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Signed Up June 21, 2014
Last Posted December 15, 2016 at 3:46 PM
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#53 What is the game that requires the most skill? in Other Games

Games which have infinite skill ceilings (which is a vast majority of them) are all equally hard and the difficulty of them is entirely dependent on the level of competition you play against

if the entire player base of quake or chess was a room full of toddlers neither would be very difficult to be the best at.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Midair - spiritual successor to tribes in Other Games

well like all latency compensation, there are some trade-offs. You will find there are delays in acknowledging hits (although there are subtle client side indicators to help with that), you are more likely to get hit after getting behind cover, etc. However, because these games tend to lack a lot of cover, fights occur at longer distances with projectile weapons, and damage is often granular because of splash damage, it's very amenable to generous lag compensation. I frequently play on the germany server from the east coast US with essentially 0 issues.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Midair - spiritual successor to tribes in Other Games

bumping this because the kickstarter is ending in about a day

posted about 8 years ago
#145 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games
obe_SpaceGhostsCoffeePlatinumroadhog's hook should be less forgiving in general and maybe allow him to launch himself? that would be hilariousThe fact that the hook auto-aims and hooks you around corners is the worst part of it imo, I think it'd be fine if they just removed the auto-aim so at least took some semblance of skill
His hook doesn't auto aim though. It's hitscan (or so I hear, although Seagull claims it isn't) and pubs are 2 0 T I C K so that's how you get hooked around corners and shit.

It really should operate like a projectile though. If that were the case though I think Roadhog's bread and butter would be too difficult to consistently pull off so increasing the returns while increasing the skill needed for said returns would make sense. Just a slightly longer range, or maybe a bit more damage on hook.

roadhog's hook is projectile, but between the very generous lag compensation and its enormous hitbox, it might as well feel like hitscan

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Midair - spiritual successor to tribes in Other Games
saamwhatever happened to the tribes ascend relaunch

I don't actually know since I haven't played the game after they updated. I know its reception has been mixed. It also has a very small number of people working on it so they can't really overhaul some of the complex systems that needed it imo

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Midair - spiritual successor to tribes in Other Games

i have an i7-4790k and gtx 970, i basically stick to a constant 120 fps. On the first map they developed there are some framerate issues once like 18+ people get on the server, but that seems to be the only map with that issue. You can probably get a good sense of its performance by playing on the free ut4 alpha on textured maps (it runs on ue4).

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Midair - spiritual successor to tribes in Other Games

As per title, it's heavily influenced by tribes 1 and 2 in particular. It's on kickstarter atm

game is pre-alpha but already is playable.
9v9 ctf game here:

5v5 LT (lights only) ctf game:

I'm an alpha tester and can answer questions and stuff if people have them

posted about 8 years ago
#76 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games
BLoodSireReminder that TF2's movement pales in comparrison to TFC's movement and as a result was lampooned by many that it didn't have enough dynamics to be taken seriously.

I mean, isn't tf2's movement less dynamic and ultimately less interesting than tfc's? It's not that there's literally nothing to overwatch's movement, it's that it is less interesting and challenging.

posted about 9 years ago
#62 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

the double jump w/air control really gives the scout an element of verticality that lets him have interesting interactions with splash damage weapons from the soldier. It's also much harder mechanically to play. He also has a faster base movement speed so just basic strafe fighting is more interesting and dynamic.

that's not even getting into all the movement options in pub games from his various weapons like the atomizer, fan jumps, etc. Tracer's base move speed is still glacially slow and can't really dodge good players. her blink is still just 'push button to warp here.' Rewind is kind of neat, especially used offensively imo, but I still think the scout is just a much better designed class.

posted about 9 years ago
#59 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

I dunno, the game seems alright

maps are definitely the worst part. It carries over a lot of the design problems from tf2 payload maps. Maps like anubis have some really obnoxious choke points

team compositions are a huge deal. right now that seems to make or break games a lot. A little too hard-counter-y in some instances.

None of the characters are even close to as interesting as soldier or scout in terms of mechanics, which seems kind of sad. There are headshots on (almost?) everything, which adds some level to execution depth in terms of aim, but most of the movement abilities are basically variations of 'click to move here' rather than being more skill-based mechanics.

It'll probably be a fun pub game, at least for a while. I'd be interested in seeing a competitive scene and how the game plays under those circumstances. Right now, it's nowhere close to tf2 in terms of quality of design. Maybe with the introduction of some more interesting heroes with better movement mechanics and a vast improvement of map design, it would be pretty good.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 New Tribes Ascend in Other Games

It's neat that they're paying some attention to the game.

that being said, this game needs a complete overhaul of its basic systems and mechanics to make it any decent.

If you're just playing it ultra casual tho i'm sure it'll be fine to kill some hours

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Mechanical keyboard switches in Hardware

I fixed this problem by using a funnel to put isopropyl alcohol into the sticky keys. It took a while to fully fix though, 1-2 weeks. Better have a backup keyboard.

posted about 10 years ago
#207 Lange's thoughts on the state of competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I would hope you guys are glad for the opportunity to play a game you enjoy that realistically will not 'die' (ie get to the point where you can't play competitively) for many, many years.

I've had to suffer through a lot worse crap playing the old tribes games competitively, which were categorically better games than tf2.

posted about 10 years ago
#70 Quake Live rumored gameplay changes in Other Games

ok, game design 101 time

what constitutes "good design" changes over time.

another game like quake will almost certainly never be popular again, because the skill gap difference between players is higher than ever and the demographic that plays fps games is spread too thin.

quake live cannot be successful without massive gameplay changes that address this. Whether or not these changes will be good of course is another matter entirely.

posted about 10 years ago
#41 Competitive shooters? in Other Games

It a real shame that no proper tribes sequel has been made

a tribes 2 remake would do even better than the original in the modern market, and it is far more compelling as a competitive game than either cs or tf2

instead we end up with hi "literally can't program video games" rez :<

also dirty bomb yah is prty fun so far but who knows how popular it will actually be. I've learned not to be optimistic about these things

posted about 10 years ago