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Signed Up August 16, 2012
Last Posted June 14, 2013 at 10:14 PM
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#53 110 fov in TF2 General Discussion
hpqoeubecause not everyone can afford 2 extra monitors the same size as their main monitor

And not everyone can afford 120Hz monitors either and those give a clear advantage over 60Hz...should we restrict everyone to 60Hz so everyone is on a level playing field? Obviously not...

posted about 11 years ago
#50 110 fov in TF2 General Discussion
CJ-No it's definitely possible, considering I just opened my game, changed it to full screen 5760x1080, and took the screenshot.

Seriously? I thought Valve "nerfed" that?

I stand corrected then.

Wish I had one of those eyefinity debezelled VG248QE set ups now...

Like this but in landscape mode:


So then why is everyone so mad about hypothetically increased FOV past cap if you can simply buy two extra monitors to achieve that effect?

posted about 11 years ago
#47 110 fov in TF2 General Discussion
Not sure what letterbox means. It looks really strange, like it zooms in on what you are looking at to the point at which it is unplayable and feels really strange. I'm pretty sure it zooms such that your FOV is still 90 (but I'm not sure). Images for comparison:

Full screen:
Borderless windowed:
Normal 1920x1080:

Yeah that first image is no longer possible due to Valve restriction the FOV ratios even when running really wide resolutions. It makes it so that no matter how wide your res, the FOV will always be 90.

The FOV on that first image is fucking insane...

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Canadian bros, sale on Zowie mice. in Hardware
JClownNot canadian, and not technically related, but I have a logitech m90 mouse (wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't heard of it, it's one of the budget mice) right now and the size is about right. Which of these mice would be a better fit for me?

Can you post a pic from google? I tried searching that mouse but it just comes up with M905 and stuff, so I can't get a good grasp of what the size/shape of the mouse is...

posted about 11 years ago
#41 110 fov in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanSeriously, you are all no-life faggots and should listen to Odissius.
Some people have a fucking life and cannot bother playing stupid games like tf2.
Grow up and play CS:Go, a game for true entrepreneurs.
Show Content
on 150 FOV

Oh and btw, you all suck for posting here, a true businessman only frequents forums of games that he doesn't play anymore and that only to shittalk.

I mean cmon, get a life, nerds.

I post here mainly to help people out in the Hardware section, but if I see a FOV thread on the sidebar, you can bet I will post in it to rustle some jimmies.

And CS:GO is just fine at 90FOV actually.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 110 fov in TF2 General Discussion
defyfrom the looks of your profile

no name clown rambling about comp play with 0 hours of tf2 in the past 2 weeks, better off staying with CS:GO like a human trashcan

Sorry babycakes, not all of us are still in highschool with all of the free-time in the world to play competitive vidjagaemz. Some of us have to dedicate time to worthwhile things, like starting a business.

Also, lol @ the CS:GO hate, but I guess I don't expect anything more than poverty logic coming from someone on this forum. If anything, you should be happy that other competitive FPS games exist. It's nice to have a change once in a while.

Keep +fragging each other's shitposts while you guys suck each other off.

p.s. Don't forget to -frag this post...it only makes my erection stronger. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#16 110 fov in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendWho the fuck is odissius? Based on the fact that he is evidently a shitlord I'm going to assume that he's some bitter virgin because he thinks higher fov is his gateway to getting out of ugc jet puffed jumbomallows

oh my god screenshots of dominating people in dm, case closed.

Because no one has ever taken a screenshot for the lulz after dominating an invite player in DM.

Pls go jabroni...everyone knows DM isn't srsbizness.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 110 fov in TF2 General Discussion
triplemintoh god Odissius SHUT UP ABOUT THIS TOPIC you've already made like 5 threads jesus christ

I made one you fuckin' goober, the rest of these threads get made by noobs who don't search.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 110 fov in TF2 General Discussion

Extra FOV, past the curent cap we have now, is too scary of a change for the "competitive players" on TF.TV to imagine. God forbid, they'd have to adapt to something new.

Thus you should pepper your angus for -frags.

CondescendingCandlestickLooks like I'm buying a pub server

Pretty much.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Canadian bros, sale on Zowie mice. in Hardware
PlatypusRight when my deathadder bites the dust and I have some extra money :D

I recommend the EC1 eVo to you then.

Surprisingly I love the shape even more than my Deathadder that I used for years previously...also the rubber on it is sooo much nicer.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Canadian bros, sale on Zowie mice. in Hardware

Zowie makes god-tier mice, if you're Canadian and need a new mouse, look no further.


EC1 eVo = Palm Grip
EC2 eVo = Claw Grip
FK & AM = Claw Grip / Ambidextrous

posted about 11 years ago
#526 E3 Begins in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#26 Dual Monitor Causes Video Lag in Hardware

Did y'all ever figure out the solution?

Honestly, I would just go sign up here, these nerds usually know what's up - http://www.overclock.net/f/44/monitors-and-displays

posted about 11 years ago
#441 E3 Begins in Off Topic


I would've danced a little jig on stage if I was that guy when they started chanting "Sony!"

edit....awww can't embed video?

posted about 11 years ago
#439 E3 Begins in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
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