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SteamID64 76561197999199615
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Country Switzerland
Signed Up February 20, 2013
Last Posted August 29, 2016 at 7:02 PM
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#3 [Name] O'Learry? in Requests

Thank you for changing it

posted about 8 years ago
#1 [Name] O'Learry? in Requests

I would like my name changed.
I don't know if this works but if it doesn't work O_Learry is ok as well.
Thank you in advance

posted about 8 years ago
#17 i58 Shoutouts Thread in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to Jasmine for playing superb at i58
Shoutout to Full tilt and Crowns for bringing us an amazing Grand Final
Shoutout to the whole production Crew
Shoutout to 3/6 for making it to the upper brackets
Shoutout to fm-esports for carrying me to 4th place in open brackets
Shoutout to the casters and analyse desk for doing an amazing job
Shoutout to TECZ for getting me drunk and trying to recruit me... multiple times
Shoutout to the admins
Shoutout to the people who played the drinking game
Shoutout to Admirable, Adysky, Alfie, Alle, B4nny, Bren, Ceeg, Ceejaey, Clive, Coleman, Coolbeans, Cow, Cubbs, Cupcake, CX, Dan, Deox, Domo, Dr. Phil, Dreamboat, Eepily, Fate, Fiyahstorm, Fribs, Geoh, Grillbeans, Gubbins, Hafficool, Hank, Hannah, Hildo, Ingi, JayyJayy, Jon, Kaidus, Kaptain, Koston, Loris, Lux, Mana, MattCV, Mike, Mop, Mya, Nation, Ninya, Nymthae, Omni, Paulsen, Permzilla, Raf, Raptor, Raymon, Ross, Sami, Samski, Sarah, Sepu, Shintaz, Sideshow, Sonix, Spudd, Stinson, Tagg, Tapley, Thalash, Tom, Tweak, Vani, Warped, Worms personally because you made this lan an amazing place (I humbly appologize to the people I couldn't remember the names of)

posted about 8 years ago
#852 rayshud in Customization
HerganFetterchefkochIs there any way to remove the score of the players from the scoreboard?

I tried to remove Score in LocalPlayerData from the ScoreBoard.res (same for OpponentData). But nothing seems to have changed.

score_width at the top of the file

When removing score_width it does not change anything and when I change it to 0 it overlays with the killstreaks. I found a thread where they want to remove the killstreak in the scoreboard. When I removed the label from tf_english.txt it removed the label but the score is still there.

Or do you know how to change the order of those? I mean Name, Score, Streak and so forth. So I can change the order and shorten the PlayerList.

Right now it looks like this

posted about 10 years ago
#850 rayshud in Customization

Is there any way to remove the score of the players from the scoreboard?

I tried to remove Score in LocalPlayerData from the ScoreBoard.res (same for OpponentData). But nothing seems to have changed.

posted about 10 years ago