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Signed Up September 18, 2015
Last Posted February 8, 2019 at 6:18 PM
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#10 help russians to get to lan in TF2 General Discussion
Console-If your heavy main does not cosplay as heavy I will be sad :(

our heavy can bring ushanka and buy sandwich in the nearest store.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 help russians to get to lan in TF2 General Discussion
wtzwhat happens if you don’t make the goal how do we get our money back

If we dont meet our goal we would lend the money (but we would like to avoid that since our players are already poor) and go to lan anyway, the only real issue is getting the visa so in case that gets denied we would return the money

posted about 6 years ago
#1 help russians to get to lan in TF2 General Discussion


As some of you might know, there is an upcoming 6v6 and (the only) 9v9 LAN for TF2 which will be taking place in Copenhagen on 17th-21st of April this year.
After some consideration, me and my highlander team decided it would be an awesome experience to have visiting a big TF2 LAN especially since russian teams never made it to any big events in the past. The last time people considered going was back when 4-25 was still a team but unfortunately they never made it to Insomnia 55 either. Our entire roster is ready to go and willing to play at such a tournament hoping to get a top 3 spot. Part of our team can afford going to Copenhagen LAN on their own but unfortunately, a few people need financial help. That is why we decided to create a fundraiser for our team to get there.

Our team is called kiti s bakenbardami (or you might know us as sideburned whales) We are the strongest russian highlander team at the moment, playing in prem after winning div 1 playoffs and also placing 2nd in invite in We would also play 6v6 but we don’t have any impressive results there.

Our roster:

We need €330 per person. This includes flight tickets (~€175), LAN tickets (€78), renting a place to stay. This doesn’t include the money for making visas. From our roster we require financial help for Lightclaw, Boshy and fnzkie. So our fundraiser goal is €1000.

We can offer you various features as rewards like signing items, reviewing demos, russian lessons etc (you can suggest what you might want) as well as (possibly) our merch. Also we are going to raffle some sick unusuals later on the stream upon reaching certain goals. This is still up for discussion so rewards aren’t concrete yet.
if you want to donate directly to our lan funds you should use this paypal: (so we can return the money in case visas get denied), additionally you can
also support our players who stream at: ; ;

If we dont meet our goal we would lend the money (but we would like to avoid that since our players are already poor) and go to lan anyway, the only real issue is getting the visa so in case that gets denied we would return the money.

Thanks to anyone kind enough to donate, hopefully we will c u @.

posted about 6 years ago
#78 The Ultimate Ultiduo Tournament 2 ft. Mannco.Store in TF2 General Discussion

Team name: 6oLLlu He cTpeJl9u l7o l7upocaM
Pahan -
Boshy -

posted about 6 years ago
#59 Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta in TF2 General Discussion

6oLLlu He cTpeJl9u l7o l7upocaM
Pahan -
Boshy -

posted about 7 years ago
#54 Goodbye in Off Topic

Thank you very much!!! You are very amaizing man and friend! <3
Thank you for all!!!

posted about 9 years ago