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SteamID64 76561198001483476
SteamID3 [U:1:41217748]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:20608874
Country United States
Signed Up January 2, 2013
Last Posted December 15, 2019 at 12:26 PM
Posts 68 (0 per day)
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#3 looking for a crosshair in Q/A Help

im hoping my second post on will fair better :) :) thanks for derailing my thread u argentinian boy lover

posted about 11 years ago
#1 looking for a crosshair in Q/A Help

its a black circle with a white interior. impossible to lose it on your screen. can some1 please point me to it? much appreciated :) :) :)

posted about 11 years ago
#1 How does it make you feel when you hit a direct? in TF2 General Discussion

Feels kind of like sex for me

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Look Looking for a Med Medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

hi im on a team called beta virginas? (forogt the team name) im the pocket and need heals for my open crevices. We are playing in cevo and platinum and if we mesh like glue on paper we're gonna go all the way to open and who knows... Beyond! If you are a pub star med or play invite looking to take a break from the scene we need you to use your powers to heal our team (mostly me). We scrim at 9:30 P.M. besides when we try to escape our basements on the weekends, but don't fret we will be back sundays! If you are down for wheeling and dealing and going hard in the paint you know what to do. Hey i just met you and this is crazy , but here is my steam url so friend me maybe?

edited "w/e" out, because we are serious

posted about 11 years ago
#5 CEVO Team looking for Med + Pocket or Demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

we need a medic that distributes heals evenly to the pocket and no one else on the team

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Pocket Looking For Open Team in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm looking for a high open team to play pocket/roamer for.

posted about 11 years ago
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