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Signed Up February 22, 2013
Last Posted February 19, 2020 at 12:23 PM
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#4 Backcap #10 - Week of 17th to 23rd of January in Videos

Good stuff. Good good stuff. Production just keeps getting more and more polished, love it.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 [Stream] Phi in Requests

Hi! I made Sunshine. And Reckoner. I've recently started streaming mapping and tf2, various tests and pubs, possibly new map pugs. Bit of a nice unique blend of content. I don't currently have a setup that will allow for voice, so I just play music. Hopefully going to add voice on sometime.

Desired Sidebar Name: Phi
Country: USA
Twitch link:
I've played pugs and a tiny bit of ESEA Open, lobbies, etc... Plus I make comp maps, what's there not to like?

posted about 8 years ago
#33 ESEA S21 Map Vote in TF2 General Discussion

Remember: Sunshine has been updated to RC9, which is a drastic improvement upon the RC7 that ESEA played in S20. Among many layout changes is a large optimization pass. Try it out, see how it's improved.

Also: bug Killing, and make sure he knows the map's been updated. I would be terribly disappointed if Sunshine doesn't get updated to RC9 for S21.

posted about 8 years ago
#104 pizza tier list in Off Topic

top tier: local pizzerias not those weird chain restaurants

seriously though family owned pizzerias are the best thing in the world

posted about 8 years ago
#81 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Here's a well-deserved update to RECKONER.



Changelog (not exhaustive):

• Shortened by about 128u on each side (widthwise) and 600u on each end (lengthwise)
• Alt entrance from mid-lobby made smaller and changed slightly
• Height difference between high and low ground (point) shortened by about 96u
• Mid-lobby made smaller
• Added slight height positions for roamers jumping in through lower-connector

• Changed up lower grassy entrance from mid, now it splits into 2 entrances
• Added healthkit in lower grassy entrance
• Shifted entrance from lower lobby 45°
• Shortened the end closest to mid by 128u
• Moved point and hut over slightly
• Altered fencing
• Changed displacement work
• Moved around ammo kits near point
• Removed excess leftover clipping

• Shortened length of lobby by about 112u
• Added slight detail
• Streamlined far left entrance to last for easier area clearing

• Brightened point
• Removed area behind point to stand on


posted about 8 years ago
#47 Candidates for map replacement S21 in Map Discussion
Knuckles_talk to me when looking at mid stops dropping my fps by 200 minimum.

try out rc9, might not improve your FPS by 200 but I did a lot of optimization and hint work and i've only got good comments about fps improvement so far.

I do hope ESEA uses rc9 next season. I don't really have a direct link to someone like Tri so I can't exactly tell them to change the map - if anyone with that link could inform them of the update, that'd be great.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 New Map Saturday's hosted by Power Pugs in Map Discussion

Feel free to add cp_reckoner in too. It's being actively developed and it's got a lot of attention. a3 hopefully coming in January.

I definitely don't agree with the choice to run on Saturday. Please don't split the already small pool of players up even more.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 turntable advice? in Hardware
StevieMy father worked as the dj who switched old school records for the radio. Take it from me, NO MATTER WHAT, DO NOT damage the magnetic head/reader thingy whatever you do. He did once, and it took him 10 years to find someone who could repair the damn thing.

The cartridge/needle? Or the tonearm? Cartridges tend to be fairly easy to replace and on standard, more modern models, they're readily available (older ones, maybe not so much). Fixing them, yeah, that's another thing entirely. Best to get a good modern turntable with replaceable parts.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 turntable advice? in Hardware

Here's a very detailed guide to pretty much everything you'd need to know about setting up something like this. Pick and choose advice at will based on what you're in search of.

Oh, also, if you hadn't known of that site already its main message board is an incredible place to keep up-to-date with new releases and presses. I'm Deer on the forums if you need a familiar face to look for.

I'm a huge vinyl nerd and have a sizable collection so hit me up if you need direct advice about stuff that might not be on there.

posted about 8 years ago
#547 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

There's still a lot of time before the next ETF2L and ESEA seasons but I just wanted to gently remind people to give this version a few go-arounds and/or pugs before the pre-season rush starts. I'm not planning on releasing another major versioned update after this unless a certain specific thing happens; although there will always be future polish updates.

Remember, if you have any connections with league admins please let them know comfortably in advance that this is the most recent version. I have improved a lot of things (most notably framerate) and I'd be heavily disappointed to see the older versions still in use.

posted about 8 years ago
#545 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
itszedGreat job with the optimization. I'm getting 10+ more frames per second throughout the map.

The optimization was a couple weeks of constant work plus about two months on and off. The project is so old that it took a while to figure out how to optimize correctly - I'm very glad it's running better! The 1.5-hour compile time was well worth the result.

posted about 9 years ago
#542 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion


LEAGUE ADMINS: PLEASE USE THIS VERSION FOR NEXT SEASON(s)! If anyone has connections to any admins of any leagues, please contact them and let them know this is the newest version.

PLEASE contact me if there are any issues which need fixing! I can release a quick rc9a if need be.



• reduced file size drastically (repacking!)
• increased performance, optimization, and FPS across the map
• can't stand on wooden palette on last to see over boxes into lobby anymore
• clipping on structure behind last point refined
• aligned texture on metal beams above last
• changed all models/props_spytech/computer_wall03.mdl to *_wall04
• added one wooden palette to block slim sightline from last spawn
• moved medium ammo on low ground on last back to old spot
• refined displacements on mid
• removed two lights at flower in valley
• removed shadows on wood doors
• removed benches right outside of spawn
• clipped off a hiding spot in lobby
• extended high platform in valley towards mid slightly
• added box near high platform in valley to allow scouts to jump
• widened wooden ramp up to mid platform slightly
• expanded high ground next to lighthouse slightly
• filled in gap underneath wooden stairs next to mid forward spawn
• fixed a case where you could see the nodraw side of a brush
• extended the high ground near the staircase near choke on last by about 48 u
• fixed spectator cam on BLU last being linked to the RED last point instead of BLU
• added spectator cameras on second
• removed props in scaffolding under roof in lower lobby (above the healthkit used in rollout)
• removed tiled “brick” props on blu side near flowers and mid
• removed unnecessary brushwork on ceiling through cafe
• removed garbage props in cafe
• removed smaller arch doorway detail bits nearby pack on second and in flowers
• detailed the mid building some more – everything is blockbulleted and clipped, don't worry
• optimization pass, lots of hinting
• massive prop fade pass
• lighting changeups, less blinding whites now

posted about 9 years ago
#67 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Updated to A2A. Decided to fix the minor issues before changing it completely. Planning a massive size change for next version, but just wanted to see how it would play with slightly smaller points, and less height difference.



• lowered bridge on mid
• removed one crate on each side on mid
• blocked sightline across mid
• changed around building beside mid
• shortened the ends by a bit

• simplified area around hut

• simplified lower lobby entrance from second a bit: removed many pillars

• moved the last point forward a little
• lengthened last cap time from 2 to 3
• added small health-ammo pair in middle ground on left side for defenders

• changed clipping around metal railings to playerclip instead of blockbullet


posted about 9 years ago
#127 ESEA S20 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Team SoloUber in Matches


posted about 9 years ago
#49 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion
mustardoverlordneeds to be made a lot smaller with a lot less clutter

I'm not generally as paranoid of sniper sight lines as others, so that's not why I bring it up

but maps being too large with too many entrances is the biggest problem with almost every custom map, there's a reason why maps like gullywash and snakewater are a lot more universally beloved than the newer custom maps

EDIT: I should add, this map being still in alpha gives you an opportunity to avoid the biggest mistake you made on sunshine and cut out on the unnecessary areas, props, and giant distances before the map is too far along in development, please take advantage of that

definitely going to do all of this. planning the a2 update will take a little time but i'm going to do things such as:
- making height variation on mid (crates, bridge) smaller
- raising low ground under mid (point) up a little
- foreshortening grassy area w/rock and making that area come out closer to the main point, cutting out that high spot you can stand on looking over lower
- reworking the house area with the health pack leading from far-second to mid into a better connector, moving health pack closer to mid
- getting rid of all the clutter including the circular hut on that side of second
- getting rid of all those pillars cluttering up lower
- removing upper entrance from the short L choke from mid to second, so there will only be the bottom entrance
- moving the sides of last in a little
- nullifying the sightline reaching into lobby from left side of last
- moving the last cap forward
- lengthening last cap time

any comments and additions are more than welcome, I recognize I made a lot of mistakes with sunshine like mustard said, best to fix all of that NOW with this map rather than later.

posted about 9 years ago
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