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Signed Up June 17, 2016
Last Posted July 16, 2024 at 4:32 PM
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#20 Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion

Can I pay for a spectator pass at the door? Not sure if I'll be able to go or not, but I'm local to Philly. And if I do, is there any problems if I take photos? I want to mess with the camera I got recently.

posted 5 months ago
#28 biggest org to ever sponsor a tf2 team in Esports

Does Team Immunity count?

posted about 7 years ago
#8 PHILADELPHIA in Off Topic

Send me some galbi and rice

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Newbie Mixes and the future in TF2 General Discussion

I remember my first and currently only Newbies Mix (9:00PM EST sucks for me and I actually had to leave in the middle of that game because I thought I had time).

Anyways, as a newbie to competitive TF2 and the game in general, it was really welcoming to have a place where I could just play competitive TF2 and go against other people like me. And before playing, I though it was just a place to play comp TF2, and wouldn't take that long due to 30 minute games.I underestimated the time I I had though, but the time I though I wouldn't have needed were for good reasons.

Mentoring. The coaches helped explain and give advice on things related to 6's while you're waiting for everyone else to get onto the server and get ready. I'm really hoping someone can continue this amazing group.

EDIT: Some spelling

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Anyone here play tabletop games? in Other Games

Never have the people to play anything, but played Risk with my cousins. A big fan of deception games like Mafia though. Play a shit ton of Town of Salem, but I really want Secret Hitler. Oh, and Cards Against Humanity.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 TF2 Ramp Sliding in Mentoring

When I see people do their rollouts to mid, you will most likely see a demoman sliding up a ramp like on Process (i.e. from spawn to the first rollout ramp and then to mid). How does one get the enough acceleration to slide up the ramp and what keys would they press?

The example you probably already know what I'm talking about

Oh, and am I suppose to do anything different when placing a sticky on a wall? Because I can never sticky jump properly when off of a wall.

Thanks for helping a noob!

posted about 8 years ago