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Last Posted August 16, 2024 at 2:13 PM
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#42 RGB LAN 7 in LAN Discussion

Hey all, Dave here, Chapter Admin for RGB LAN.

We've just been informed that we have far fewer rental machines available than we initially thought so there is only ONE LEFT that's available to be rented. If you need it, grab it now. I'm giving you guys first dibs because I know a lot of you need rentals. If no one claims it by tomorrow, I'll make an announcement in our Discord and then someone is bound to grab it. Be quick!

Sorry for the short notice on this, but my national org just found out about the shortage and informed me this afternoon.

If there's still a ton of you that need rentals, I will try to find another solution, but I'm not sure I'll be able to find anything on such short notice. Oh, and there's still plenty of monitors left, it's only the PCs that are in short supply.

Thanks all,
<3 Silva

edit: It's gone... Let me know if you still need a rental and I'll see what I can do.

posted 6 months ago
#59 RGB LAN 6 in LAN Discussion

MVP of the winning team gets one of these. Also, Jan 29th is the last day to order rentals. Get your tickets now! (Ticket Link)

posted about a year ago
#36 RGB LAN 6 in LAN Discussion
New seat selection is actually great and worked perfectly for my whole team. Great addition Silva.

Woohoo! I'm so happy it worked. I was really nervous about the new system.

posted about a year ago
#34 RGB LAN 6 in LAN Discussion

Tickets are live!

Remember, we have seat selection this year! Also, our Super Early Bird pricing only lasts until Dec 1st. So get your ticket NOW to lock in the exact seat you want at the lowest price!


posted about a year ago
#24 rgb 4 shoutouts thread in LAN Discussion

Shoutout to the entire TF2 community for continuing to attend and support RGB LAN. I cannot express enough how much I appreciate the enthusiasm and passion that you bring to our event. In many ways, RGB would not be where it is today without the continued support from all of you. I cannot wait to see you all at the next LAN.

And of course, shoutout to the fragile, console, and all of the RGB staff for their hard work and dedication. This LAN would 100% not be possible without them and I could not wish for a better team.


posted about 5 years ago
#51 RGB LAN 4 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion

A few people have been asking about PC rentals. Unfortunately the provider we used last time isn't available to help us for this event, so I'm working on finding someone else to rent from. The best price I've gotten so far is $120 per machine, which sucks, so I'm gonna keep looking. As soon as I find someone with better pricing and lock them in, I'll let you guys know!

posted about 5 years ago
#37 RGB LAN 4 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion

@Stochast1c As you can imagine, a partnership like this takes a long time to negotiate. I'll admit, things came together a little last-minute this time but hey, we're all volunteers and have busy schedules, I did my best :P I will have a discount code for all of you when tickets go live (it's gonna be small tho, maybe $5 or $10) If/when we partner with TMG again, we should know much earlier and you'll have a better chance at getting the close hotels. There are going to be some growing pains with this one but I personally think they're worth it!

And I know big conventions aren't for everyone. I still plan to host standalone RGB events in the future! I really love this community and I'm extremely thankful for the love you've show RGB LAN in the past. The last thing I want to do is alienate you guys.

posted about 5 years ago
#302 RGB LAN (GXL) in LAN Discussion

Hi everyone. I want to give a huge thank you to all the TF2 players that came out this weekend. I am consistently blown away by how far you all travel to come to our events and I'm incredibly happy that you thought it was worth the drive and can't wait for the next one. You guys have created an amazing community of gamers and it's my pleasure to host you for the weekend.

Huge shout-out to Nick (Fragile) for everything he does before and during the event. He works his ass off to make it the best possible experience for you guys on top of running most of the other tournaments at the event. He's an incredible admin and staff member and I don't think I could do the event without him.

We're still deciding if the next event will be in the Fall or next Spring, and we always take a look at new venues every year before we sign the next contract with the Expo Center. But no matter when or where, there WILL be another RGB LAN in the next year and I can't wait to see you all there!

PS - If you have a minute, please fill this out for us so we can make the next one even better! https://goo.gl/forms/2FZp4tmVSVRKhHej2

posted about 7 years ago
#51 FITES LAN 2017! in LAN Discussion
CoYoTeBeelthazusI was really bummed out that there wasn't going to be a GXL this year
http://www.teamfortress.tv/38629/rgb-lan-gxl xd

Director of RGB LAN here, just wanted to chime in. We really didn't want to be so close to FITES this year but we unfortunately had no choice with our venue. The last thing we want to do is pull players away from their event, hopefully everyone goes to both!

We <3 you FITES, I promise we'll coordinate better next time! (call me baby)

Good luck with your event!

posted about 8 years ago
#87 RGB LAN (GXL) in LAN Discussion


I accidentally closed it at midnight instead of noon...My bad. I'll leave it at $10 until midnight tonight.

Edit: Is $5 now.

posted about 8 years ago