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Signed Up December 25, 2015
Last Posted January 24, 2016 at 8:12 PM
Posts 23 (0 per day)
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#13 2nd Monitor screen is fucking up while fullscreen in Q/A Help

I had this problem before, what I did was go to display options and switch the monitor to the other side. You have to move your mouse the opposite way to get to your other monitor but it you get used to it and it fixed the problem for me.

posted about 9 years ago
#105 what are you listening to right now? in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 9 years ago
#104 Weird Names of People you know in Off Topic

These three brothers at my school name megd, megdi , and wegdi

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Weird Names of People you know in Off Topic

Some girl at my that went to my middle school was named "La-a" (pronounced la dash a)

posted about 9 years ago
#22 Tf2 Update 07/01/16 in TF2 General Discussion
popcorpAdded the ability to restore festivized weapons via the context menu

My little brother cried because he couldn't unfestivise his weapon XD

posted about 9 years ago
#452 what's yo inches/360 in Off Topic

Holy shit my sense is so low, 25.5 inches per 360

posted about 9 years ago
#65 Im making SFM Posters for people! in TF2 General Discussion
technoMap: Process
Location: Mid, jumping off crate
Class: Soldier
Team: RED
Hats/miscs: Black Max Head, Black Tyrants Helm, Bruiser's Bandanna
Weapon: Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher mk1, Gunboats
Pose: Rocket Jumping
Also if you could add the name techno in white somewhere on it that'd be sick!

Going to donate a couple items once its done, thanks a ton.

there u go

posted about 9 years ago
#64 Im making SFM Posters for people! in TF2 General Discussion
HighclassMap: Gran_pro
Location:Pushing into last
Hats: Disco beatdown beak (team spirit) + Burning Prussian Pickelhaube (Abundance of Tinge white) + The medical Mystery
Weapon: Australium Medigun
Pose: Running in with medigun out
Jpeg or png: either

Here are two pictures you can use to see the unusual combo or paints. They're not in a specific pose (the first picture's flames are not correct)

Here :3

Also once it's done I'll donate a key :)
posted about 9 years ago
#742 flatHUD in Customization

Hey Flatline, every time i try and check my contracts my game crashes, but only for your HUD. Do you know how to fix?

posted about 9 years ago
#52 Im making SFM Posters for people! in TF2 General Discussion
AffanMap: Any map with night theme
Location anywhere.
Team: Red
Hats/miscs: Green energy tyrant helm, bruiser bandana and kringle collection. All white.
Weapon: Aussie RL
Pose(taunt or just standing): Looking up.
JPEG or PNG?: any.


here ya go

posted about 9 years ago
#46 Im making SFM Posters for people! in TF2 General Discussion
Bleghfurici guess ill get one for myself meh

somewhere outside idunno
stormy storm vintage tyrolean, pink as hell nine pipe problem, quadwrangler
team shine festive medigun
png duh

Here ya go :D

posted about 9 years ago
#45 Im making SFM Posters for people! in TF2 General Discussion
avaiihnYou're doing God's work m8, this might be a challenge though. A bit of a depression era feel to this one I was thinking.

cp_mountainlab (prettiest map in the game)
Between first and second
Ye Olde Bakers Boy, Courtier's Collar, Argyle Ace
Sitting on floor, legs hanging off ledge. Maybe looking down and away a bit with the ball in his hand ball while the sandman bat lays next to him.
Area, camera angle idea:

I know it's complicated so if you are intimidated of don't want to do it I would understand. If you have questions though, send me something on steam or whatever.

Just letting you know that I am working on this and it will be great XD

posted about 9 years ago
#42 Im making SFM Posters for people! in TF2 General Discussion
fr3fouHere are a few tips to get better-looking posters:
1 - don't tilt the camera
2 - sunshine does work, you didn't even try to import it from tf2 :P
3 - to easily add items, right click on say soldier.mdl and click Add Team Fortress Item
4 - an easier way to paint items is
- - Right click on the hat/misc and click Add Override Materials
- - Right click again, Show in Element Viewer -> Model
- - Scroll to the bottom and find 2 boxes of colors, one white and the other one should be the current color of your hat/misc
- - Click the 2nd one, you should now see a RGB Color Picker aswell as some boxes which let you set custom RGB values
- - To get the exact color of a certain paint go here and get the HEX Value of the paint you want, next go here. Now copy/paste the paint that you want to use. Then type the Red, Green and Blue values in SFM (they are in that order)
- - There is no need of any addons/plugins/scripts or whatever for this to work.
- - If you can't seem to paint a certain item, go here and download the fixed texture for the item you wan't to paint then copy paste it in the folder which is said in the post.
- - P.S the tf2 wiki is down, so you might have to wait a bit :/
5 - to fix lighting bugs, like the Kringle one, go here and find the item that you want to fix. (cba to explain how to fix it, pretty sure Jimmer Lins has a tutorial on how to fix the items)
6 - if you want to use cp_badlands, use an earlier BETA of SFM, right click om SFM, properties, BETAS and choose version (thanks AMS :)
P.S. - the feautre I said up there (Add Team Fortress Item) isn't in this beta, so you will have to lock miscs/items like you used to before.
P.S.S go here to find the file names of every item
7 - use HWM models for the classes
8 - use a zoomed FOV, as it looks better
9 - to remove the sweater of that Medic's misc, right click on the misc in the Animation Set Editor and click Bodygroups
Here you can disable/enable certain bodygroups of mics or models in general
10 - watch Jimmer Lins' "Tip Of The Day" :)
11 - to use product, copy paste koth_viaduct_pro from your tf2 -> downloadlist folder and in your SFM Folder -> usermod -> create a folder called maps and paste it here.
If you don't have that I can upload it to some site if you want to
12 - you have done this one a few times but
Use the Rule Of Thirds!

THANKYOU for the helpful tips :D

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Im making SFM Posters for people! in TF2 General Discussion
HidiMap: Process
Location: Second or last
Class: Medic
Team: Blu
Hats/miscs: Doctor's Sack, Archimedes, Der Wintermantel (Sweater hidden)
Weapon: Festive crossbow or stock medigun
Pose: Meet the Medic tends to look alright, but often with Medic, you have to play around with him just standing.

Couldn't get the sweater to go away, here ya go

posted about 9 years ago
#33 Im making SFM Posters for people! in TF2 General Discussion
Smoking Furious Fukaamigasa, Shogun's Shoulder Guard, Menpo
Rocket Launcher
Pose: same pose as Smesi's

I really like this one, hope you enjoy :)

posted about 9 years ago
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