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Signed Up September 4, 2016
Last Posted February 25, 2019 at 10:28 PM
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#1067 Vent your anger in Off Topic

After my personal experiences with ESEA-O, I can safely say that I'm done playing TF2 seriously, whether it be CompTF2 or in Casual mode. The game is just frustrating to handle, and now I only play it for just community servers. My team was for the most part "winless." I write this in quotation marks as we had forfeit wins due to dead teams. I was part of a Newbie Team Drive and our first coach just disappeared so we were left on our own, and it ended up poorly, I felt burnt out beyond recognition, and it was a terrible experience. Midway through the season we got a new coach and it worked out I guess, we won some rounds but that was it. After that I moved on to other games and that was all she wrote.

I dunno why I wasted 3100+ hours on this game.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 SOAP DM not working on map start in Q/A Help
wolsneyou can add the soap_on.cfg to execute on server.cfg which should do what you want.

Yeah, I noticed when I was looking about on the server's cfg folder is that in server.cfg, SOAP DM was already part of that file, but disabled. So, I just changed it to be enabled and now it's working.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 SOAP DM not working on map start in Q/A Help

So, I'm configuring a TF2 server I bought from TragicServers for my team, and I'm having issues with SOAP DM. The issue is that when the map starts, SOAP DM doesn't start immediately when the map is loaded, and only when the game ends does it start up again. I want SOAP to be on when the server starts. How should I go about fixing it?

Edit: It turns out that apparently, when looking at the rcon logs, it says that the map is not supported and MGEMod is disabled by SourceMod.

posted about 6 years ago