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Signed Up June 10, 2017
Last Posted February 11, 2018 at 5:32 PM
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#140 No Hats Mod in Customization
wow, does this enable soldier helmet as well?
Sorry I can't read
good stuff
It's pretty good but sadly causes crashes for me.

The mod 100% works in community servers, but I didn't realize that it would crash so often in casual until it happened to me twice along with to you two. We are working to fix this and we might have found out how. If this fixes the crashes, expect a follow up mod. If this method doesnt work, we will try out a few other changes to try to get it up and running in casual. [UPDATE] Unfortunately the mod isn't working and still causes frequent crashes. Pretty sure this short-lived mod has died.

posted about 7 years ago
#137 No Hats Mod in Customization

Okay boys. Headsfeet leaves heads and feet cosmetics. The regular mod gets rid of all the shit, making pyros have invisible heads, or scouts/demos having invisible feet. And everyone who normally wears a hat with their default model (sniper, soldier etc.) become bald and look dumb. Well myself, along with a modder friend, have discovered how to combat this. Enter the "noheadsfeetheadsfeet" mod. This will enable the regular hats, demoman/scout feet, and pyro's default head to still show WHILE still disabling regular hats. Here is a screenshot of scout with a hat while still having his hat. Now, I am poor so I unfortunately cant show off his feet staying, but trust me, they do. I also do not own any pyro head replacements, but trust me, they stay.
To install, just download it from my link, and drop it into your custom folder. You NEED to install the regular nohats mod alongside this. It will still work even if new hats are added, as this mod doesn't actually disable any hats, it just forces the default model's cosmetics to stay.

posted about 7 years ago
#159 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization

Hey boys, I know this thread is kinda dead but for those of you that want more frames check out these guides
Some new/updated configs on there, and a bunch of other helpful information on increasing your FPS.

posted about 7 years ago