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Last Posted May 29, 2015 at 1:38 PM
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#1 June Best Coast Battle in Events

The Pro Battle League is hosting its third Best Coast Battle in June. iGames has come on board to sponsor the tournament. We are looking for sixteen teams to compete, eight from each coast, to Battle for the title of Best Coast.

More info and registration at

The Prize pool is $250. The game is Team Fortress 2, and the mode is Arena: Respawn.

Teams will be made up of five players from the East or West. If you are West of the Mississippi River you are eligible for a West team. If you are East of the Mississippi River you are eligible for a East team.

Teams must be registered for the tournament before June 10th. Teams are allowed two alternates he/she must be named at registration. Registration is free.

More info and registration at

posted about 9 years ago
#25 PDX vs SEA in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you for all of the input. We are reading through all of this and want to work with the community to grow the scene.

For now, we need some players in Seattle to put up a fight against a team from Portland. If you are interested in playing reach out to /id/PBLGizmo.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 LAN Vegas Nerd Years Eve in LAN Discussion

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors the price for tickets have been reduced to $30 for LANVegas14. We also have some options for people that are unable to attend the entire LAN, Competitive day passes and spectator passes can be purchased.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 PDX vs SEA in TF2 General Discussion

We are playing 5v5 Area:Respawn and GameCluks has the perfect number of computer available to us.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 PDX vs SEA in TF2 General Discussion

The Portland Burnsiders are coming up to Seattle the weekend of December 14th. They want to take on the best TF2 players that Seattle has to offer. We need a team of 5 to defend our home turf. The exact statement from Portland was, "Just Burnsiders vs whatever pigeons Seattle Strikeout fields." The battle will happen at noon on December 14th at GameClucks in Lynwood,WA. Glory and eXtine famous pasta will be up for grabs. Who is willing to carry the banner for Seattle and put Portland in their place?

posted about 10 years ago
#22 LAN Vegas Nerd Years Eve in LAN Discussion

I am not sure if you guys can handle the greatness that is team PBL. Kairos are Gizmo and going take home the $1200 for first place in the Ultiduo tournament. #SeattleIsTheBest #KairosIsAnOldGuy

posted about 10 years ago
#16 LAN Vegas Nerd Years Eve in LAN Discussion

Gizmo made the same promise the first time he went. Then he bought A Yard of booze slurpee. It was over.

lemon_pulpConsidering going to this since I've never been to Las Vegas. I promise I won't get white girl wasted... but it's New Years so, retract that promise.
posted about 10 years ago
#1186 GXL LAN Fall 2014 in News

The dedication and overwhelming passion for this community was by for the most eXciting thing to see at GXL.

The sponsors: They contributed travel expenses necessary to get players and staff to the event, provided prizes for the tournaments, and helped show that the TF2 community is alive.

The spectators: They showed up for the to meet their favorite players and watch their favorite teams compete.

The players: Tens of thousands of miles we traveled to play a game they love dearly and play it they did. The air shots were epic, the drops were gut wrenching, and the blocks were crazy!

The event organizers: These guys (were heading cats all weekend long) worked tirelessly to make sure all the matches happened even when all hope seemed lost.

The production team: eXtv CRUSHED the casting of all the events even when things didn't go as expected they powered through the rough patches and made it happen.

This past TF2 season is the dawn of the a new era for community. The persistence of everyone is the fuel that is growing the scene into something bigger than it ever has been.

Together we make TF2 great!

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Pro Battle League Best of the West 4v4 in TF2 General Discussion
EcksThe premier LAN events for TF2 don't even get good view numbers, the last thing TF2 needs right now is a new league making claims like having 100 players on salary. The only way TF2 will ever grow as an esport is if we get more viewers.

That is 100% correct. The only way we the franchises will be able to afford the players is if the viewership is there.

The top 100 players in eSports in 2013 made $21,100,000.00 total. Average $210,000 per person. Compared to the NFL's top five paid players who made $175,000,000.00 in 2013. Most gamers would take $210,000.00 and be very happy to play a game. The thing that separates the NFL from eSports is an organized league that controls brand value for viewers while at the same time protecting and organizing players. We know that eSports will be larger and more widely viewed than the NFL very soon.

We want to bring a great fan experience to as many people as possible, and we believe that TF2 is the best game for that. Until one day when something is built from the ground up with the end user being a spectator.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Pro Battle League Best of the West 4v4 in TF2 General Discussion

6v6 is the end goal for pro play once we have established teams and a larger player base. We chose 4v4 in hopes that it would make forming a team in the sub-pro leagues easier. Managing two additional players and the baggage that comes with can make or break a team before they have a chance to compete. While at the pro level you traditionally find a higher level of dedication and the extra players only expand the experience.

All that being said, if we find enough teams interested in competing in 6v6 we are open to changing some things around.

We are appreciate the feedback and questions.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Pro Battle League Best of the West 4v4 in TF2 General Discussion

Pro Battle League(PBL) is a start up that aims to change the norm of eSports. As a start up we are working with the limited resources we currently have. We have reached out to a few groups on the west coast that seem interested in playing in an organized league structure similar to that of a professional sport. The goal is to have PBL consist of 24+ teams across North America with 100+ pro players making a salary playing Team Fortress.

The article that Tommunist linked from in his post outlines from a business perspective why we chose to start on the west coast of the US. Once we are off the ground we have plans to expand rapidly.

We do want to have a local aspect of PBL that includes the communities around the 24+ hubs across North America. We understand that our success will be determined by a strong community. That is one of the reasons we chose TF2. The community behind this game is fantastic, dedicated, and they deserve a structure that rewards the top level of play.

If anyone has anymore thoughts or comments please let us know.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Pro Battle League Best of the West 4v4 in TF2 General Discussion

Pro Battle League
Stryker & Edge

Best of the West coast of the US.
Organizing a league of players in the US that want to be on a Pro teams.

posted about 10 years ago