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Signed Up December 17, 2013
Last Posted January 9, 2014 at 11:10 PM
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#77 What do we need to do to make TF2 E-Sports bigger? in Esports
tranchemusicPurplDranklol wow. Too complex? The game is free bro. All someone has to do is download it. Then play some pubs for a couple weeks understand the 9 classes in pubs or just practice the 6 classes in pubs. not that hard, i play tf2center only after 50 hours of tf2.
So what you are saying is that tf2center is even more kindergarten than tf2lobby?

.........sure??? All i know its a good way to practice competitive.

BolshevikPurplDranknot that hard, i play tf2center only after 50 hours of tf2.and now you have 51 hours in game, does that mean you have great comprehension of the game mechanics? probably not.

Does it matter if someone like me does or not? tf2 is free. anyone from pub or someone who watched a shit ton of comp 6's on youtube like myself can easily go on tf2 center or tf2 lobby. You guys want more people. The game is free. TF2center and tf2lobby do not require any sort of pay. Im here, im new. Yes i do have only 50 some hours in. Who gives a shit, people got to start somewhere. I may not be very good. However I do have a good understanding of the class roles, how they work, and how to use them in certain situations. I understand 6's and highlander.

Tommunistyou literally signed up to this forum after the last post was made aaaaa

Crocky mate.

posted about 11 years ago
#69 What do we need to do to make TF2 E-Sports bigger? in Esports
skeejAll of these arguments have been put forth 10000s of times already.

Even if you manage to shrink the gap between pub and comp play, TF2 is still too complex to spectate.

It works OK for experienced players, because they use their own frame of reference to figure out what the hell is going on when watching a stream, but for people who are barely experienced with TF2 or are pub regulars, it's really hard to appreciate the game other than "wow that was a nice headshot, woooh double airshot, etc". Inexperienced spectators can only appreciate individual frags, which, when taken out of context, can't be differentiated from any big pub play moment. Comp play becomes entirely meaningless and hard to "care" about by non comp or non high-level players, which is what you want to build an audience.

lol wow. Too complex? The game is free bro. All someone has to do is download it. Then play some pubs for a couple weeks understand the 9 classes in pubs or just practice the 6 classes in pubs. not that hard, i play tf2center only after 50 hours of tf2.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Funniest 14 minutes ever! in Off Topic
RadmanRickhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvyBX3dfUocWatch out, TF2.

Lol wtf is this?

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Funniest 14 minutes ever! in Off Topic
thrasheri watched all 14 minutes of that without laughing or even cracking a smile.

Good for you? lol. I don't know if you want attention or are on your period?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Funniest 14 minutes ever! in Off Topic
zephyrFunniest 14 minutes but you skip 5 minutes into it??

Or you can watch the whole thing, not like you have anything important to do. You are on teamfortres.tv lol

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Funniest 14 minutes ever! in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#6 new build question in Hardware
TwilitlordPurplDrankMeh prodigy i dont really like, im looking for something thats more fluid looking.Looks won't matter when your GPU melts

lol then recommened a mid atx tower thats not jinky looking like mine.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 new build question in Hardware
CopperSideThe only thing you need to change is the motherboard. You need to get a mini ITX socket 1155 motherboard. Everything else should fit, although you won't be able to install your optical drive - you would have to get an external USB one.

However I'd recommend looking at some other ITX cases. It would be best to get something with ventilation on the side for your video card. The Phenom case has no ventilation where the video card sits, so it will get warmer and louder.

Since you're changing motherboards it would be best to reformat your drive and install the OS from a clean slate. So while you're at it, you can go ahead and pick up an SSD which will provide a substantial speed to boost to load times and system responsiveness. 120GB is the minimum size to get.

Im not so worried about my optical drive. As I barely buy boxed games anymore anways, the only boxed games i bought were bf3/bf4. What other mini itx cases would you recommend, Im looking for something that is fluid in design kind of like the phenom.

DavidTheWinA good option for another case to look at is the Bitfenix Prodigy as it has the airflow that CopperSide mentioned. Whilst slightly larger than the Phenom it is still very small and you can fit your optical drive as well. However, there is also a mini ATX version available meaning you wouldn't need to change any parts, although I'm not sure if you'd be able to fit the optical drive in as the case has a pretty weird layout. You'd also definitely need to watch some build videos of it to figure out how to put it together. I'd recommend spending the money saved from not buying a new motherboard on a 128gb SSD and having a fresh install (AFTER BACKING UP) because an SSD will really make a difference. There is an mATX version of the phenom available, however I'm not sure how the airflow is for that case, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't fit an optical drive in it.
Cheapest option I think is Bitfenix Prodigy/Phenom mATX (make sure you get the mATX not the mITX version) and an SSD, rather than the mITX version of either of those cases, with a new motherboard and potentially an SSD.

Meh prodigy i dont really like, im looking for something thats more fluid looking.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 new build question in Hardware

My current setup is well a bit large, i have a case that is medium sized and black. The preview of the steam machines and other small form factor pc's just as powerful has inspired me to do some shrinkage.

I want to convert to this case.

Here is the setup i came up with and built a year ago. The CPU is wrong I have an intel i5, everything else is identical. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/eufa

what will i need to change to make this conversion. what parts would you recommend for that change.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Steam machine in Hardware
rQwirespeaking of razer, this concept thing looks... amazing!


Is that a ladder?

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Steam machine in Hardware
Kanecorazer is probably gonna be announcing their steam machine later on as well... Excited to see whats coming

meh. razer is meh.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Steam machine in Hardware


....interesting stuff here. It is either upgrade my graphics card or get one of these things. lol.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion

This server is awesome!

posted about 11 years ago
#12 New to comp in Mentoring
omzturn around while you still have a chance

lol ok

posted about 11 years ago
#9 New to comp in Mentoring

Thanks guys i'll look into it. How do the newbie mixes play, i see a mumble server but what about a tf2 server?

posted about 11 years ago
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