again should technically be legal.

Here are the official rules on the document connected to RGL's website:

If you would like to try my edit you can download it below from this dropbox link:

Here are some images of what it looks like in game:

Like I said I believe that this should technically be legal. However it's always up to the discretion of the RGL moderators and admins. If they believe that this is illegal then I highly recommend updating the ruleset in order to reflect that any overheal particle edits are illegal. If a mod or admin would reply further clarifying the rules that would be very epic.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Custom crit and other effect icons not appearing in Customization
RoLthink of literally anything that changed on your pc the day it stopped working and turn off cloud syncing of your tf2 files

Only thing different I did today was go onto skial casual server while uncletopia was down and after playing in the server it broke. The minicrit/dbldonk has been broken for as long as I can remember. And when I wiped all my settings I turned cloud sync off and still have it off :/

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Custom crit and other effect icons not appearing in Customization

Howdy all, this is my first post in this forum. I've got a couple thousand hours in TF2 and I've gotten into customizations. I made my own crit, mini crit, and double donk icons, but I have run into some issues. And my mini-crit and double donk have never worked.

Here is a list of the icons I have created. Each image is just a preview and I have the vtf files listed below each corresponding preview.

posted about 2 years ago