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Signed Up April 19, 2019
Last Posted March 14, 2025 at 5:29 PM
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#3 PeachREC - Automated Demo Recorder in Customization
pyurpurroti built from source on linux, seems to work great BUT i had to edit source and change directory "_PeachREC" to "_peachrec".

Thanks for letting me know!
I've added a check for what OS the installer is run on, so now on non-Windows systems PeachREC will generate with the filename "_peachrec". It's live in release v0.0.1.

posted 1 week ago
#1 PeachREC - Automated Demo Recorder in Customization

PeachREC, the successor to PREC making clever use of HUD tech.

I've tried to mimic the core PREC functionality as closely as possible. That means that PeachREC will record only tournament matches (officials, scrims, PUGs) and just the match (no pregame or halftime). It supports custom HUDs or default / no HUD, and it supports mastercomfig (any version that uses cfg/overrides) as well as custom autoexecs.

Here's a link to the PeachREC Installer GitHub, that'll get you set up with PeachREC.

If you'd like to see the installer in action, I've made this installation guide on YouTube.

posted 1 week ago
#18 See your medic's uber% on hud in Customization
SodiumPSA: this will not be allowed during i69

For what reason? It seems very inconsequential in well organized environments, especially at the level of teams traveling internationally to compete.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Horizontal Velocity HUD Speedometer in Customization

It's incredible you managed to implement this using VMT proxy math. I would not have been able to come up with a way to do this using the limited VMT math operations
A few suggestions and improvements I made over 3 days and a lot of head scratching.

  • Biggest improvement was in the Babylonian square-root method. instead of using 1 as an initial guess, using PlayerSpeed as an initial guess you can cut your iterations down from 11 iterations to just 2 with the same level of accuracy in most situations. This is because usually PlayerSpeed is pretty close to the square root we are interested in.
    There is the edge case that if you're going directly vertical (like jumping) then the game's reported speed and your horizontal speed can be different enough to require more iterations, I ended up getting around this by just overriding the initial guess to be 1 if my horizontal speed was less than 1 (stationary). You might be able to raise that initial guess override to account for way more extreme edge cases, but I haven't checked what the threshold for that is.
  • I also simplified the way that the final velocity is translated into the frames for the VTF. I'm not entirely certain what the original method used by you and Waldo was, but I just divide the final velocity by the digit place, then use the WrapMinMax proxy as a modulus 10 for the final frame count.
  • I stabilize the speedometer output by just adding 0.5 to the final velocity, which stops it from fluctuating down by 1 unit repeatedly by giving enough of a buffer to skip whatever calculation error causes that (happens in the game reported velocity too).

Here's a link to my implementation in a HUD: GitHub
Here's a link to just the speedometer download: Google Drive

One issue I've been working through but haven't found a solution to yet is the under reporting of speed when walking up or down a slope. From what I can tell, when you are contacting the ground the game ignores your Z velocity in its calculation for PlayerSpeed, which skews how we extract the frame time from that value.
I feel like there is probably a way to check if the Z position in our calculation is being excluded from the PlayerSpeed calculation, but I haven't had any luck.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Horsie's Viewmodel Editor in Customization

Very cool tool and I'd highly recommend it. It's very simple to setup but very powerful, whether you want to do something like disable shells or have a different view model position / state for every weapon.

posted about 2 years ago

1 key to make a Hud would come out to substantially less than minimum wage, and for how much work actually goes into making a Hud, it is unlikely anyone will do it for that little.

posted about 4 years ago
#20 PeachHUD in Customization
EvojrIs it possible to get the health and ammo closer to the crosshair? I find it very out of the way to look at

Edit: looking at the screenshots, my hud is almost at the edge of my screen, unlike the screenshots. My aspect ratio is 16:9 as well

It sounds like you have minmode enabled, the "centered" version of my hud is minmode disabled (opposite to most huds because it is a quirk of SunsetHud).

posted about 4 years ago
#17 PeachHUD in Customization

Full Release Update!

A lot has been done since I posted this 7 months ago, most notably: Dark mode, non-16:9 resolution support, transparent viewmodel support, Linux/Mac support, and more to come!


posted about 4 years ago
#15 PeachHUD in Customization
damnit_dolanI'm not sure if it's just me or not, but the number 6 is slightly cut off in everything. Health, ammo, etc.

I believe that is just the look of the Renogare font when used in TF2.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 PeachHUD in Customization
shinsoedit: figured out what was causing the frame drops. apparently it was something with the fade in & fade out of the voice command menu; reverting it to be the same as the default tf2 hud fixed it

Could you elaborate on how you fixed this so I could implement it into the hud? Did you delete the fade in/out animation entirely or just copy the default settings or what?

posted about 5 years ago
#12 PeachHUD in Customization
poyIs there a way to disable the uber tracker? I find it more annoying than useful... other than that amazing hud!

In one of the upcoming updates I'll make the uber tracker a customization option that is disabled by default. Until then if you remove the animation for it at the bottom of animations_peach in the scripts folder it will be disabled.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 PeachHUD in Customization
Funkythis by any chance an edit of kbn hud? looks very similar
very nice nonetheless :)

Don't think I have seen KNBHud before actually, I saw a clip from someone with the team colored line under their health and added that to the Hud though, so maybe that's where that came from. Also thank you for the kind words!

posted about 5 years ago
#1 PeachHUD in Customization

For the past few months I've been developing a HUD with competitive viability as the number one priority, while also maintaining a clean aesthetic with plenty of customizability.

For this purpose I used Sunset HUD as a base and began modifying, adapting, and eventually developing it to suit my design approach. I have been in contact with Hypnotize (the maker of Sunset) since the early stages of development and he has been tremendously supportive and helpful, and I really cannot thank him enough!

Screenshot Album

Additional Information
To ensure its viability in competitive I involved many players ranging from seasoned invite veterans to fresh installs and taken feedback from them. Optimization was a big priority for myself and my testers, because of this I have removed elements that hurt performance or stability, such as the friends list and player model from the base HUD and added them as optional customizations. I would encourage anyone interested in getting involved to join the HUD discord and become a tester!

Development Discord

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Scout LFT Low/Mid Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking to play pocket or flank scout for my first (and I guess last) season of ESEA. Started playing in 2012 and put 3000+ hours game and gathered a lot of highlander experience on scout and other classes, as well as some prolander and 6s experience in UGC, RGL, PUGs, and Centers. Just looking to play, improve, and have fun on a solid team that allows me to do all of those at the same time.

UGC Experience
S24 - Steel Highlander - Demo +Playoffs
S25 - Steel Highlander - Flex Sub (From Kenya) +Playoffs
Some 6's teams that broke up

RGL Experience
S1 - Open Highlander - Scout +Playoffs
S2 - IM Highlander - Scout
EXP HL 1 - Open Highlander - Scout +3rd Place
One Day Cup 4 - Div 4 Prolander - Scout +2nd Place

Not going to post my steam here because I'll probably decline any friend requests because of all the scam bots, just hit me up on discord (peaches#5378) and I can send a link there.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 lfp scout, soldier, med, open in Recruitment (looking for players)

If you still need a scout I'd be open to trying out.

posted about 5 years ago