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Last Posted December 9, 2015 at 3:55 PM
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#970 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Thanks setsul and lias for the advice I'll keep them in mind

Would it be more beneficial to have a better CPU or GPU in case I want to get into newer games/ future releases. I'm thinking GPU which is why I had the 4GB VRAM. I'm thinking about cutting the SSD for it because I don't really mind slower start up and loading times. (I should probably mention that I don't really mind playing on low ish settings i'm not looking for like super high settings in new games and stuff)

Again, thanks for any help

posted about 9 years ago
#966 PC Build Thread in Hardware

I'm mostly using it to play tf2/csgo,but I might branch into other games later
was wondering if that'd be decent enough to get like 150+ fps on like 1920x1080
also would I need a cooler or anything like that (not planning to oc)
pretty new to this so any help at all would be much appreciated
thanks :)
oh yeah budget is around $700

posted about 9 years ago
#80 ESEA S20 Playoffs UB Finals: Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches

shrugger played great

posted about 9 years ago