Hi all. A couple days ago, this TF2 twitch streams discussion thread was posted to talk about how to, among other things, increase viewership to TF2 streams. A couple posts, this one in particular, expressed interest in a button or website that would randomly load up a stream. So, I made a site for that.
The website is currently hosted at http://tftv-randomizer.herokuapp.com. I've made a TinyURL of the actual randomizing mechanism, http://tinyurl.com/tftv-rand. It's a pretty simple PHP site, it just pulls the streams from TFTV, randomly selects one, and redirects you. I've put the code up on Github at http://github.com/PsychicNoodles/tftv-stream-randomizer.
It pulls the currently live listed streams on TFTV using another project I made, an unofficial JSON API. You can find it at http://tftv-api.herokuapp.com (I really like Heroku), the homepage redirects to a Github page with information on usage. I originally made it with the intention of making a mobile or desktop app, but I've kinda halted on that for the time being as I'm more of a developer than a designer. Fortunately, it's found some use here.
Feel free to do whatever you want with the code, it's GPL licensed but I can't imagine anyone wanting to privatize it.
Please post any ideas, concerns, etc. here. Again, the website design's pretty bad compared to TFTV, but hopefully your eyes don't bleed too badly and it functionally works. Apologies in advance if I take a while to respond, I'm currently in school so I can only check during free periods.