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SteamID64 76561198043878740
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:41806506
Country Canada
Signed Up September 7, 2016
Last Posted August 21, 2024 at 9:52 AM
Posts 863 (0.3 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3
Windows Sensitivity default
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse zowie divina s1
Keyboard Varmilo VA87M Sakura Pink (Reds)
Mousepad Cmhoo XXL
Headphones Corsair hs50
Monitor benQ XL2411P
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 58
#4 phantom lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 6 months ago
#1241 Vent your anger in Off Topic

I use this which is android only I think but it basically just mimics the old discord ui before they changed it for whatever reason

posted 9 months ago
#165 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

thank you for your hard work on the update. my only suggestion would be that the chat is open by default like it was on pugchamp, I think right now in its minimized form it gets ignored by most people

posted 9 months ago
#5 Total ammo count doesn't show depending on weapon in Q/A Help

yep reinstalling my vtf crosshairs fixed it, thank u divine and raven

posted 10 months ago
#31 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion

If the pug has Della, I'm not your fella.

posted 10 months ago
#1 Total ammo count doesn't show depending on weapon in Q/A Help

I don't think this is hud related cause it doesn't matter what hud I use it's always present. You can see on medic it will show I have 1 arrow loaded but not the total arrows in stock, same with soldier; 4 in the clip but not the 20 in total. On scout with the scattergun it appears normal but with the pistol it's broken.

posted 10 months ago
#1 phantom lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

LFT invite medic for season 16
please add me on steam or discord username yomsa

s6 rgl 5th place invite jug dealers
s8 rgl 6th place invite jug dealers

posted 10 months ago
#6963 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

thank u so much for your help I got it working :D

posted 10 months ago
#6961 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
DivineATTargetDataLabel and change the font. U can mess around with the x,y positions if it clips through the names and make sure u also change the tall value.
If that doesn't help u gotta go in scripts\hudlayout.res and change CMainTargetID, CSpectatorTargetID, and CSecondaryTargetID's tall values and possibly their positions as well depending on the hud.

hi thank you, do you also know what i would need to change to get rid of these invisible boxes near the ubercharge label on the bottom cutting off the ammo and near the crosshair?

posted 10 months ago
#6958 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I'm trying to change my hud to do what phorofor mentioned in this post from a while ago:

can someone tell me what specifically in target id am I supposed to change?

this is for the solemn vow so i can see what uber the other medic has easily

posted 10 months ago
#70 2022-2023 NBA Season in Off Topic

forever 2nd round

posted about a year ago
#64 2022-2023 NBA Season in Off Topic


posted about a year ago
#63 2022-2023 NBA Season in Off Topic

fuck the warriors light the beam

posted about a year ago
#3903 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Alright based on your advice I think the best course of action is to keep everything and just replace the cpu mobo and ram. Probably going to go with the i3 13100, I don't think I really need what the 13600 would provide but I'll continue to think about it. Do you have any particular recommendations for the ram and mobo?

posted about a year ago
#3901 PC Build Thread in Hardware

What's your current build?
- i5 4690k, r9 390, 16gb ddr3 ram, Z97S SLI krait edition motherboard

Do you actually want to upgrade or is it just because you can't figure out what's wrong?
- I reinstalled windows after making this post (should have done that first tbh) and it helped the problem a bit, but it's still a thing so I think the pc is just old and could use an upgrade. If we can in fact do something for less than half my budget as you said then that makes the idea more appealing as well.

Do you want to reuse any hardware?
- If I can use something sure I suppose, I figure the only thing that could be salvaged is the graphics card though

Are you fine with GPU encoding? That should make things a lot easier for the CPU and by now it's comparable and sometimes better than CPU encoding.
- I don't really know the advantages and disadvantages of using it but if you think it would be best then sure

Is that information about CXBX doing better on intel recent?
- I know someone in our community runs the game on a ryzen 7 5800x and still has amd specific issues so it's a recent issue I believe

Are you going to overclock?
- Preferably not

posted about a year ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 58