obe_OdissiusThe reason that the Original is the better choice is due to consistency in projectile inheritance, ie. you aim the same way whether moving left or right.
This is the closest anyone's come to persuading me to looking into using the original. Can you elaborate further?
It's kind of hard for me to describe it but I'll try my best.
So, with the Original whether strafing left or right your rockets will come out of your body like this: |----+----| The distance you have to account for when aiming is equal on both sides. This makes aiming more consistent and easier. This also makes it a lot easier to know how to aim when you and your opponent are both in the air and you're going for an airshot on him. It just makes it easier to calculate where to aim.
With the Stock RL when strafing left and right your rockets come out of your body like this: |---+-----| So when strafing right, your rockets come of your body on the left but close(r) to the crosshair; strafing to the left and your rocket comes out a lot further to the right. So you always have to take that difference into account when aiming, and you have to learn how to aim differently depending on which side you are strafing to. I'd bet dollars to donuts it takes a split second longer to think about where to aim when using Stock vs Original, and that's why I switched. On top of that, when people are directly in front of you you've gotta aim slightly to the left which can lead to some whiffed shots in the heat of the moment if a scout jumps in your face. Also, when using the Original you're always aiming with the center of the screen and that's how you aim with shotty as well, so it only makes sense to go with the Original.
Original = consistent rocket deviation from crosshair while strafing = easier and more reliable to aim accurately.
I switched to the Original after like 40k with the Stock and I haven't looked back. Now just give me an "Original" Direct Hit and we're in business.