Alphaproticallseek help
armchair psychologist? our generation is getting fucked. 1980 a month on 12 a hour when 1000-1200 is taken out by rent, less if you're taking insurance, another 300 give or take by food, more for gas, money taken out for car insurance. hey guess what? get a fucking diploma and don't play tf2 if you want to ever move out of your mothers house buddy and I hope it's a good diploma for your sake or you won't ever be able to save money, you'll only be surviving and if anything happens you're moving back in with your parents or a friend, or you're homeless. like I've wanted nothing more than to do something fucking cool with my life cause my grandfather did something fucking cool. you guys want to shit on me but we're all in the same boat cause we're all the young generation even though I'm a bit older than you guys. I might be a bit crazy idgaf. fuck you for hating, we're literally getting fucked and you guys care about some fucking dude that is the only person who is literally making a living on this game, any only because he's a raging douchebag, how many fucking unique replies has this thread gotten