Hey all, Dave here, Chapter Admin for RGB LAN.
We've just been informed that we have far fewer rental machines available than we initially thought so there is only ONE LEFT that's available to be rented. If you need it, grab it now. I'm giving you guys first dibs because I know a lot of you need rentals. If no one claims it by tomorrow, I'll make an announcement in our Discord and then someone is bound to grab it. Be quick!
Sorry for the short notice on this, but my national org just found out about the shortage and informed me this afternoon.
If there's still a ton of you that need rentals, I will try to find another solution, but I'm not sure I'll be able to find anything on such short notice. Oh, and there's still plenty of monitors left, it's only the PCs that are in short supply.
Thanks all,
<3 Silva
edit: It's gone... Let me know if you still need a rental and I'll see what I can do.