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Signed Up February 22, 2013
Last Posted February 19, 2020 at 12:23 PM
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#5 cp_cargo in Map Discussion

Looks incredibly interesting. I'll have to take a run around it sometime and give my thoughts!

posted about 8 years ago
#148 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion


download b2a

quick update. no big changes yet - just wanted to fix some bugs

- fixed dynamic player shadows showing through certain walls
- fixed weapon models showing through certain walls

posted about 8 years ago
#559 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

God bless you Sideshow. Just watched the whole thing and took tons of notes. You brought up SO many issues with the map that nobody has ever tangibly talked to me about before at this depth, and that I only vaguely knew existed (and really didn't have any tangible idea of how to fix until now).

If any players, especially other invite and prem players, want to comment on Sideshow's video - I'd be very glad if you could do it here! What you agree with, what you don't, etc.

I think I will have some "test" versions out sometime soon, just for people to play on and see how things work. Going to be a little while until I have made all the fixes, but I'll try to bring out a finished product (or at least test versions) during the etf2l/esea seasons.

posted about 8 years ago
#557 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Hi! Phi here. Been working diligently off of the feedback I have gathered so far.

If you're a prem player in ETF2L, I'd be glad if you could add me and send me your thoughts real quick on the following topics:
- pushing out of last into second
- pushing from second into mid

as these are, so far, the hardest things to address for me within the map. Been receiving a lot of contradictory feedback on these so I would like to widen the pool of data I have to work off of.

If you know a prem player in ETF2L that'd be ok with giving me a few sentences, preferably suggestions of what they'd change, that'd be great.

I have a test compile of rc10 with various changes I will hand out to all prem players who add me as well. Thanks for the support and feedback.

posted about 8 years ago
#142 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion
biskuitlots of textures are black on dx8


Are you referring to the black metal and concrete trims around the map? Compare your results with the colors you see in the screenshots - taken in normal dx settings - are those the only ones that are black? Those textures are recolored stock ones with the $color value, they may show up darker on dxlevel 81 than on default dxlevels. If there are any other textures that show up complete black, please let me know. I'll work on finding a $color value for the black trims that won't appear so dark in dxlevel 81.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Reckoner replaces Sunshine in ETF2L S24 map pool in TF2 General Discussion
yukiReckoner is p cool added bonus is I don't spike to like 80fps on mids. I've had to swap to 1280x960 to play sunshine, and now I'm just using it all the time >_<

tbh I don't really mind sunshine as a map it actually plays p well. I think it can be a little too hard to push with uber advantage against a heavy + engy on last and there's probably a little bit too much room to kite ubers around/behind the point

That is feedback that I am aware of but thankful someone actually put it into tangible words. I am actively working on making the map play better but with its recent departure from ETF2L and radio silence from Valve the next update will take some time.

I am taking it into my hands to make last pushes, and last holds, better for the attacking team. Most of what I could gather consists of the map having a last that is somewhat stalematey and hard to push. I am going to address that with the next update, planned to be out before next season's end so it can be considered for voting back in.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Reckoner replaces Sunshine in ETF2L S24 map pool in TF2 General Discussion

Please give feedback to Reckoner in its thread instead of doing whatever sort of shittalking people tend to like to do in casts, streams, etc. I've seen so much of that, it's nearly prevented me from watching streams of my own maps because I've heard casters just front-and-center say the map is shit. What do you think that makes people watching the stream think? What type of mob mentality do you think that creates? None of that can improve the map unless you actually leave feedback in its thread. I don't want the map being voted in just to get trash talked and voted out without any feedback.

Also, please leave feedback for Sunshine, too. People voted it out and I still don't have any new feedback (especially from euros) in its thread. I vaguely know what's wrong but nothing has been written down for me. I would really like to improve it to the point where it can be voted back in again.

I'm not done Sunshine's development, it's just slowed down a little while I wait for Valve to contact me on whether or not it's being considered for actually being included in official MM or not, and whether or not people are actually going to give me tangible feedback for it.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Wisdom Teeth removal in Off Topic
sopshow common is it to get them removed?

Plenty of people don't have them removed, but plenty of people do due to numerous health reasons. Impacted teeth, no space, infections, jaw pain, lots of things. Get an x-ray done by your dentist and they'll tell you if you need to have them removed or not.

Mine were impacted, shifting the teeth in my jaw, and were causing me pain.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Wisdom Teeth removal in Off Topic

Got mine out four months ago. Went under completely, woke up, went home - I wasn't delirious at all, I can fully remember everything that happened afterwards and I was completely under control. The pain was horrible the first two days, even with the painkiller, but it was manageable. Everything heals completely in a few weeks. DON'T CREATE SUCTION WITH YOUR MOUTH.

Follow the directions of your doctor to the T and you should be good. I had 0 complications and I did everything I was told for about a month.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 ETF2L announces Season 24 in News

it's too bad the only possibility for reckoner is voting out sunshine

this is probably completely bias talking but i'd really have liked to see other maps get the voting out treatment like granary or something. but. ignore me because i am the creator of sunshine/reckoner and my opinion doesn't mean nearly as much as people who play on them in the season.

best of luck to everyone, no matter the maps.

posted about 8 years ago
#138 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

Thank you Jarrett for the excellent feedback.

Reckoner is now on the workshop!

Rate and subscribe if you'd like to see this map potentially go places! Thanks for the support.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 TF2 for dreamhack austin? in LAN Discussion

Fastlane, Foundry, Freight, and Obscure in the map pool but no Sunshine? :(

What's wrong with Sunshine?

posted about 8 years ago
#134 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion


Download here!

• Changed shack on second to a mini greenhouse-storage shed, adds visibility and cohesive detailing
• Various small clipping fixes
• Rotated staircase in short connector from second to mid
• Various color changes to make areas more team-cohesive
• Increased time to cap on second from 6 to 7
• Reduced time to cap on mid from 11 to 9
• Reduced time to cap on last from 3 to 2.5
• Smoothed out/simplified some displacement ground around second
• Moved forward spawn on second away from the point
• Moved small health-ammo in upper lobby closer to upper exit door into second to better support teams holding offensively
• Moved medium health-ammo in main lobby back one room into lobby to support holding more, and make pushing out less of a commitment (since the room it had previously been in was very susceptible to spam if you wanted to grab the health when holding lobby)
• Moved small health-ammo in lower lobby back towards sign to create cohesion between them
• Widened and heightened choke doorway into second from lobby
• Lowered thick doorway into second from short connector to cut off abusable sightline
• Moved medium health-ammo in lower connectors from mid to second
• Flipped locations of medium health-ammo in high connector from mid to second
• Removed healthkit on crate on mid
• Clipped standable beam on second
• Fixed fence vis issue on second


posted about 8 years ago
#15 ESEA Season 22 announced in News

Expect a new version of Reckoner to come out before the Grand Finals of s21, with lots of good changes. It may or may not be ready for an ESEA launch, but that's up to the players and their feedback.

And the admins who may or may not add it in a map vote. We'll see.

posted about 8 years ago
#29 ESEA S21 Playoffs: RONIN vs. Street Hoops eSports in Matches

entertaining match, but when you goof off like that you're pretty much accepting you lost. ah well, at least they had fun with it I hope :p

posted about 8 years ago
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