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Last Posted May 4, 2024 at 4:17 PM
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#3 Making pre_07_25_23 work after the 64 bit update in TF2 General Discussion

I'm having trouble doing this, is there like a video for more visual steps for it, feel like I'm doing something wrong while trying to do the item schema addon.

posted 9 months ago
#9 Unable to minimize viewmodels in Lawena in Videos
PhnxIf you haven't tried yet, open a local server without Lawena while the custom animations are loaded and try to minimize your viewmodel there.
If it doesn't work it's not an issue with Lawena but the animations themselves (maybe you can't even use minimized viewmodels with custom animations, I never tried)

Hello, Phnz sorry for not replying back after asking for help, i took your advice and yes when opening a local server without Lawena, the custom animations were were applied in mid mode. apa3 was able to give commands that fixed in Lawena, but my recording in Lawena wasn't working, so reinstalling Lawena and adding the normal tf_use_min_viewmodels 1" worked just fine and it works for custom animations too. :)

posted about a year ago
#8 Unable to minimize viewmodels in Lawena in Videos
Usmailmanso your trying to make it look pretty with custom animations, then put on min mode to make it look worse?

I'm sorry if there's confusion Usmailman, I should give some context since it's confusing on why would I have custom animations and put my weapons on min mode, plus i didn't want to write an entire essay on the post, but since you asked i should rightfully answer for you (and hopefully you take your time to read). So for me personally when i play TF2, i use min mode cause having your weapons taking a good quarter or half of your screen would be a bit distracting and affect my gameplay (I off course had the default settings when i played TF2 for the first time, until I discovered min mode, which changed my gameplay greatly, including more to see on screen). Overtime I recorded gameplay and had some funny moments with some friends and most of my footage was on min mode.

When i saw the custom animations I personally loved the engineer brushing his primary weapon and it plays a guitar chord after inspecting it (and the rest of the animations provided). For the video project, I show my friends a comparison with the custom animations both in the default viewmodel settings and min mode, including inspecting the weapon.

Most of them agreed on the min mode for better viewing experience and because I had footage playing in min mode, If i had Lawena recording the weapon viewmodel with min mode off and then it transitions to my original TF2 gameplay footage with min mode on within the same game session, it wouldn't look right. Hope that clear things up a bit.

This segment is for future reference if people are thinking of doing some sort of video edit like me with the same custom animations (and if you saw the video link provided). The secondary and third slots for the pistol and wrench after inspecting has this awkward slide that goes back to min mode cause the custom animations were originally for the default viewmodel FOV. If you are playing in Valve servers, inspecting the pistol as engineer will have a smoother transition if you're in mid mode. Unfortunately, as for the wrenches (expect for the gunslinger), they have the awkward slide after inspecting it.

Thanks for giving me feedback and taking your time to help a newbie out. Wish you all a Merry Christmas.

posted about a year ago
#7 Unable to minimize viewmodels in Lawena in Videos
NoNoeWayI don't know if you made a typo in your config but you did make one in your post, your second underscore is a hyphen in the post.

Yeah i noticed that too, but when i corrected it, it wasn't applying either, so I used the commands given by User: apa3. It worked, but my Lawena wasn't recording properly my demos for some reason, so i had to reinstall and add my back my settings and made sure my TGA files were properly stored.

posted about a year ago
#6 Unable to minimize viewmodels in Lawena in Videos

Hey thank you for your help, i managed to fix my minimized weapon viemodels using your commands, but right afterward when i was trying to record gameplay from the demo it wasn't working. So instead I redownloaded Lawena, and reset my file directory and i used "tf_use_min_viewmodels 1" for the custom settings which fixed the issue.

posted about a year ago
#1 Unable to minimize viewmodels in Lawena in Videos

Hello everybody, I'm completely new here and this would be my first post! Hopefully you guys can bear with me with what I have to share and hope you help a newbie out.

Recently i decided to try out Lawena and learn how to record demo replays for a video project, and I downloaded Kylul's custom animation pack. I never used a custom animation (or mod) once in all of my time playing TF2.
(if you're wondering which one it's Kylul's Engineer Animation Pack V1).

It's great that Lawena was able to apply the custom animations when i rewatch the demo replays, but i have came to a little problem, I'm unable to minimize the weapon viewmodels when it plays the demo. As far as i know, you can open the "Custom Settings" tab in Lawena and able to add commands and override standard configuration. I know the command is "tf_use-min_viewmodels 1" and i add that in the custom settings, but it seems it wouldn't apply and it would just have the defalut viewmodel FOV. I tired to add the command in the console, but no luck. Without the custom animations it would read the custom settings and it would minimize the weapon viewmodels.

Is it possible to minimize viewmodels even with custom animations applied when using Lawena? If so please message, thank you and wish you all a Merry Christmas.

posted about a year ago