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Last Posted January 20, 2020 at 12:19 PM
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#57 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Dowanderlustninjaxaratinga Also, it should be noted Brazil is not the only country in South America with stupid assholes. Recently, a lot of players from Argentina and even Chile have started acting like they live in some sort of white supremacist european utopia, resulting in actions as deplorable as pepito's.
As a (somewhat authorized?) voice of sa tf2 I'd like to talk about something that people are overlooking here. Everything in that post (or at least pepito's part) is 100% true, now they're only showing you one side of the coin.
I'm just playing devil's advocate here, while these things are indeed true and it's good to see them come out to light I think it's best to show both sides to make you realize no one's good at all here and everyone does the same fucked up shit besides special actions like ddosing.
While we're at it you should tell everyone here you got banned for making fun of someone's dead friend in a grand final match, and even thought what you said was justified because the other guy tried to bm you. It's okay though, not like no one here doesn't already know you're a retard that lives off doxxing and harassing other people whenever you get the chance to.

I'm honestly sorry I have to call out other people on this but I don't think it's fair for the people these guys have harassed to have the rest of tftv see them as what they're not. South american tf2 is fucked up everywhere and sadly I don't think there's anything that can be done to turn it back.

Before playing devil's advocate try to remember that this isn't showing one side of the coin, it's just exposing a guy, if you and others want to expose people from the argentinian community, do it. But I am not involved in any league, I didn't write the doc, I didn't involve myself in any of this, so your claims that I did the same are out of line. Nobody that worked in this post did anything to legit's tf wiki. Your claims are out of line and have nothing to do with anything that is being discussed, you are just throwing accusations around that have nothing to do with what is being discussed, so before you do anything, just think a bit and then comment. Nobody that worked on this has anything to do with what you exposed and I, as one of the people that did this, have no power whatsoever in any league or anything related to TF2 in South America.

And by the way, don't go around calling yourself a voice from the south american community if you don't involve yourself in it because you think that you yourself are too high up there to participate in it, shut your mouth before you try to sound all condescending and mature about this subject. You are no part of the community, you play in North America, you don't engage in pugs, you don't talk to anyone outside your inner circle of friends, you just come around whenever something important happens and wave around your "I AM THE VOICE OF TF2" claims when you clearly have nothing to do with anyone related to this post or this community. Evaluate yourself and who you are before you try to be the devil's advocate and a voice of reason, you are nothing like that.

he's one of the most recognized players of SA out there (the second, only behind powah IMO), that's why he can be "our voice". You're just a big baratão who thinks (inside your in your Pyroland alike nazipard brain) that you're an Invite level player like him.


posted about 5 years ago