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SteamID64 76561197995229636
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Signed Up January 3, 2016
Last Posted May 26, 2018 at 5:15 PM
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#13 BBALL REVIVAL TOURNAMENT -- 2v2, Individual Entry! in TF2 General Discussion

Starting now! Since there are some no-shows, there's some room if you want to play now, join the discord!

posted about 6 years ago
#12 BBALL REVIVAL TOURNAMENT -- 2v2, Individual Entry! in TF2 General Discussion

@_sock, I updated the original post.
We're going to do prizes for the best clips, one for airshot/frag and another for capture. Make sure to try and save the time of any interesting ones you get!

posted about 6 years ago
#2 EU BBALL SERVER in TF2 General Discussion

Cool. I think this is in the wrong forum though, you want requests. You might also want to check out my bball mod we've been using in NA.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 BBALL REVIVAL TOURNAMENT -- 2v2, Individual Entry! in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry EU dudes, I'm NA and running this for NA. You're welcome to play in this one if you can deal with the ping, I'll put the servers in NY probably if we get some EU signups. Some good news though, I talked to damon from and we have plans to run more stuff this summer, including EU.

posted about 6 years ago
#3 BBALL REVIVAL TOURNAMENT -- 2v2, Individual Entry! in TF2 General Discussion

@Vecc I might stream some of it myself, but I have no plans to cast it, If someone wants to volunteer to do that, contact me!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 BBALL REVIVAL TOURNAMENT -- 2v2, Individual Entry! in TF2 General Discussion

Hey everyone, trying to get the bball scene going again for the summer with a tournament, It's individual entry, so no need to worry about finding a partner, just sign up and play! Teams will be randomly created, and re-made after each game.

Winners play with winners, losers with losers, so even if you're not confident, you will get games closer to your skill level after a round or two of play!

- Saturday, May 26th
- 5PM Eastern / 2PM Pacific
- Servers will be in NA (Chicago/NY Probably)

- This tournament is an individual entry, 2v2 tournament.
- Due to the nature of this tournament's format, the number of players must be divisible by 4, any additional
signups will be placed onto a waitlist, to be added to the pool of players to replace any dropouts.
- If a player drops out mid tournament, the first member of the waitlist will replace that player, and assume their
current ranking

- All games will be played on ctf_ballin_skyfall
- All games will be to 10 captures or 10 minutes.

- There is a penalty for shotgun-jumping and goaltending on defense.
- If either action is taken, the score for the game will be adjusted, depending on the severity, for example, a winning score of 10-4 might be adjusted to 10-9. Since players are judged based on the how many baskets they let in, this will affect their rankings severely.
- Goaltending is when a player stands on the rim of their own hoop, while their opponents are attempting to cap.
- Shotgun-jumping, or the "jshotty" is when a player, on defense, jumps in the air and uses their shotgun to stop their opponent from capping. The conditions for it to count as a shotgun-jump are:
- The player must rocket jump into the air and shotgun the enemy players (Surfing does not count).
- The ball must be past mid court. (On the enemies side of the court does not count).

- Players will be randomly seeded into groups of 4, each group will play 3 games amongst themselves,
with each player playing with every other player in the group once. For example, with players A B C & D,
- Game 1: A + B vs C + D
- Game 2: A + C vs B + D
- Game 3: A + D vs B + C

- Final results will be submitted to logs and transferred to the google spreadsheet for updated stats.
- Scoring will be measured individually by how many captures your team gets. Lower is better, winning a game 10-0 is worth more than 10-9. Participants with the highest team captures will be paired together for the following grouping. There will be 3 rounds and team record will be re-evaluated and reorganized for each round. Top four players after the 3 rounds will determine the final four pairing.

- After each round, players will be re-sorted into new groups based on their previous results, winners will play with
other winners, losers with other losers.
- After 3 of rounds of play, the top 4 ranked players will be drafted into a final game, and will play another
round with each other, the results of these 3 games will determine the victor.

- 1st : 3 keys
- 2nd : 2 keys
- 3rd : 1 keys

- Best Capture: 2 keys
- Given to the player that gets the coolest capture, submit a demo of the capture with a tick/time to be eligible
- Best Kill: 2 keys
- Given to the player that gets the coolest kill/airshot, submit a demo of the capture with a tick/time to be eligible

- Post your steam profile link and display name in the #tournament-signups channel in the bball tf discord
- Tag me with @Pye#4786 when you do, so I can add you to my list of signups.

Tournament Day
- Be ready in the bball tf discord at 5PM EST.
- Player-Match assignments will be posted into the #tournament-results channel.
- After your 3 matches in your group have been completed, post all 3 links to the #tournament-results channel in the bball tf discord.
- New groups will be calculated after each round, with players sorted into groups with similar results (winners with winners, losers with losers).

Other Comments
- With 3 rounds, everyone will be getting at least 9 games of bball in, even if they lose a lot.
- The individual games are only to 10 caps or 10 mins, so each round should take less than 30 mins to actually complete. Double that number to be safe with scheduling and getting players in servers and we're looking at 60 minute rounds. So the tournament should run from ~5pm to ~9pm EST at the latest.
- Servers will be provided.
- I'll post a spreadsheet of current signups / initial matches closer to the date.
- On the day of the tournament, I'll be maintaining a public spreadsheet of the current standings, which will be used to sort players into groups after each round (eg, rank 1-4, 5-8, etc)

- Contact me on Discord via the bball tf server, @Pye#4786 if you have any questions.

If you're looking to play the game before that, my server at is up and running my KOTH BBALL mod, which automatically rotates players in and out of spectator, so you won't have to wait forever to play if it's full!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 [Server] NA bball server in Requests

Hey, I've been running this bball server for a while, I was recently told I should get it put up here.

Name: The Magical Realms of Tír na nÓg: Escape from Necron 7
Location: Montreal, Canada
Slots: 16

It runs my KOTH bball mod, and is probably the most active bball server right now.
Works like MGE, type !add to play.

Oh yeah Please to Be Enjoying Bball is dead, you can remove it from the list.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 Introducing KOTH BBALL - A new bball mod in TF2 General Discussion
AmarokI admire the effort really but why would anyone want to ever play bball in mge..

I agree, its pretty terrible. This mod doesn't affect how the game is played at all, its only manages team balance.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Introducing KOTH BBALL - A new bball mod in TF2 General Discussion
lethpeople playing bball on mge servers LOL

Wait is it called KOTH because winner stays on?

Yeah that's the idea, winner keeps playing. KOTH-style.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Introducing KOTH BBALL - A new bball mod in TF2 General Discussion

Added an EU server, probably won't keep it up forever, but you guys can try it there, link is in the first post.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Introducing KOTH BBALL - A new bball mod in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys, I just finished making a mod in order to speed up play for bball.

Essentially it works like this:
To join the game, type !add in chat, like mge. This will add you to a queue, and automatically assign you to a team when its your turn to play. To remove yourself from the queue or a game, just type !remove. The mod auto-balances teams to keep them even, and doesn't allow 2v1 situations. When a team wins the match, which is currently set to 10 caps, the losing team is sent to the end of the queue, and moved to spectator. The winning team is then split, and fresh players are brought in from the top of the queue.

IMO this makes for a much nicer bball experience, no more waiting around hoping people will let you play, or having to beg for a slot.

I have an NA server running the mod here or at:


EU server running the mod here or at:


Both EU and NA servers may not stay up forever, but will be up for at least the next month.

In addition, this Saturday from 8pm-12am EST - ool and I are running a bball event (NA Server) to get people used to the new mode. Prizes (keys) for the top 3 win streaks of the night. see the discord for more details.

Oh yeah, you can find more information about the mod, including the source code and the compiled plugin on my github.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 LFP Open in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 9 years ago
#1 LFP Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Unfortunately our demo's ISP is shit, can't play games with 600ping every night, so I'm looking for a demo at ~mid open level to replace him as he'll be moving to backup.

Looking for someone who can consistently play Tues/Wed/Thurs Nights EST, Sometimes Mondays.

Found someone thanks

posted about 9 years ago
#148 CONDITION: RED. SIGN UP FOR ESEA. NOW. in TF2 General Discussion

It's a bit late, but if anyone is trying to fill a spot last minute.

Alias: Pye
Steam URL:
Classes (in order): Roamer, Pocket
Current level: Open
Scrim schedule: Tues/Wed/Thurs ~8pm-12am EST, Sunday ~9:30pm-12am EST
Can I pay fees?: Yes
Comments: I used to play this game seriously back around 2008-2010, played in the first season of tf2 esea, CEVO before that. I've kept playing bball since then so my DM is still pretty good.

posted about 9 years ago