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Last Posted February 21, 2023 at 12:16 PM
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#28 Need help documenting b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

i'm glad you decided to end up making the comp video after all! i have faith you'll do it justice given your passion for the game and your storytelling prowess ^^

Wild_Rumpuseither way though i think if a 6s video reached a casual audience in a big way and garnered a ton of buzz that would still be wasted if there isn't a clear and easy path to start playing. a lot of people know of and even regularly watch b4nny but have never played 6s just because it can be a confusing and intimidating thing to get into

this is unfortunately accurate. I had a lot of people approach me asking about how they can try out comp tf2 and both newbie mixes/pugs are pretty daunting unless you are really invested in learning the game.

i was the guy who made the last "best competitive game that no one plays competitively" vid btw! if you want someone to bounce ideas off of, feel free to hmu.

posted about 2 years ago
#16 SwiftyServers in TF2 General Discussion

set up a community server with swifty, which was not really what the system was built for and quite a lot of issues arose as a result.

but tragic gave me personal support every step of the way, and went the extra mile to try and find solutions for me. he's committed to the user experience and will no doubt become the most convenient option to set up a tf2 server in time. I was a little bit annoyed that so many issues arose in the early stages of the setup, but he put in so much effort to improve the service for me and others, and the final result is perfect. pricing is great too.

highly rec, especially if you need tf2 specific support!

posted about 2 years ago
#46 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects
lootWho were the two scouts?

scout 1 was a friend of mine who had like 600 hrs in tf2, scout 2 was cin

posted about 2 years ago
#36 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects
capnnofapni think this is my favorite tf2 documentary i've seen so far, mostly because it focused on why tf2 is fun and its not just an hour long thing about we dont get the support we deserve. My only critique is that I wish you went over what exactly the cool movement things are in tf2 like what a speedshot is and how airstrafing works

yeah i regret not talking more about how airstrafing works, i feel like that would've been an important foundation for ppl to work with.

i struggled a lot in the movement and strategy sections with how to demonstrate depth without it getting boring or overly explanatory for non-tf2 players, and settled on ideas that were more "show don't tell." but ur right, a section dissecting a speedshot or some other tech would've been so good and i wish i thought of it :((

but aside from that, i've been a spectator of the scene for so long and have been familiar with all these people/names in a sorta parasocial way, and it's so surreal to receive such heartfelt responses from you all. every comment i get from comp players puts a smile on my face

thank u for all the kind words, i'm glad i did a good enough job highlighting what makes this game so special

posted about 2 years ago
#30 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects
RendoasSad I didn't make the cut, but this is a really stellar video. Wonderfully researched and edited. Thanks for the quality content.

sry, you were in the original version but i had to cut out so much :(

aiera10k hours part moved me emotionally really liked everyone's words especially tasheem.

right? i was blown away listening to that the first time, he really put it all on the table

posted about 2 years ago
#23 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects
bawnercool video man, enjoyed watching itTKDonutsAwesome video!

Thanks for doing this. I hope lots of people see it and get to enjoy tf2 as much as I have!
coyo_geezergreat video <3

thank you <3

optimisticdude - tf2cc, hosts open-level pugs for NA (if i knew other public pug servers for open players, i'd post them here too), also hosts resources for new players

excellent video regardless :DDD

tyvm, I really had no clue where to direct people for NC/AM pugs haha.

posted about 2 years ago
#18 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects

yo it's done

thank you to everyone who submitted content for the outro! Sadly my first outro draft came out to be 15 minutes so I had to cut out a ton of good stuff to make it not drag on too long :c

if you have any suggestions for other things to put in the description (resources for new players) lmk

sry for the cringe clickbait, that's just how yt works haha

goes live in 2 hrs!!

posted about 2 years ago
#15 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects

heya, this project is almost complete! everything aside from the outro is content complete, most of what remains is just touch-up work and revision. it's clocking in at around 30 minutes.

here are some previews as to what the video will be like
section introducing tf2's skill ceiling/movement (audio WIP):

i would still love some more responses for the outro. there have been a few amazing ones so far, and my favorites have been the ones where people go into it without a plan, just rambling about whatever comes to mind in relation to the game or its community. If you're interested in being in the video or talking about the game, please record something for me ^^

if you are interested but don't really know what to talk about, hmu on discord at pinguefy#2481 and we can do an interview sorta style instead.

posted about 2 years ago
#14 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects
tommyprobably some good answers in this thread:

maybe but it needs to be in an audio format to go in the video

posted about 2 years ago
#12 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects
KamiHope I got my submission in in time, wasn't aware that you were planning on this being done so soon

yeah definitely, still plenty of time. thanks and nice to see u again c:

posted about 2 years ago
#9 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects
nykMay I ask for a few teasers as to what the video essay will look like? How long will it be? Will it be a narrative or more of an observation on what competitive tf2 looks like as a whole? Anything else that tftv would find super interesting? This sounds like it has some potential for sure

can't provide any video teasers yet (maybe soon), but most of the video will be talking about the depth of mechanics the game has, dipping into some competitive fundamentals, and a small section about b4nny and mix^ later. the target audience is ppl who don't even know that tf2 is played competitively, what makes it worth playing, or how high the skill ceiling is.

it'll be presented with my voiceover and visual aids, with this community section being a sort of emotional sendoff. i usually do shorter projects that are more likely to ride the algorithm, so it'll be pretty condensed compared to something like the Smash Brothers. maybe 20-30 minutes!

my two main inspirations for this video were the Smash Brothers documentary (showcased the depth and rich history of melee) and a more recent video called "This could have been the greatest eSport ever." the latter is about an obscure game called GunZ, and the video mostly talks about what makes the techskill difficult/interesting. makes me think I could use a similar format and title to trick people into watching a tf2 fragmovie lol

indecencyabout how long would you like audio submissions to be

as long as you want. i'll listen to them all and take out any parts i think flow well in the video!

segamwur vids are fire i bet this one will blow up

ty <3 i hope so, i'd love to get more ppl interested in this side of tf2.

punteroDid my collaboration on my part, hope to see the results soon!

it's rly good tysm. i'd like to get this video out asap so hopefully it shouldn't be more than a week or two before you do c:

posted about 2 years ago
#4 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects

I did ask b4nny, but I'm looking for a volume of responses too. The goal is to string a variety of testimonies together to showcase the passion for the game, which pretty much can only work if I get a dozen or so genuine responses.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects

edit: Video is out!

yo, I’m working on a video essay about competitive TF2 since it's in the public consciousness atm! I’m not rly a comp tf2 player but I’ve been hanging around the scene and its playerbase for a hot minute, and I think now is the perfect time to try and expose the game to a wider audience ^^

For the end of the video, I’d like to emulate this section from the Smash Brothers documentary:

Players answer these questions:
- What does the game mean to you?
- What makes this game special in your eyes?
- What impact did the game have on your life?
- What makes you keep playing this game? (if you do)

It’d be cool if you could start your clip with your alias and how many hours you’ve played TF2 for (ie. “hi, I go by pingu and I’ve played TF2 for 2,750 hours.”). I’d like to edit a handful of these lines together at the start of the section.

anything else you feel is relevant would be awesome! As of rn, the plan is to use some footage from LANs, frag clips from whoever is talking, or other random footage of tf2 players I’ll steal from youtube and put the voiceovers on top of it.

Please submit your responses to this google form:
You can attach audio only or use video if you feel like it.

spread the word if you can, it'd help a ton!

posted about 2 years ago
#26 Cocaine Diesel in Other Games

oh hey that's my video. obviously this game isn't going to be the AFPS savior, but it's satisfying to play and allows for a lot of creativity with movement

i'd love to run pugs with you guys tbh! if anyone's keen on playing some 3v3/4v4/whatever, here's a discord for it. hopefully we can get enough ppl to do some inhouse stuff c:

posted about 3 years ago