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Signed Up August 19, 2013
Last Posted December 9, 2022 at 5:32 AM
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#22 Lockdown Throwdown 2 democall in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#37 ETF2L Season 37 in 2021 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#54 Lockdown Throwdown Round 2 announced in News

idk if this is the right thread but several (not all) stvs from officials servers can't be read and throw

GetDynamicBaseline: FindStringIndex
posted about 3 years ago
#6 NerdRage vs Svift Gaming - ETF2L Finals Highlights in Videos

If I'm being honest here I didn't like the video.

  • The video is 10 minutes long for highlights of 2 maps. This is way too long, most of the footage is not interesting to watch. Beater made a video covering the entire Prem playoffs and it was only 3 minutes long.
  • The color correction added to the fact that this is footage taken from a stream and with poor output quality, makes the whole video difficult to watch.
  • The clips are taken from the stream, so you probably missed a few key moments (e.g.: 8:43 streamers scream for a dmoule play that we do not actually see).

You could have shortened the video (and record clips from the entire playoffs since nerdRage played all the games), added a little bit of editing (similar to how some of the Ascent videos (https://www.youtube.com/c/AscentEsports/videos) were made) and recorded the players's POV instead of using clips from the stream that would have been much more enjoyable in my opinion.

posted about 3 years ago
#7774 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#10692 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#10612 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#2 nerdRage calms down and comes back to ETF2L in News

This is the season elacour wins prem !

posted about 3 years ago
#24 Calling out div 1 etf2l teams in TF2 General Discussion
smziWho on веазтмоде won prem?

funs in season 28, although I just checked and he was a merc...

posted about 3 years ago
#22 Calling out div 1 etf2l teams in TF2 General Discussion

Hello dear Doughy,

Out of the 3 teams you listed as "pussy", I will argue that only 2 of those are legit.

Boinicle did finish first in the regular etf2l season 35 (and second in playoffs) and did participate in the etf2l season 36 premiership qualifiers. I believe the team they were supposed to play dropped, so they were awarded a spot in prem. I don't understand how they were allowed after all to say they didn't want to participate in prem anymore.

веазтмоде have a really strong lineup (2 ex prem runner ups, 1 prem winner and 2 players that have had a very solid prem debut). They are behaving like a prem team, scrimming and getting decent results against other prem teams. They could definitely be playoffs contenders in prem. But, from what I have heard (correct me if I'm wrong there), chris and funs said that if they were put in prem, they would simply not play. How is this allowed ? Building a prem team and then threatening to drop if you have to play prem ? To me, this team is the one that should've been put in prem and if they refused, the players should have been banned from playing etf2l (not all of them, respect to my mens silves and deli).

Now, concerning 5 gerz burgerz and fries, I don't think it is really legitimate to call them pussies and I think they do belong in div1.

  • They are mostly scrimming div1 team, having close games most of the times
  • They don't practise a lot since 1: they don't want to, 2: one player (da jordz) has limited resources/time to scrim
  • They sure did finish 4th in prem last season but let's take a quick look at the roaster changes
    • aph and mak stay on class.
    • opti goes to scout. last time he played scout was season 30 and i63, ascent fr/eu. Do you remember what happened ? very bad at the class and worst scout @ lan (tf2metrics confirmed it).
    • collaide medic. basically his debut in higher divs as medic. also has never played prem.
    • jordy soldier. While he has played prem (season 32), he hasn't played much since, only d1 iirc.
    • crayon soldier. Hasn't played prem in soldier, only d1 with jordy as well.

While the team is strong (contender for d1 winner), they don't belong in prem and would probably get 6-0 all the way there.

Also, no disrespect here, but putting the GAY JAIL team in prem is a really weird decision.

  • They've barely been scrimming and got pretty bad results
  • They have players with little to no experience in d1/prem divs
  • They have players known for being very unstable, players that have, in the past, left teams mid season, or were cut due to their behaviour.
posted about 3 years ago
#70 ETF2L Website not working in TF2 General Discussion
Twiggyjnkicome on its a free league, no patreon, no nothing, people running the website do it at a loss by default
some of the only income is from amazon referals and from google ads(fun fact this is why etf2l prohibits nsfw profile and team pictures, because the pages get demonetized)

the sponsorships they acquire fund prize pools, these 300 eur for prem highlander dont materialize on their own
Then perhaps it's more important to use sponsorship money to make the organisation more solid before giving the money away in prize pools. If money is an issue one might store the backups on his own PC for free. But it's none of my business :)


posted about 4 years ago
#12 How to get FREE AUSTRALIUM SKINS in 2020 in Videos

J'éjacule de la chapelure

posted about 4 years ago
#7531 Frag Clips Thread in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#2 Highlight: Lukas & papi vs. da wizzerdz guild in Videos

Gi-Lui Legacy

posted about 4 years ago
#15 RGL S2 LBF: 100 Beasts vs. Ford Gaming in Events

This is the first time I'm watching an RGL game and I have to say, I can't remember the last time I have enjoyed a cast that much. The production was rock solid, the game itself was crazy, and the b4nny/extine combo was soooo enjoyable to listen to.

posted about 4 years ago
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